Speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

Speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

Yulia Ageeva

Speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education

Speech development in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards

preschool education

preschool education system, which has been formed in Russia for many decades, is currently undergoing serious changes. Educational Standard for Preschool Education ( FSES DO ) has been developed and entered into force.

These changes were necessary due to the understanding of the importance of preschool education for the further successful development and education of each child, ensuring quality education for preschool children .
The changes affected not only educational activities , but also the professional competence of teachers, as well as the financing of the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education .

Educational activities are carried out in various types of activities and cover certain areas of children's development , which are called educational areas . The Federal State Educational Standard defines 5 educational areas :

1) social - communicative development - aimed at assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers, formation of independence;

2) cognitive development - involves the development of children’s interests , curiosity and cognitive motivation, the formation of cognitive actions, the development of imagination and creative activity;

3) speech development - includes the mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture, enrichment of the active vocabulary, development of coherent , grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech;

4) artistic - aesthetic development - involves the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art, the natural world, the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world;

5) physical development - includes the acquisition of experience in motor activity, the formation of healthy lifestyle .

Speech development still remains most relevant in preschool age .

The main goal of speech development is the development of free communication with adults and children, mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with others.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education, speech development includes the following components :

1) mastering speech as a means of communication and culture (this means that it is necessary to form the oral speech of children at such a level that they do not experience difficulties in establishing contacts with peers and adults, so that their speech is understandable to others);

2) enrichment of the active vocabulary (occurs at the expense of the preschooler’s and depends on the vocabulary of the teacher and parents; to expand the children’s vocabulary, favorable conditions are created with comprehensive thematic planning of work);

3) development of coherent , grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech (our coherent speech consists of two parts - dialogue and monologue. The building material for it is the dictionary and mastering the grammatical structure of speech, i.e. the ability to change words, combine them into sentences);

4) development of speech creativity (the work is not easy, it assumes that children independently compose the simplest short stories, take part in composing poetic phrases, come up with new moves in the plot of a fairy tale, etc. All this becomes possible if we create conditions for this) ;

5) acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature (the main problem is that the book has ceased to be a value in many families, children do not gain experience reading at home - listening, the book should become a companion for children);

6) the formation of sound analytical-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write (preparation for learning to read and write is the formation of skills in sound analysis and synthesis. The formation of correct pronunciation also depends on the child’s ability to analyze and synthesize speech sounds);

7) development of sound and intonation culture, phonemic hearing (the child learns the stress system, pronunciation of sounds, the ability to speak expressively, read poetry; the child learns to name words with a certain sound, determines the place of the sound in a word).

The development of a preschool child is most successfully carried out in an enriched developmental environment , which ensures the unity of social and natural means, a variety of activities and enrichment of children’s speech experience .

A developing environment is a natural setting, rationally organized, rich in a variety of sensory stimuli and play materials.

In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously involve all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activities.

The speech development environment , as part of the general one, is aimed at an effective educational impact, at the formation of an active cognitive attitude to the surrounding world and to the phenomena of the native language and speech. Therefore, the creation of a speech development environment is the most important direction for improving the quality of work on the development of speech in preschoolers .

The speech development environment is not only a subject environment; the role of an adult in organizing the influence of one’s own speech on the development of different aspects of a preschooler’s .

The speech environment created in a certain group is a factor either restraining or activating the process of a child’s speech development , therefore, when creating a developmental environment , it is important to take into account the level of speech development , interests, and abilities of children in this group. The main components of the speech development environment are the following:

- Speech by the teacher;

— Methods and techniques for guiding the development of various aspects of speech in preschoolers ;

— Special equipment for each age group.

One of the most important components is the teacher’s competent speech, since it is the teacher who lays the foundations for the culture of children’s speech, forms the foundations of children’s speech activity , and introduces them to the culture of oral expression. The speech of a preschool educational institution teacher has a teaching and educational orientation. The main thing is the quality of its language content, which ensures high results of work. The teacher’s speech must meet the following requirements:

1) CORRECTNESS – i.e. compliance with language norms . While listening to the teacher, children should not be distracted from the content or meaning of the speech due to incorrect pronunciation or a non-standardly constructed phrase.

