Construction and constructive game for children of senior preschool age.

The main ways to implement the management of construction games for preschoolers

Construction games and their optimal organization are necessary for the development of preschoolers. They are focused on the educational development of children, on developing their constructive skills. The effect of their educational influence is directly related to the rational organization of leadership, the use of optimal techniques and methods of educational influence.

Figure 1. Construction games. Author24 – online document exchange for students

In order to teach children specific construction skills and abilities, to develop in their minds a certain concept of design work, it is necessary to regularly familiarize children with the methods of construction of various buildings, the characteristics of materials and their functional purpose. This leads to a gradual expansion of the child’s knowledge, which, in turn, makes construction games more meaningful, develops the ability to build more complex structures and improves construction techniques.

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Figure 2. Characteristics of construction games. Author24 – online document exchange for students

Construction game management is focused on solving the following educational tasks:

  • Formation and development in children of ideas about the importance of work, the need to develop labor skills, especially in the construction industry, focusing children’s attention on the organization of work of builders, instilling respect for this field of activity, the desire to preserve the original appearance of the building, the need to treat it with care and respect it ;
  • Familiarization with various construction methods. This allows you to develop the child’s creative and constructive abilities, activates his intellectual activity, develops thought processes;
  • Teaching hard work, respect for work, developing teamwork skills and methods of collective interaction.

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Observation 1

By supervising construction games, the teacher creates an optimal play space that allows organizing construction work, selecting the necessary material in sufficient quantity so that all children can participate in the game.

Providing the possibility of real observation of the construction of any object is important for the competent organization of management of the construction game process. To do this, the teacher can bring illustrations of the various stages of construction work, show films on construction topics, prepare a presentation, or organize an excursion to the construction site. This will enrich children's ideas of construction, which will have a beneficial effect on the development of the game plot.

In addition, familiarity with construction based on the use of special builders is of no small importance. Children know the design details of various shapes and modifications: cubes, bricks, plates, cylinders. The teacher, in turn, shows ways to connect them and design options. Having mastered the possibilities of working with the designer, the child begins to fantasize and develop new modifications.

Construction games are held in two main areas:

  1. Familiarization with constructive activities in specially organized classes.
  2. Demonstration of construction techniques and development of the basic skills necessary for successful construction are carried out in the independent play of children.

In special construction classes, children learn to build various structures and expand the construction theme. Construction begins with individual small parts and objects and gradually moves on to the construction of larger buildings and structures. In the process of learning to design, children develop the ability to plan their work, predicting the results, based on the materials used for design and methods for modifying them. This has a beneficial effect on the development of the child’s thought processes, the formation of his intellectual abilities, the development of creative abilities and creative talents.

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