50 questions for a three-year-old: what you can talk about with a small child

About food

Yes, speaking of food! All three-year-olds are gourmets! By this time they have decided on what they like and especially what they don’t like. Now is the time to ask them about their culinary preferences.

  1. What's your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? What about lunch? What about for dinner?
  2. What's your favorite snack? What kind of treats do you like?
  3. Do you like salty or sweet more?
  4. What would you like to try cooking with me?
  5. What food do you dislike the most?

Methodological techniques for organizing a conversation

The main technique in working with younger preschoolers is play. In addition, when conducting a conversation, the teacher uses:

  • explanations, riddles, poems, fairy tales to introduce the topic of conversation, as well as consolidate the material,
  • pictures to accompany conversations on any topic (conversations on the topic of CGN are illustrated with drawings with diagrams of performing certain actions, for example, the procedure for washing, dressing),
  • games (usually in this way the teacher combines a conversation - a verbal technique - with physical education, a game element of the lesson, or with a walk - part of the regime),
  • drawings, applications to consolidate acquired knowledge on the topic (for example, after the final conversation on the topic “Winter”, children make an application of the winter symbol - a snowman, using cotton pads and felt-tip pens to indicate the eyes, mouth and nose).

    Practical ways of interacting with children help kids better grasp the material of the conversation

About animals

When a child learns about animals, he not only learns what sounds they make and what they look like, but also gets acquainted with aspects of his native culture, because in children's books, animals are often the main characters who convey some idea and show how things work. the world around him. So animals are an inexhaustible topic of conversation.

  1. What's your favorite animal? Why?
  2. Where do ducks live?
  3. What does the pig say?
  4. What animals live on the farm? And in the forest?
  5. What animal would you like to become?

card index of conversations card index (junior group)


Topic: “Goodbye summer, hello kindergarten!” »

  1. "All about kindergarten"

Goal: Continue to familiarize children with the kindergarten, groups, and premises in the kindergarten building. Cultivate love for the farm, respect for its employees and their work. To form the concept “I am a child of a childcare center,” “schoolchildren is my home.”

  1. "Our favorite teacher"

Goal: To acquaint children with the social significance of the work of a teacher, his caring attitude towards children and work. Show that the products of the teacher’s work reflect his feelings, personal qualities, and interests.

  1. "Me and my friends"

Goal: To teach children to highlight the positive signs of friendship and the characteristics of friends.

  1. "Friends' Hobbies"

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about different types of activities and hobbies.

  1. “Our kindergarten is so good – you won’t find a better kindergarten”

Goal: To clarify children’s knowledge about childcare. Expand knowledge about people of different professions working in rural areas.

Topic: “Family is us! My city is also my family!” 2 – 3 week.

  1. "My family"

Goal: Introduce the concept of “family”. Give an initial idea of ​​family relationships. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards the closest people - family members.

  1. “Family is me!”

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of your first name, last name and age, and the name of your parents. Form a positive self-esteem, self-image (help each child as often as possible to make sure that he is good).

  1. "What is a street"

Goal: To form basic ideas about the street; pay attention to houses, sidewalks, roadways. Continue to fix the name of the street on which the village is located; the house in which the children live; explain how important it is to know your address.

  1. "What distinguishes a city from a village"

Goal: To form basic ideas about the differences between a city and a village. Instill love for your native land. Foster a sense of pride in your city.

  1. "My city"

Goal: Continue to reinforce the name of your hometown and introduce it to its sights.

  1. "Child and adults"

Goal: Deepen ideas about people: understand the differences between people by gender and age. Highlight some features of their appearance, clothing, shoes, and occupation. Recognize and name people of certain professions.

  1. "What do you know about yourself?"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of certain organs (ears - to hear, eyes - to see, etc.). Awareness of some of your skills (ability to draw, etc.)

  1. "Family"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about family members and immediate relatives. Understand that everyone in the family cares about each other: they help, give gifts, everyone keeps the house clean.

  1. “Good words heal, but bad words cripple”

Goal: To develop in children the need for a friendly attitude towards others, to cultivate in children a kind attitude towards loved ones, to be able to correct their mistakes by asking for permission.

  1. “Mom is the most precious person in the world”

Goal: Cultivating a feeling of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother; develop a desire to care for those closest to you

Topic: “There are many good and necessary professions!” Week 4.

  1. "Our hardworking janitor"

Purpose: To introduce children to the work activities of a janitor, to show the importance of work; cultivate a desire to maintain cleanliness and help adults.