2) ACCURACY - i.e. precise speech is speech that adequately reflects reality and unambiguously indicates in words what should be said.

3) LOGICALITY - i.e. the presence in the statement of 3 meaning-forming components : the beginning, the main part and the end of the statement. Also important is the teacher’s ability to correctly, competently, and logically connect all sentences and parts of a statement with each other.

4) PURITY - i.e. the absence in speech of elements alien to the literary language. The teacher’s language is also polluted by his unjustified use of borrowed words, dialectal, slang and slang expressions.

5) EXPRESSIVENESS is a feature of speech that captures attention and interest, creating an atmosphere of emotional empathy.

6) WEALTH - it is judged by the number of words and their semantic richness. This is lexical and semantic richness. But there is also a syntactic concept of richness: this is the speaker’s use of sentences: simple and complex, complete and incomplete, complex, complex, non-union, etc. The richness of speech is directly related to the level of general culture, erudition, and erudition.

7) APPROPRIATENESS - i.e. the use in speech of units that correspond to the situation and conditions of communication. Relevance requires flexibility of speech behavior : can he determine the correctness and appropriateness of words , forms and phrases, their semantic shades, and foresee the work of assimilating them in advance.

Methods and techniques for guiding the speech development of children , special equipment - their selection directly depends on the characteristics of the speech development of children of each age group.

Features of speech development of the first junior group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at developing speech as a means of communication (instructions, hints, samples , conjugate speech, etc.)


3. methods and techniques aimed at developing the ability to listen and hear (stories, reading)


4. independent examination of pictures, toys, books (for the development of initiative speech )

Features of speech development of the second younger group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at developing speech as a means of communication (instructions, hints, sample address , sample interaction through speech in different types of activities);

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing the ability to listen and hear (conversations, stories, reading)


4. organization of the “Corner of Interesting Things”

(stimulating independent examination of books, pictures, toys, objects for
the development of initiative speech , enrichment and clarification of children’s ideas about the environment).
Features of speech development of the middle group

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at developing speech as a means of communication (satisfying the need to receive and discuss information; developing communication skills with peers; familiarity with the formulas of speech etiquette );

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing the ability to listen and hear (listening to children; clarifying answers; hints; stories from the teacher - emphasis on stimulating cognitive interest);

4. organizing activities in the “Corner of Interesting Things”

(sets of pictures, photographs, postcards, magnifying glasses, magnets, etc. for
the development of explanatory speech ). organizing activities in the “Corner of Interesting Things”
(sets of pictures, photographs, postcards, magnifying glasses, magnets, etc. for
the development of explanatory speech ).
Features of speech development of senior and preparatory

to school groups

1. Competent speech of the teacher;

2. methods and techniques aimed at developing speech as a means of communication (familiarity with the formulas of speech etiquette , targeted formation of all groups of dialogical skills; skills to competently defend one’s point of view);

3. methods and techniques aimed at developing independent storytelling skills (encouraging children’s stories; transforming statements into coherent stories; recording and repeating stories; clarifications, generalizations);

4. organizing activities in the “Corner of Interesting Things”

(replenishment of the corner - emphasis on expanding children’s ideas about
the diversity of the world around them ; organization of perception followed by discussion);
5. creation of an individual “author’s speech space

every child.

With the following features of speech development in each age group:

1. Favorable conditions are created for the development of speech skills not only in specially organized training, but also in independent activities;

2. A high level of children's speech activity ;

3. Children master speech skills in a natural environment of live conversation.

Speech development in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education includes the development of speech and fiction.

The main areas of work on speech development are :

1. Vocabulary development : mastering the meanings of words and their appropriate use in accordance with the context of the utterance, with the situation in which communication takes place.

