Educational field "Physical development" in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education"

Educational field "Physical development" in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education"

The recent standardization of educational systems around the world has also affected our country. In the Russian Federation, standardization of the education system is carried out in order to increase the accessibility and quality of education, as well as to develop and support talented children. Currently, federal state educational standards have been established for preschool education.

The standard is a guideline for independent assessment of the quality of preschool education (RF Law “On Education”, Article 95).

The content of the general education program should cover:

— communicative and personal development;

— cognitive and speech development;

— artistic and aesthetic development;

— physical development [FSES].

The Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education identifies a number of important principles that the preschool educational institution program must comply with. One of them is the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with their capabilities and specifics.

In the educational field “Physical Development” the main task is the harmonious development of physical and mental health among students.

A new problem arises for preschool educational institutions: it is important not just to conduct classes on health-saving technologies, but to create a unified process of interaction between teacher and students, where different educational areas are harmoniously intertwined. Ultimately, every child will receive ideas about human health as the main value that he needs for a full life [Journal “Modern Preschool Education”.

The implementation of the integration process, in our opinion, is impossible without the interaction of the teaching staff and parents of students. Therefore, in all preschool educational institutions, appropriate types of planning of the educational process should be developed that would help solve the problems of integrating educational areas [Somkova O.N.]. The tasks of educational areas must be solved in a variety of activities, while participants in the educational process must interact with each other.

In each of the educational areas, in different types of activities, the teacher can draw the attention of children to certain rules for maintaining health. In the course of direct educational activities, observation, research activities, and when reading fiction, a teacher can consider problems of human health culture and rules of safe behavior. All this has a great influence on the development of children's ideas about health.

In our opinion, project activities on the health and physical health of children should be introduced into the practice of kindergartens, and issues of organizing the free motor activity of children during a walk should also be considered.

Work on the health and physical education of children should be built on the basis of the leading activity of preschool children - play, and motor play activity is the basis for the education, health, development and training of preschool children [Trubaychuk L.V.]. Only through the use of play activities and a properly formed system of physical education and health work, in our opinion, can a reduction in the level of morbidity in children be achieved.

The educational area “Physical development” should be aimed mainly at achieving the most important goal - the formation of ideas in preschoolers about a healthy lifestyle. The most important role in the physical education of a child still belongs to educators and instructors. It is their ability to methodically correctly organize and conduct classes, non-standard approaches to the choice of forms and means of conducting them - the most important components of developing interest in classes, forming the necessary habits, motor skills and abilities in a child.

Only such a fusion of activities ensures knowledge of one’s body, allows students to realize the level of responsibility in relation to their health, fosters the need to lead a healthy lifestyle, and the former forms the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure the child’s social success in the future.


1. Magazine “Modern preschool education. Theory and practice". 6 (38)/2013.

2. Scientific and practical conferences of scientists and students with remote participation. Collective monographs. Web address:

3. Nikitina, S. V. “On the reasonable organization of life and activities of children in kindergarten in the light of modern requirements.” M., 2013.

4. Somkova O. N. “Innovative approaches to planning the educational process in kindergarten.” M., 2013

5. Trubaychuk L.V. Integration as a means of organizing the educational process. M., 2013.

6. Federal State Educational Standard. Link:].

1. Eastern administrative district. GBOU Gymnasium No. 1476.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Content of work with preschool children in the educational field “Physical Development”,” senior teacher N. V. Kharitonova.

2. “Pedagogical project “Protection and strengthening of children’s mental health (emotional well-being)”, teacher L. B. Ertuganova.

3. “Physical education corner in a group as a way to organize independent motor activity of children,” teacher N. N. Potapova.

4. “Development of physical qualities of preschool children. Games and exercises with a hoop,” physical education instructor E. P. Kalinina.

5. “Pedagogical project “Social partnership with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle”,” teacher S. V. Bashkina.