  1. "Teacher's Assistant"

Purpose: To draw children's attention to the most typical labor operations and the result of the work of an assistant teacher. Cultivate respect for his work.

  1. "Visiting a laundry worker"

Goal: To develop the ability to understand the social significance of the laundress’s work, her caring attitude towards children. Emphasize that the result is achieved through a conscientious attitude to work. Cultivate a positive emotional attitude towards the laundress.

  1. "Wonderful doctor"

Goal: To form an understanding of the importance of the work of a doctor and a nurse, their business and personal qualities. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards them.

  1. "Visiting the music director"

Purpose: To introduce the business and personal qualities of a music director. Develop an emotional, friendly attitude towards him.


Topic: “World of Art” 1 week.

  1. "Child and book"

Goal: To cultivate a love for the book, a desire to meet with it again. Sympathize and empathize with the characters of the work. Experience the pleasure of encountering poetry.

  1. "Art"

Goal: To cultivate emotional and aesthetic feelings. Form figurative ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Develop artistic perception of works of art. Leading children to an understanding of the unity of content (what the work is about) and certain means of expression (like images) in different types of art.

  1. "Child and Music"

Goal: To develop children’s musical horizons by introducing them to musical works (folk, classical and modern) To develop an understanding of elementary genres of music.

  1. "We dance and sing"

Goal: To develop skills in all types of musical activities, to lead children to independently use learned musical works. Develop children's song and dance creativity.

  1. Getting to know the professions of an artist, painter, composer"

Goal: Introducing children to the perception of art, developing interest in it. Strengthen the ability to distinguish between genres and types of art: poetry, prose, riddles (literature), songs, dances, music, paintings (reproduction), sculpture (image), buildings and structures (architecture).

Topic: "Autumn" Harvesting. 2 – 3 – 4 weeks.

Gold autumn.

Autumn in the forest (trees, animals, birds.)

  1. “What has autumn brought us?”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of vegetables and fruits. To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​the benefits of natural vitamins.

  1. "Sky in Autumn"

Goal: To be able to notice autumn changes in the sky. Introduce children to the concept of “clouds” and “clouds”.

  1. "Water and Sediment"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Talk about the features of autumn rain.

  1. "Autumn is a good witch"

Goal: Develop creative imagination; introduce to beauty, art, creativity.

  1. "At the flower bed"

Goal: Getting to know autumn colors. Show the structure of the plant. Reinforce the concept of tall, low (flower), long, short (stem).

  1. "Leaf Fall"

Goal: Show children the variety of colors of golden autumn. Develop the ability to establish simple connections between living and inanimate phenomena. Conduct seasonal observations.

  1. "Flora world in autumn"

Goal: Expand the understanding of the diversity of the plant world. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance. To form a desire to reflect the beauty of nature in artistic and creative activities.

  1. "Birds in Autumn"

Purpose: To become familiar with the seasonal changes in the lives of animals in the autumn. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external features. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

  1. "Wind"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the wind. Teach rules of conduct in windy weather.

  1. “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Forming an idea of ​​forest plants: mushrooms and berries. Expand your understanding of the benefits of natural vitamins for humans and animals.

  1. "Getting to know ornamental birds"

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​ornamental birds. Show the features of keeping ornamental birds. Develop a desire to observe and care for living objects.

  1. "Talk about Pets"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Forming a desire to take care of pets.

  1. "Conversation about wild animals in the forest"

Purpose: To give children an idea of ​​the life of wild animals in autumn. Develop an interest in the natural environment. Foster a caring attitude towards animals.

  1. "Conversation about migratory birds"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in nature. Give an idea of ​​migratory birds. Learn to distinguish and name birds by external features. Create a desire to observe the behavior of birds.

  1. "Gloomy Autumn"

Goal: To introduce children to the most typical features of late autumn. Clarify the name and purpose of clothing items; specify the concepts: deep, shallow, sinking, floating.


Topic: “My Motherland” 1 – 2 weeks

  1. "My home, my city"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about home address, street. Get to know your hometown.

  1. "My native land"

Goal: To form initial ideas about the native land, its history and culture. Cultivate love for your native land.

  1. "Transport of my city"

Goal: Expand understanding of types of transport and their purpose. Develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

  1. "Watch out for the car"

Goal: Expand understanding of the rules of behavior in the city, basic traffic rules.

  1. "How to Avoid Trouble"

Goal: To introduce the rules of behavior with strangers. Form the foundations of the safety of your own life.

  1. "Holidays"

Purpose: To form an idea of ​​public holidays.