2. Education of sound culture of speech: development of perception of sounds of native speech and pronunciation.

3. Formation of grammatical structure.

4. Development of coherent speech (Dialogical (spoken)

speech Monologue speech

5. Formation of elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech: distinguishing between sound and word, finding the place of sound in a word. Fostering love and interest in the artistic word.

The construction of the educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The choice of forms of work is carried out by the teacher independently and depends on the number of students, the equipment and specifics of the preschool institution , cultural and regional characteristics, and the experience and creative approach of the teacher. The leading form of work on the development of children's speech is the educational situation .

Educational situations are used:

– in directly organized educational activities – in the process of organizing various types of children’s activities specified by the Federal State Educational Standard . They are aimed at developing children’s knowledge, ability to reason, draw conclusions, and develop skills in various types of activities (game, communicative, cognitive-research, perception of artistic literature and folklore, constructive, visual , musical, motor);

- during regime moments and are aimed at consolidating existing knowledge and skills, their application in new conditions, the child’s manifestation of activity, independence and creativity.

Let's look at examples of educational situations used for the speech development of preschool children .


O. M. Eltsova notes that a game-based learning situation (GTS) develop

. All qualities and knowledge are formed not by the ITS itself, but by one or another specific content that is specially introduced by the teacher.

1. Situations - illustrations. Suitable for younger preschool age . Simple scenes from the lives of children are played out. With the help of various gaming materials and teaching aids, the teacher demonstrates to children examples of socially acceptable behavior, and also activates their effective communication skills.

2. Situations - exercises. Used from the middle group. The child actively acts in them. Children train in performing individual game actions and linking them into a plot, learn to regulate relationships with peers within the framework of game interaction.

3. Situations - problems. Used from older ages. Participation in situations - problems contributes to children’s assimilation of the main directions of social relations, their “working out”

and modeling the strategy of one’s behavior in the human world. By actively participating, the child finds an outlet for his feelings and experiences, learns to recognize and accept them.

4. Situations - assessments. Used in the preparatory group. They involve analysis and justification of the decision made, its assessment by the children themselves. In this case, the gaming problem has already been solved, but the adult is required to help the child analyze and justify the decision and evaluate it.


A. G. Arushanova proposes scenarios of activating communication as a form of speech development for children - teaching playful (dialogical)

communication. This form includes conversations with children, didactic, active, folk games; staging, dramatization, examination of objects, etc.


A number of authors (L. S. Kiseleva, T. A. Danilina, T. S. Lagoda, M. B. Zuikova)

They consider project activities as a variant of an integrated method of teaching
preschoolers , as a way of organizing the pedagogical process, based on the interaction of teacher and student, step-by-step practical activities to achieve the goal. The implementation of the educational field
Speech development is possible through the project method.
Using project activities, children automatically master new concepts and ideas in various areas of life. The essence of the “project method”
education the educational process in such a way that children acquire knowledge and skills, experience in creative activity, and an emotional and value-based attitude to reality in the process of planning and performing gradually more complex practical tasks.
The main task is to help the child believe in himself, since children most fully and clearly perceive what was interesting, what they themselves found and proved. Design technology and the use of the project method in preschool educational institutions with integration in various educational fields is a unique means of ensuring cooperation, co-creation of children and adults, a way of implementing a person-centered approach to education .

Integrated learning gives children the opportunity to think, create, fantasize, compose, learn, develop communication skills, enrich their vocabulary and form grammatical structures of speech.


This form of speech development in preschoolers as a game encourages children to make contacts and is a motive for communicative activities. Bizikova O.A offers games with ready-made texts: mobile “King”

didactic “I was born a gardener”
, etc. (master
the variety of initiative and response remarks, become familiar with the implementation of the basic rules of dialogue); didactic games that involve dialogic interaction, but do not contain ready-made remarks: “Who will confuse whom”
“Alike - not alike”
“Help yourself to a pie”
, games with the phone
“Calling a doctor”
“Calling mom at work”
"Bureau of Good Offices"


Another example of the form of speech development of preschoolers is offered by the authors : Kuzevanova O.V., Koblova T.A.: literary and musical festivals, folklore fairs, dramatization games, different types of theaters, social events, speech newspapers , homemade books, problem situations, gatherings, interactive speech stands , event calendar, etc.