The event materials can be found at the link:

2. Eastern administrative district. GBOU Gymnasium No. 1512.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Educational area “Physical development”, senior teacher A.A. Lykova.

2. “Physical games in the air using natural materials,” physical education instructor N. M. Sobol.

3. “Regulation of the emotional well-being of children in a group of peers through playful means,” educational psychologist E. V. Kovalchuk.

4. “Elements of sports games in the system of physical education of senior preschoolers using the example of hockey,” physical education instructor at GBOU School No. 1078 T. N. Makarova.

5. “The use of logorhythmics in the educational process,” senior teacher O. N. Paleeva, teacher V. A. Muravyova.

6. “Features of organizing work on physical development with children with disabilities”, teachers-defectologists N. I. Suvirova, T. N. Orekhova, I. A. Chernob.

The event materials can be found at the link:

3. Western administrative district. GBOU School No. 1347.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Educational field “Physical development”, methodologist L. G. Golovina.

2. “Morning exercises from childhood are the basis of a healthy lifestyle,” teacher E. E. Donskikh.

3. “Health-forming technologies in the educational process with preschoolers,” teacher Yu. V. Bakaushina.

4. “Organization of motor activity of children of senior preschool age during a walk,” teacher Yu. N. Tishchenko.

5. “The influence of outdoor games on the development of children of senior preschool age,” teacher I. V. Dzyubina.

6. “The use of non-standard equipment in the physical development of preschool children,” physical education instructor K. M. Yufkina.

7. “Introducing preschool children to a healthy lifestyle through the direct involvement of parents in project activities,” physical education instructor L. V. Sabirova.

8. Summaries of organized educational activities:

– sports leisure for children of senior preschool age on the topic “Winter Sports”, physical education instructor S. A. Chelyapina, music director M. V. Sychuk;

— classes on the physical development of children of primary preschool age on the topic “Skiing,” physical education instructor A. S. Roshchina, teacher A. V. Sveshnikova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

4. Western administrative district. GBOU Gymnasium No. 1596.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Implementation of individual support for children with disabilities in preschool settings,” physical education instructor G. S. Churina, speech pathologist teacher V. A. Akhapkina.

2. “How not to lose composure in a stressful situation, or Our health is in our hands,” educational psychologist V. S. Panina, teacher-speech therapist L. V. Perfilova.

3. Summaries of organized educational activities:

– sports leisure on the water for children of senior preschool age “Tricks of Kikimora”, physical education instructor O. V. Chumakova;

– physical education leisure in the hall in the preparatory group “Travel to the Country of Neboleika”, physical education instructor G.S. Churina, teacher O.F. Korchagina;

– a complex of morning exercises using non-standard equipment “Vesely STEP”, teacher V. A. Shibakova;

– complex of finger gymnastics, teacher A. S. Nikitina;

– breathing exercises complex, teacher Yu. V. Abramova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

5. North-Eastern administrative district. GBOU School No. 1412.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Development of healthy lifestyle values ​​in preschool children during a health day,” physical education instructor N.V. Pavlova.

2. “A corner of psychological relief as a means of preventing psycho-emotional stress and preserving the mental health of preschool children,” educational psychologist N. V. Moreva.

3. “A healthy child today is a healthy generation tomorrow!”, teacher O. V. Rushnichenko, physical education instructor E. R. Pelevina.

4. “Articulation and breathing exercises as the basis of health-saving technology in speech therapy practice,” speech therapists Yu. A. Bushmanova, N. V. Furkasova.

5. “The use of outdoor games in different types of children’s activities,” physical education instructor N. A. Korchagina.

The event materials can be found at the link:

6. North-Eastern Administrative District. GBOU School No. 1381.

Topics of speeches:

1. “FSES DO. Section of the educational program of the pre-school education area “Physical development”, senior teacher G. N. Kotelnikova.

2. “Cooperation with families of pupils on the physical development of preschool children,” teacher Yu. V. Zhovner.