  1. "Celebrities"

Goal: To introduce some outstanding people who glorified Russia.

  1. “I love Russian birch”

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the Russian beauty - birch. Introduce children to beautiful poems about birch. Expand children's knowledge about the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

  1. "Acquaintance with the Russian folk doll"

Goal: To introduce Russian folk crafts and traditions. Arouse interest in Russian folk art and handicrafts.

  1. "My motherland"

Goal: To familiarize children with the image of the national flag, the state emblem of the Russian Federation, and the national anthem. Form an idea of ​​their origin.

Topic: “I will grow up healthy” 3 – 4 weeks

  1. "Journey to the Country of Nosaria"

Purpose: To introduce the anatomical and physiological structure of the nose: its location, structure, safety and care rules. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

  1. “Morning of joyful meetings with Doctor Aibolit.”

Goal: To develop cultural and hygienic skills. Developing practical skills and techniques aimed at maintaining and strengthening health.

  1. "I will grow up healthy."

Purpose: To introduce the concepts of “Proper nutrition”. Introduce a healthy lifestyle.

  1. “If you want to be healthy, toughen up”

Purpose: To introduce the concepts of “Hardening”. Expand children's understanding of a healthy lifestyle.

  1. "Our favorite doctor."

Goal: Expand the understanding of the medical profession (pediatrician, dentist, ophthalmologist)

  1. “Why does a person have two eyes?”

Goal: To form an idea about a person, about the functions and capabilities of parts of the human body, about ways to care for them.

  1. “Why do my teeth hurt?”

Goal: To develop cultural and hygienic skills, self-care skills. Expand your understanding of the dental profession.

  1. “Frequency is the key to health”

Goal: To foster a love of frequency in children.

  1. "Emergency phone numbers"

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the fire service, and the ambulance service.

  1. “How to stay healthy?”

Purpose: Provide basic information about medications and diseases, disease prevention, and the benefits of vitamins.

  1. “I will grow up healthy!”

Goal: To reinforce the concepts of “proper nutrition” and “daily routine”. Introduce a healthy lifestyle.

  1. "Microbes in human life"

Goal: To form children’s ideas about the dangers and benefits of microorganisms on human health. Teach the basics of a healthy lifestyle.


Topic: “Winter-winter” “Winter in nature” 1 – 2 weeks

  1. "Hooray! Winter!"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of winter phenomena in nature. Give basic concepts about the relationship between man and nature.

  1. "First snow"

Goal: To develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations and notice the beauty of winter nature.

  1. "Winter sport"

Purpose: To introduce winter sports.

  1. "Winter Injuries"

Goal: To form ideas about the safe behavior of people in winter.

  1. “Why did the Snow Maiden melt?”

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water, snow and ice.

  1. "How wild animals prepare for winter"

Goal: To introduce children to preparing wild animals for winter. Show children the adaptability of animals to seasonal changes in nature.

  1. "Wintering Birds"

Goal: To consolidate the concept of “wintering” birds. Give an idea of ​​the types of food of wintering birds. Develop a desire to take care of wintering birds.

  1. "Talk about Pets"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge of seasonal changes in nature. Expand your understanding of the life of pets in the winter season. Create a desire to care for pets.

  1. "Winter phenomena in nature"

Goal: Expand ideas about winter changes in nature. Activate vocabulary (blizzard, hoarfrost, frost).

  1. "Zimushka - winter"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the properties of snow and ice. Learn to admire the beauty of winter nature.

Topic: “New Year at the gates” 3 – 4 weeks

  1. “The New Year will bring joy to children”

Goal: Encourage the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday and give gifts. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

2. “New Year is at the gates!”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about New Year traditions. Awaken emotions and feelings in situations of magic, surprise, unexpectedness.

3. "Journey to New Year's Eve"

Purpose: To inform children that the countdown of each year begins on January 1. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the coming new year.

4. “We are friends of nature”

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the rules of behavior in nature. Teach caring and kind attitude towards nature and each other. To clarify children's knowledge about spruce as a symbol of the New Year in Russia.

5. “Who feels good in winter”

Goal: To engage children in casual conversation about winter fun and activities.

  1. "Patterns on glass"

Goal: Develop creativity and imagination.

  1. "How do people go to visit"

Goal: Reinforce the rules of polite behavior. Arouse interest in family traditions of New Year celebrations.

  1. "Forest Tale"

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about the forest and its inhabitants. To develop the ability to convey the content of a fairy tale in a drawing.