Pozdeeva S.I. o.

Thus , various forms of work are resourceful in terms of the development of preschoolers’ speech of children’s communicative competence, if: - children jointly solve an educational and gaming task that is interesting and significant for them, acting as assistants in relation to someone, - enrich, clarify and activate their vocabulary, performing speech and practical tasks - the teacher is not a tough leader, but an organizer of joint educational activities , who does not advertise his communicative superiority, but accompanies and helps the child become an active communicator.

Stages of speech development in children from birth to school

Language abilities are undoubtedly inherent in humans, but are not yet expressed in the newborn. Language acquisition adheres to some general, universal patterns. However, without an environment that provides language modeling and interaction, a child does not develop the ability for the language he or she is born with. Language development gives a start to a child's life, although expressive language will not emerge until a few months after birth. However, by the time a child reaches 5 years of age, his or her vocabulary will include several thousand words.

0-2 monthsNewborn babies just scream.
3-4 monthsA buzz appears.
From 6 monthsThe baby begins to babble, knows his name, and enjoys playing clap, magpie-crow, and horned goat with his mother.
1-1.5 yearsSays the first conscious words.
After 1 yearGradually, the vocabulary expands and pronunciation improves. Up to 3-4 years of age, mistakes are normal. Children may incorrectly generalize words, reduce them to a single stressed syllable, or rearrange syllables.
After 3 yearsSimple and complex sentences appear in the child's speech. At 3-4 years old you can have a dialogue with your child. Children at this time often speak hastily and excitedly.
5 yearsThe child's vocabulary expands significantly. He can retell, compose rhymes, pronounce words correctly.

The development of speech in preschool children should culminate in good mastery of their native language and sufficient vocabulary. Unfortunately, not all children master this. Therefore, educational standards for kindergartens and development centers place the main emphasis on speech formation.

The importance of children's language development

In young children, language development coincides with the development of thought. Cognitive skills are next to language skills, so a child who puts effort into language development will also be diligent in studying other academic subjects and areas of development.

Language is communication, both expressive and receptive. Expressive language is spoken or communicated using sign language. Receptive language is speech or information that is conveyed or understood.

The influence of speech on writing and reading

Language and literacy (writing and reading) develop together. Early language and literacy skills develop several years before a child starts school and needs social interaction and an environment that engages the child. Previously, experts believed that a child's development of language skills occurred at random, and then only literacy was acquired. However, we now accept that these skills are interrelated and that the child does not develop them in isolation from others.

The influence of speech on school success

The development of a child’s speech directly affects his success in school. This is one of the best ways to predict what he will do in school. When a child has outstanding language skills, it affects all other academic subjects. Essentially, reading has a lot to do with print, and a child is able to perceive these written symbols and attach meaning to them due to early language development.

The influence of speech on emotional development

Language development is also important in a child's ability to express and communicate emotions. It starts with the babbling and cooing of the baby and the bond that is built between the baby and his caregivers. Early speech consists more of cries expressing needs and gradually gives way to more verbalization. When a child's language development improves, there are usually fewer emotional outbursts and tantrums. A child who can express emotions through words will have an easier time coping with school and academic tasks and will be more successful in the school social environment.

What reasons influence the appearance of speech problems?

Psychologists say that preschool children entering school often have speech problems that prevent them from learning successfully. The most serious of them are:

  • monosyllabicity and inexpressiveness of speech constructed from elementary sentences;
  • stinginess of vocabulary;
  • the use of slang words and non-literary phrases;
  • inability to convey the content of the text in your own words;
  • slurred diction;
  • low literacy (incorrectly placed accents, errors in case endings, incorrectly chosen gender of nouns).