3. “Organization of educational and project activities to form initial ideas about the winter sport “Figure skating” with children of senior preschool age,” teachers O. N. Rodionova, E. A. Kunina.

4. “Creating conditions for children’s motor activity while walking in winter,” teacher E. D. Korotkova.

5. “Psychological aspects of physical development and health of preschool children,” educational psychologist M. I. Kulenkova.

6. “Planning educational work in the middle group at the “Week of Winter Games and Entertainment”,” teacher E. D. Korotkova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

7. North-Eastern administrative district. GBOU TsO No. 1449.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Using the capabilities of logorhythmics to enhance the motor activity of preschool children,” teacher-speech therapist M. Yu. Sharygina.

2. “Technologies for teaching children a healthy lifestyle in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education,” teacher S. V. Minakova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

8. North-Eastern Administrative District. GBOU Gymnasium No. 1577.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education. Educational field “Physical development”, teacher O. A. Tarasova.

2. “Health-saving technologies in modern education,” teacher M. A. Biryukova.

3. “Psycho-emotional well-being as a necessary component of a healthy lifestyle,” educational psychologist I. V. Groshkova.

4. “The use of non-standard equipment to support children’s initiative in motor activity,” teacher E. A. Kuznetsova.

5. “Organization of motor activity of preschool children and the child’s mastery of basic movements in routine moments,” teacher M. A. Rogatkina.

6. “Organization of the work of a physical education instructor with the teaching staff and families of students,” physical education instructor O. V. Shmerko.

The event materials can be found at the link:

9. North-Eastern Administrative District. GBOU School No. 285.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Partnership between kindergarten and family in the psychophysical education of children of early and preschool age,” senior teacher N. A. Atroshchenko.

2. “Moral education of modern children in folk outdoor games”, teacher-speech therapist N.V. Kalinkina.

3. “The role of playing with a ball in the psychophysical development of a child and preparing him for school,” educational psychologist A. V. Fink.

4. “Fitness technologies as an effective means of harmonizing parent-child relationships,” additional education teacher M. V. Galatynuk.

The event materials can be found at the link:

10. North-Eastern administrative district. GBOU School No. 283.

Topics of speeches:

1. “FSES DO. Educational field “Physical development”, methodologist O. V. Shabanova.

2. “Health-saving and health-forming educational technologies in preschool education,” physical education instructor I. I. Loshchilina, teacher L. I. Likholetova.

3. “Features of organizing physical education and health work in a group for children with visual impairments,” teacher L. G. Gorobtsova, physical education instructor M. A. Efanova.

4. “Imaginative and playful gymnastics in the daily routine of a preschool group,” physical education instructor O. A. Salomasova, teacher A. M. Elderkhanova.

5. “Game stretching as one of the modern forms of supporting children’s initiative in motor activity,” physical education instructor T. V. Filatova, teacher A. A. Kalinina.

6. “Algorithm for interaction between teachers and parents in the physical development of children,” teacher E. V. Eroshkina, physical education instructor N. G. Guseva.

7. “Cooperation with families of pupils in physical education and health improvement of children,” physical education instructor T. V. Gorelova, teachers E. S. Glushchenko, A. K. Mkrtchyan.

The event materials can be found at the link:

11. North-Eastern Administrative District. SAOU School “CHIK 16”, preschool No. 1 “Umka”.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Creation of a developing subject-spatial environment for the motor activity of preschool children,” methodologist V. M. Korovochkina, teachers L. B. Khokhlova, O. G. Bryazkalo, physical education instructor E. I. Tereshko.

2. “Organization and conduct of the quest “When you are as tall as an ant!”,” teachers N.V. Nagaychuk, O.G. Bryazkalo, physical education instructor E.I. Tereshko, methodologist V.M. Korovochkina.

The event materials can be found at the link:

12. Central administrative district. GBOU School No. 627.

Topics of speeches:

1. “The health of preschool children and the features of its formation in the conditions of a modern educational organization,” educational psychologist E. N. Morsakova.