  1. “How the New Year is celebrated in other countries”

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about various ways of congratulations. Introduce the customs of New Year celebrations in other countries.

  1. “Soon, soon, New Year!”

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about the custom of decorating the Christmas tree with toys. Introduce the symbols of different years, the Chinese calendar.


Topic: "Winter - crystal" 1 - 2 weeks

  1. “How do you know winter?”

Purpose: To generalize children’s knowledge about typical winter phenomena. To develop aesthetic taste and the ability to admire nature.

  1. "Who's the boss in the forest"

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​a forester - a person who takes care of the forest and animals.

  1. "Zimushka - crystal"

Goal: Expand your understanding of winter. Develop the ability to conduct seasonal observations and notice the beauty of winter nature.

  1. "Winter Games"

Purpose: To introduce winter sports, winter fun, and entertainment.

  1. "Animals of the Arctic and Antarctic"

Goal: Expand ideas about places where it is always winter, about animals of the Arctic and Antarctic.

  1. “Watch out for the ice!”

Goal: To form ideas about safe behavior in winter.

  1. "A Flock of Bullfinches"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the diversity of birds. Learn to identify the characteristic features of the bullfinch.

  1. "Flora world in winter"

Goal: To learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

  1. "Phenomena of inanimate nature"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the properties of water. Show the simplest connections between phenomena in nature.

  1. “How we take care of animals and birds in winter”

Goal: Expand understanding of the life of animals and birds in the winter season. Create a desire to take care of them.

Topic: “Visiting a fairy tale” Week 4

  1. "Hello fairy tale"

Goal: To promote the correct perception of the content of the work, to develop the ability to empathize with the characters.

  1. "Our theater"

Goal: To introduce children to the world of theater. Involve creativity and play in situations.

  1. "Signs of Fairy Tales"

Goal: Expand ideas about the characteristic features of the fairy tale genre.

  1. “Which fairy-tale character do I resemble?”

Goal: To develop the ability to identify oneself with a favorite hero.

  1. "On a visit to the book"

Goal: To cultivate a love of books and develop literary speech. Cultivate a caring attitude towards books.


Topic: “Transport” Land, water, air. 1 – 2 week

  1. "Ground transport"

Goal: Expand your understanding of the types of ground transport and their purpose.

  1. "Water transport"

Goal: Expand understanding of the types of water transport and its purpose.

  1. "Air Transport"

Goal: Expand understanding of types of air transport and its purpose.

  1. "Pedestrian School"

Goal: Expand understanding of basic traffic rules.

  1. "Machines are helpers"

Goal: Expand your understanding of the types of special transport and their purpose.

  1. “All professions are important”

Goal: Expand ideas about transport-related professions.

  1. "Rules of conduct in public transport"

Goal: To develop skills of cultural behavior in public transport.

  1. "Road signs"

Goal: To familiarize children with basic traffic signs.

  1. “Why does a person need a car?”

Goal: To improve children's knowledge about the need for machines in human life.

  1. "The Path from Horse to Car"

Goal: Talk about the development of the car.

Topic: “Day of Defenders of the Fatherland.” 3 week

  1. "Our Army"

Goal: To expand knowledge about the difficult but honorable duty to defend the Motherland, to protect its peace and security.

  1. "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Goal: Continue to introduce “military” professions.

  1. "Military equipment"

Goal: Continue to introduce military equipment.

  1. "Future Defenders"

Goal: To foster patriotic feelings. To form in boys the desire to be strong, brave, to become defenders of the Motherland.

  1. "How our grandfathers fought"

Goal: To expand the understanding of how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers bravely fought and protected from enemies during the war years.

Topic: "International Women's Day." 4 week

  1. “Mom is the most precious person in the world”

Goal: To cultivate feelings of love and affection for the closest and dearest person - mother.

  1. “What does my mother do?”

Goal: To cultivate interest in various professions, paying special attention to the profession and place of work of the mother.

  1. "International Women's Day"

Goal: To expand knowledge about the history of the March 8 holiday.

  1. "Grandmothers and grandchildren"

Goal: To consolidate the idea of ​​family. Develop a conscious attitude towards showing love, respect, sympathy for a loved one, grandmother.

  1. “How to please teachers”

Goal: To cultivate respect for educators, to develop the need to please others with good deeds.


Topic: "International Women's Day." 1 Week

  1. “Congratulations to our mothers on the spring holiday”

Goal: Read poems about mother, grandmother and sister. Cultivate a sensitive attitude towards those closest to you.

  1. “Why do they give flowers?”