If a preschooler does not have a speech pathology, then the cause of such problems, according to experts, is the behavior of adults surrounding the child, who:

  • communicate little with the child, communication itself comes down only to meeting needs related to food, hygiene, and routine;
  • they introduce prohibitions: “don’t bother me, I’m busy,” “I don’t have time to play with you,” “mind your own business,” “don’t touch anything without me”;
  • in the family they speak in a raised tone, use slang;
  • do not attach importance to the fact that the child is constantly busy playing computer games;
  • they read little and do not discuss what they read with the child;
  • It is not customary to discuss family events at home;
  • a meager children's library;
  • the child lacks full communication with peers;
  • adults believe that attending a kindergarten or group is enough, but it is not necessary to conduct speech classes at home.

You can find many more reasons of this kind that inhibit the development of speech in a preschooler. Parents need to know about them, since they must understand that the speech of adults and the manner of communication in the family serve as a role model for children. It largely depends on them how their baby will talk.

Special games and exercises

The most effective means for developing speech in preschool children are games and exercises. Among their variety, parents can always choose those that will be most accessible to them, are easy to implement, and will attract the baby. Particular attention is paid to speech development games aimed at improving correct pronunciation, developing articulation, and enriching vocabulary.

What do teachers and psychologists offer?

  • Classic games “Guess and describe the object”, “Wonderful bag”, “Guess whose voice” are a good way to expand your vocabulary and construct sentences. They can be played with both small children and older children: you need to correctly name the object, give its characteristics (color, shape, purpose).
  • It is useful to play games with children to imitate animals, “Who is screaming,” “Who is walking in the meadow,” they will help with the correct pronunciation of sounds and expand their vocabulary.
  • With older children, you can do the “Find a Word” exercise to improve sound pronunciation. The adult slowly pronounces the words, and the child finds a word with a certain sound and claps his hands. For example, the sound d: “Children are walking in the park,” “The good wizard has arrived.”
  • Preschoolers will also enjoy the Confusion game. All the words in it are mixed up, they must be pronounced correctly: shinama (car), basoka (dog), kasum (bag). Parents can come up with many inverted words that will amuse children and help develop their pronunciation.
  • Great importance is attached to games aimed at enriching vocabulary. For this purpose, you can offer games such as “Come up with a word”: if only we found... (mushrooms) in the forest, su-su-su, we saw... (fox), ra-ra-ra, we saw ...(beaver). “I start, and you continue”: the adult begins the sentence, and the child finishes it: “It’s cold in winter, and in summer...”, “In summer, the leaves are green, and in autumn...”, “The bear sleeps in winter, and the hare...”.
  • In the game “How are they alike and not alike?” the preschooler is asked to make a comparison and description of two objects of the same type: two dolls, a bear, a car, a ball.
  • To develop grammatical structure, you can invite your child to play “Naughty Words.” An adult offers to come up with a short story with words that do not decline: cocoa, coat, domino, chimpanzee. For example, “We saw chimpanzees at the zoo. The chimpanzee deftly jumps along the branches. We gave bananas to the chimpanzees."
  • Word games with a ball are useful for enriching vocabulary, improving grammar, and developing articulation: the ball flies to the child with a certain word, and he returns it with a word that has the opposite meaning. For example, “Edible-inedible (an apple is eaten, but a stone is not)”, “It flies or does not fly (the plane flies, but the ship does not)”, “Say the opposite (good-evil, winter-summer, snow-rain)” .
  • For articulatory gymnastics, special exercises are used that strengthen correct breathing while pronouncing phrases. Parents should not perform complex exercises that only specialists can do. The simplest tasks will be enough. For example, the game exercise “Lengthen the phrase.” The adult constructs a sentence and suggests lengthening it by adding a new word: “Summer has come. Summer has come. Warm summer has arrived. A warm, cheerful summer has arrived.” The lengthening of the phrase continues until the child is out of breath. It is important to ensure that the entire phrase is pronounced in one exhalation.
  • In order to train breathing and clarity of speech, you can choose tongue twisters, pure tongue twisters, for example, classic ones:

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass, don’t cut wood on the grass in the yard.

Proper organization of the environment and selection of available tools will help parents achieve good results in the development of children's speech.

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