2. “Educational project “Medical Mondays””, teacher E. Yu. Borisova. Video "Preschoolers in a medical class."

The event materials can be found at the link:

13. Southern Administrative District. GBOU School No. 2017.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Organization of a developmental subject-spatial environment for the physical development of children,” Deputy Director for Educational Management I. L. Andrianova.

2. “Interaction between educators and specialists in organizing and conducting activities to increase children’s physical activity,” educator E. V. Kharitonova, physical education instructor E. N. Moleva.

3. “Methods and directions of supporting children’s initiative in motor activity. Rock climbing – young tourists,” additional education teacher G. A. Manucharova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

14. Southern Administrative District. GBOU School No. 1034.

Topics of speeches:

1. “FSES DO. Contents of psychological and pedagogical work with children. Educational field "Physical development". Main goals and objectives”, teacher-organizer E. S. Shabalina.

2. “The use of sports and gaming equipment in motor activity,” physical education instructor M. V. Kozlova.

The event materials can be found at the link:

15. South-Eastern Administrative District. GBOU School No. 1222.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Correctional and educational games and exercises as a means of strengthening the physical and mental health of children in the system of work of preschool groups,” senior teacher E. M. Zapivakhina.

2. “Scenario for a master class on the topic “Game exercises for the development of motor coordination in children of senior preschool age”,” physical education instructor L. I. Bredikhina, music director S. P. Krasilnikova.

3. “Organization of organized educational activities with children of senior preschool age “Journey to the fairy-tale land of happiness”,” physical education instructor E. V. Morozova, teacher A. A. Shlyakhina.

The event materials can be found at the link:

16. South-Western Administrative District. GBOU School No. 9.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Implementation of motor activity in regime moments,” teacher I. Kh. Sanfirova.

2. “Development of fine motor skills as an important area of ​​physical development of children with disabilities,” teacher T. N. Nagornaya.

3. “The use of kinesiological exercises in the daily routine of a preschooler,” educational psychologist I. V. Dudareva.

4. “Physical education minutes as a means of physical and mental health of a preschool child,” teacher T. A. Salyamina.

The event materials can be found at the link:

17. South-Western Administrative District. GBOU School No. 1492.

Topics of speeches:

1. “Health and educational work with preschool children,” senior teacher S. B. Bakotina.

2. “Organization of teacher activities in the educational field “Physical Development””, teacher I. A. Anikanova.

3. “We raise children healthy. Health lessons”, teacher L. V. Abdullaeva.

4. “Features of physical development in a correctional group for children with speech disorders,” teachers N. A. Donskikh, A. A. Zherdeva.

The event materials can be found at the link:


In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education, the objectives of the educational field “Physical Development” include:

— gaining experience in children’s motor activities, including those related to performing exercises aimed at developing physical qualities such as coordination and flexibility; - formation of initial ideas about some sports, - mastery of outdoor games with rules; — formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere; — formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, mastery of its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, physical activity, hardening, in the formation of useful habits, etc.).

Thus, the Standard traces two directions of educational work on the physical development of preschool children : 1) the formation of a general culture of children’s personality, including the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, the formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle; 2) physical culture, development of physical qualities.

Isolating these two areas allows you to more purposefully build the pedagogical process and develop planning. Planning work in this educational area is the design of physical development, forecasting the dynamics and effectiveness of pedagogical influence on the improvement and acquisition of experience in the motor activity of each child.

As we know, the specification of tasks in the content of physical development depends on the age and individual characteristics of children. However, tasks for each age period can be divided into three groups .

Group of health-improving tasks: 1) protection and promotion of health; 2) hardening; 3) development of movements.

Group of educational tasks: 1) formation of ideas about one’s body and health; 2) developing skills to perform basic movements; 3) formation of ideas about regime, activity and rest.

Group of educational tasks: 1) formation of the need for physical improvement; 2) education of cultural and hygienic qualities.