Goal: To foster the idea that flowers are a sign of love and attention.

  1. "Mom's Favorite Flowers"

Goal: Expand knowledge about flowers, cultivate love and sensitivity to mother.

  1. "My mom loves..."

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about their mothers' hobbies.

  1. “Why I love my mother and grandmother”

Goal: To develop the ability to answer questions in detail. Cultivate love and attention to loved ones.

Topic: “Folk culture and traditions.” 2-3 week

  1. “What are they like - the Russian people”

Goal: Expand the understanding of the customs of the Russian people.

  1. “How to celebrate Maslenitsa”

Purpose: To introduce the Maslenitsa holiday. Expand knowledge about folk traditions.

  1. "Folk toy"

Goal: Expand the understanding of folk toys. To develop the ability to express aesthetic feelings. Expand the understanding of the diversity of folk art.

  1. "Russian folk holidays"

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the folk traditions of the Russian people.

  1. "Russian folk tales"

Goal: To teach children to draw a moral conclusion from the content of fairy tales, to develop creative imagination.

  1. "Proverbs and sayings"

Goal: Getting to know proverbs and sayings. Introduce to Russian folk art.

  1. "Children's folklore"

Purpose: To introduce chants and song appeals to the forces of nature.

  1. "Counting books"

Purpose: To introduce and remember the rhymes.

  1. "Lullabies"

Purpose: To introduce a variety of lullabies. Remember lullabies with children.

  1. “Sentences are peace”

Purpose: To introduce a variety of sentences - peace orders. Learn several peace sentences with your children.

Topic: “Spring is coming! Spring is coming! » Spring in nature. Animals and birds in spring. 4 week

  1. "Spring is coming! Spring is dear!

Goal: Expand the idea of ​​spring. Develop the ability to establish spatial connections between living and inanimate phenomena.

  1. "Why did the snowman melt"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the properties of snow and ice. Learn to establish basic cause-and-effect relationships.

  1. "Journey of a Brook"

Goal: To clarify children’s understanding of the different states of water and natural water sources.

  1. "How we welcome spring"

Goal: Expand knowledge about seasonal types of work.

  1. "On a visit to the mistress of the meadow"

Goal: To foster a caring attitude towards nature. Expand your understanding of the rules of safe behavior in nature.


Topic: “Spring is coming! Spring is coming! » Spring in nature. Animals and birds in spring. 1 Week

  1. "Signs of Spring"

Goal: To generalize knowledge about spring changes in nature, in the life of birds and animals.

  1. "The Birds Have Arrived"

Goal: To expand knowledge about migratory birds.

  1. "Spring on the reservoirs"

Goal: To establish the rules of behavior in spring on reservoirs, to warn about possible dangers.

  1. "Enter the Forest with a Friend"

Goal: To form a positive attitude towards nature, to educate environmentalists.

  1. "International Earth Day"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of environmental holidays.

Topic: “Being friends with books” Week 2

  1. "Child and Book"

Goal: To cultivate a love for the book, a desire to meet with it again. Cultivate a caring attitude towards her.

  1. "We're friends with books"

Goal: Maintain and consolidate interest in fiction, expand vocabulary.

  1. “The book is a source of knowledge”

Goal: to create interest and need for reading (perception of books).

  1. “Hello fairy tale!”

Goal: To develop skills in dramatization and theatrical activities.

  1. "You and I are best friends with a book"

Goal: To maintain and strengthen interest in fiction. Create a need for daily reading.

Topic: “What is made of what and for what” Furniture, Dishes, Clothes Week 3

  1. "In the world of glass"

Purpose: To help identify the properties of glass. Cultivate a caring attitude towards things.

  1. "In the world of plastic"

Purpose: To introduce the properties and qualities of plastic objects.

  1. "Journey into the Past of Clothes"

Goal: To expand children’s understanding of the history of clothing.

  1. "Journey into the Chair's Past"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of household items.

  1. "In the World of Wood"

Goal: Identify the properties and qualities of wood. Learn to establish connections between the material and the way it is used.

Topic: “The magical power of theater” Week 4

  1. "The Magic Power of Theater"

Goal: To develop children's artistic abilities. Introduce children to the world of theater.

  1. "Theatrical professions"

Goal: To give children an idea of ​​professions related to the theater.

  1. "Jester Puppet Theater"

Goal: Expand knowledge about your hometown, cultivate interest in the theater.

  1. "What do we know about the theater"

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about various types of theater.

  1. "Theater Game"

Goal: Continue to develop interest in theatrical play. Encourage children to take on roles.