Health-improving tasks are solved in the process of compliance with the requirements for hygienic and social conditions, nutritious nutrition, a rational daily routine, and physical exercise. Teaching and educational tasks are implemented through the integration of all educational areas and in the process of the main types of children's activities - play, cognitive-research, motor.

In the “Physical Development” you will find more detailed information in this area.

Dear teachers! If you have questions about the topic of the article or have difficulties in working in this area, then write in the comments . I'll definitely help.

Golovina Bela Gennadievna, site administrator.
Educational areas according to Federal State Educational Standards before Federal State Educational Standards before: artistic and aesthetic development Topics on self-education: physical development of preschool children Physical development of preschool children through elements of yoga >

Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Culture

FSES stands for federal state educational standard and is a set of mandatory requirements for a particular level of education. It regulates the qualifications of specialists, areas of training, and quality standards approved by federal authorities. The Federal State Educational Standard applies to all disciplines taught in schools and preschool institutions, which allows a particular institution to obtain accreditation.

Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education for Preschool Children

The Federal State Educational Standards program in physical education includes 2 parts, one of which is mandatory and is aimed at the physical development of the child in accordance with age, and the second is formed by teachers and the children themselves.

Preschool age is a very important period in the formation of personality, both from a moral and psychological point of view, and from a physical development perspective. Physical education occupies a special place in the development of children. It is this discipline that forms overall endurance, health, immunity and performance, which is necessary for the comprehensive development of the individual.

Federal State Educational Standards documents for preschoolers

The physical education standard for preschool institutions is based on the following documents:

1. Extract from the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation.” This document guarantees that preschool education is generally accessible and free, and also describes the standards for organizing education for teaching children with disabilities. According to this law, preschool education represents the first stage of general education and is financed by local governments.

2. Extract from the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education.

3. Extract from the National Strategy for Action for Children.

Goals and objectives for preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Today, significant changes are taking place in the preschool education system in the Russian Federation associated with the introduction of new standards and methods. Unfortunately, there are not only changes for the better, quite often there are also negative trends, such as:

  • Application of outdated methods from the times of the USSR;
  • Increased mental load to the detriment of the child’s physical development;
  • Lack of professional teachers;
  • Uncoordinated activities of teaching and medical personnel.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, the priority tasks for preschool children are:

  • physical education, which will be aimed at strengthening the immune system of children;
  • increasing resistance to an unfavorable environment;
  • development of agility and endurance, physical and psychological qualities;
  • motivation for the comprehensive formation of a preschooler.

The Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education has provided a system of physical exercises that not only bring positive emotions, but also make children resistant to stressful situations and eliminate the development of fears before performing movements. The requirements of educational standards are high intensity exercises and their variety.

Any preschool institution must include the following in its educational program:

1.​ Physical education classes.

2. Health-improving activities during the day (morning exercises, outdoor games, hardening).

3.​ Active recreation (sports holidays, festivals, health days, hiking trips).

4. Information and educational work with the family.

All these programs must be supervised by qualified teachers and educators.

Federal State Educational Standard for Physical Education for School-Age Children

The goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard for physical education for school are not fundamentally different from the preschool program, since they are aimed at developing the physical health of children. The differences are only in minor landmarks. Unlike the standards of the preschool program, the Federal State Educational Standard provides a step-by-step plan for each age group.

The goals and objectives of the Federal State Educational Standard for schoolchildren are as follows:

  • promoting health through the development of motor skills and physical qualities of the child;
  • Obtaining and improving important skills and abilities through outdoor games and active exercises;
  • Obtaining basic knowledge about the role of physical culture and its importance for human life;
  • Training in monitoring physical activity and physical development indicators.

Correctional work for children with disabilities is also very important in any educational institution. Federal State Educational Standards standards imply active joint activities of rehabilitation teachers, speech therapists, psychologists, educators and instructors in therapeutic physical education.

The purpose of this work is to create an environment for the physical and psychological development of the child together with peers.

Author: Angela Voropai.

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