Topic: “Blossoming spring” 1 - 2 weeks

  1. "Our flowerbed"

Goal: To expand children’s knowledge about planting plants and the need to care for them.

  1. "Fruit trees in spring"

Goal: To clarify and expand ideas about fruit trees. Develop a positive attitude towards nature.

  1. "The Sun in the Life of Plants"

Goal: To form the concept that plants need the sun to live. To consolidate knowledge of the rules of behavior in nature.

  1. "Trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants"

Goal: Expand ideas about changes in the plant world in spring. Learn to distinguish trees and shrubs by appearance.

  1. "Wild and cultivated plants"

Goal: To clarify and expand ideas about wild and cultivated plants. Learn to distinguish by appearance.

  1. "Forest Hazards"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of poisonous plants. Learn to distinguish them by appearance.

  1. "Blossoming Spring"

Goal: To generate interest in the world of plants. Reinforce ideas about the habitat of plants.

  1. "The World of Houseplants"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of indoor plants: their benefits and structure. Learn to distinguish by appearance.

  1. "Garden"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of vegetable crops. Talk about a person’s work in growing vegetables and fruits.

  1. "When the lilac blooms"

Goal: To foster a love of nature. Create a desire to admire the beauty of spring.

Topic: “Insects” Week 3

  1. “The butterflies and beetles woke up”

Goal: To learn to distinguish insects by appearance and name them. Create a desire to watch insects.

  1. "On a visit to the mistress of the meadow"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of the diversity of insects. Reinforce knowledge about the structure of insects.

  1. "Dangerous insects"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of dangerous insects. Learn to distinguish them by appearance.

  1. "Our little friends"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of insects, their characteristics, and habitats. Form the foundations of environmental culture.

  1. "Insects of other countries"

Goal: To introduce the diversity of insects from other continents.

Topic: “Summer is coming!” 4 week

  1. "Summer is coming soon"

Goal: Expand children's understanding of summer and seasonal changes in nature.

  1. "Garden"

Goal: To form basic ideas about garden and vegetable plants. To form ideas about seasonal work in the garden and vegetable garden. Instill a love of work.

  1. "Flowers"

Goal: To create interest in plant life. Expand your understanding of the variety of colors.

  1. "The sun - friend or foe"

Goal: Expand understanding of the benefits and harms of the sun (heat and sunstroke). Form the foundations of your own life.

  1. "Summer"

Goal: To form a positive emotional attitude towards the beauty of summer nature.

About the world around us

Children often start talking random nonsense when you go somewhere, or ask a ton of questions when you are wildly late. Take the initiative into your own hands and start asking questions yourself - this will distract the child a little, and you will learn a lot of new things.

  1. What do you see around?
  2. Do you think it will rain today?
  3. Don't you think this cloud looks like you?
  4. What color are these birds? How do they sing?
  5. Are there a lot of people on the street today or not so many, what do you think?

About friends

Most likely, your child has already made his first friends from among his classmates in the kindergarten or playmates and playgrounds. Talk to him about them.

  1. Who is your best friend?
  2. Are you a good friend?
  3. Do you like to play with your friends in turns and not fight?
  4. What should friends do for each other?
  5. What's your favorite thing to do with friends?

PS Of course, this is only an approximate list of questions that you can change and transform according to your situation, feelings and taste. With this list we just wanted to show that there are quite a few topics that can be discussed even with a small child. We hope we've inspired you a little!

Why does a 3-4 year old child behave badly?

There can be many reasons for bad behavior. Child psychologists identify the main reasons that you should pay attention to.

  1. The child attracts the attention of adults. When parents are constantly busy and cannot devote time to the baby, he wants to attract attention by any means. Since a three-year-old does not yet know how to build a constructive dialogue, he begins to behave badly, be capricious, and cry. Let mom and dad scold me, but they’ll drop what they’re doing and take care of me.
  2. The baby is asserting itself. From about two years old, the baby begins to show independence. Surely moms and dads remember the endless repetition: “I myself,” “I myself.” Parents consider a three-year-old child to be small and try to take care of him in every possible way. And the three-year-old resists parental control, including through disobedience.
  3. The child takes revenge on his parents. Whims, hysterics, screams can be revenge for an insult caused by mom or dad. Parents may not even realize that they have hurt the baby. For example, my mother forced me to finish eating tasteless porridge, and my father took my tablet and forbade me from watching cartoons.
  4. Low self-esteem. If a child is disappointed in something, has lost faith in himself, he may behave aggressively and inappropriately.

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