Current problems of modern preschool education
Undoubtedly, the period of preschool education is an important stage in the development of a child. It is in preschool age that all the basic personality traits are formed in a child, and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. If you ignore the peculiarities of a child’s development at this age, this may adversely affect his future life.
Currently, there are problems in modern preschool education. Let's pay attention to the child's communication. Full communication is impossible without communication skills, which need to be developed from childhood. Communication must include the ability to hear and listen, the ability to make contact with peers and adults, the ability to express one’s thoughts, and understand speech. One of the means of developing communication skills is role-playing play, which often remains without due attention from educators. And it often happens that the teacher conducts a role-playing game only at the request of the children.
The next topic is family. Today there are a large number of single-parent families where children are raised. This is where problems arise. When a parent has no time to care for his child, he is left to his own devices, and the result of such “free” development may not be what the parent expects. Most modern parents do not want to cooperate with preschool educational organizations, citing employment reasons.
In addition, the basic knowledge system has ceased to play its former role today. For a person of the twenty-first century, what is much more important is not the amount of basic knowledge acquired in the family or school, but what he hears on the radio, sees on TV, reads in the newspaper, learns from the conversations of people around him.
What should modern education be like? Let's consider several different lines presented in the practice of modern educational space.
The first is that the teacher and adults independently organize work with children. Before school, a child absorbs information like a “sponge”; he is often active in learning new things and is interested in new things. Hence, adults have a desire to take advantage of this period and slightly “shift” the time when the child goes to school by a year or a couple of years. And there are two options here. In the first case, the adult wants to leave the child in kindergarten for a longer period of time. In the second case, the parent insists that the child needs to go to school earlier, paying attention only to his physiological readiness for school and completely forgetting about his psychological readiness for school. This shows that the practice of early teaching children knowledge, skills and abilities can lead to the disappearance of educational motivation in the future. And it can often happen that a child studies the first grade program twice. Such negative effects include children’s loss of interest in learning, problems with continuity in the education system between kindergarten and primary school. A child’s knowledge does not determine the success of his learning; it is much more important that the child independently obtains and applies it.
Secondly, education is built taking into account the interests of the child himself and the interests of his family, i.e. his legal representatives. The student-centered approach is aimed at a developmental type of education. It takes into account age and individual characteristics and focuses on the interests of each child. But I would like to note that not every teacher can see these features in developmental education. And not every child can achieve the goals of developmental education due to a number of reasons. The teacher must set a goal - to ensure development with the help of knowledge and skills. If the child is quite active and inquisitive, we can assume that a development process is underway.
Thus, there are problems in modern education. Without communication, it is impossible to develop the communicative side of a child’s personality. Without the cooperation of parents and kindergarten, the full development of the child is impossible. It is necessary to influence parents in such a way that they try to be with the child throughout preschool age and help him. More effective teaching is one that involves a person-centered approach, but everything depends on the teacher, on his goals, what the teacher puts in the foreground, what in the background. And it depends on teachers whether problems in modern education will be solved or not.
- Mynto T.V. Current problems of modern preschool education // Social network of education workers [Electronic resource]. — Access mode:
Article on the topic: “The main problems of preschool education and ways to solve them” article
Article on the topic:
“The main problems of preschool education and ways to solve them”
Prepared by music director
In preschool educational institution No. 11 “Cherry”
Volsk city, Saratov region
Minnikova Irina Nikolaevna
Preschool education is an important component of the country’s social life. A lot depends on the quality of education in preschool educational institutions, so preschool education is now considered as the most important socio-forming factor.
To ensure favorable living conditions and upbringing of a child, the formation of the foundations of a full-fledged, harmonious personality, it is necessary to strengthen and develop close connections and interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Amendments were made to the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”, which came into force on April 5, 2021.[1] One of the areas is educational activities, which are carried out outside the framework of educational programs. It includes not only the dissemination of knowledge, experience, the formation of skills, abilities, physical development, but also the instillation of values and spiritual and moral education.
The relevance of this topic is determined by the fact that it is in preschool age that all the basic personality traits are formed in a child and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. If you ignore the peculiarities of a child’s development at this age, this may adversely affect his future life. Each preschool educational institution not only educates the child, but also advises parents on issues of raising children. A preschool teacher is not only a teacher of children, but also a partner of parents in their upbringing. Raising and raising a child correctly in these rapidly changing times is not an easy and very labor-intensive process. A modern teacher, in his direct work with children in preschool settings, is faced with new problems in teaching and raising preschool children, which practically did not exist a decade ago.
- The main problems of modern preschool education. Person-centered approach.
At the present stage, one big problem can be identified - the problem of social and moral education, which is associated with the fact that in the modern world a person lives and develops, surrounded by many different sources of strong influence on him, both positive and negative, which befall him every day. fragile intellect and feelings of the child. As you know, it is impossible to live in society and be free from society. No matter what high demands are placed on a preschool institution, the problems of social and moral education cannot be solved only within the framework of preschool education.
Currently, the family in Russia is experiencing a severe crisis: the number of intra-family conflicts, divorces is growing, the number of families at social risk, single mothers and unemployed women has increased. Many parents do not have such a concept as “responsibility” for raising their child. This situation undoubtedly affects the education of the future generation.
The need to develop a child’s communication skills is an important job for teachers and parents. Communication includes the ability to hear and listen, the ability to make contact with peers and adults, the ability to express one’s thoughts, and understand speech.
Today there are a large number of single-parent families in which children are raised. There are some problems with this. Often in such cases, the child is left to his own devices, because the parent has no time to take care of his child. Unfortunately, most modern parents who have similar problems do not want to cooperate with preschool educational organizations, citing employment reasons.
The introduction of nanotechnology into life and general use has begun to play a major role in the development of a child in modern society. The Internet is now simply necessary; aspects of human life are connected with it. On the one hand, this is a positive phenomenon. It becomes possible for parents to develop their child in different areas. On the other hand, the Internet negatively affects the development of a child if parents, replacing communication, resort to the Internet, where there is a wide variety of cartoons, games, and various resources that captivate children into the virtual world. In addition, the basic knowledge system has ceased to play its former role today. For a person of the twenty-first century, what is much more important is not the amount of basic knowledge acquired in the family or school, but what he hears on the radio, sees on TV, reads in the newspaper, learns from the conversations of people around him. Thus, there are problems in modern education. Without communication, it is impossible to develop the communicative side of a child’s personality. Without the cooperation of parents and kindergarten, the full development of the child is impossible.
Academician D.I. Feldshtein summarized fundamental academic research in recent years and outlined a range of 16 significant changes in modern children and adolescents.[2] Of these, some related to preschool children can be identified:
- A sharp decline in the cognitive development of preschool children.
- Increased emotional discomfort and decreased desire for active action.
- The departure of role-playing games from a child’s life and, as a consequence, a decrease in voluntariness and motivational-need sphere.
- Decreased curiosity and imagination in preschoolers, underdevelopment of the internal plan of action.
- Insufficient development of fine motor skills and, consequently, graphic skills in preschool children indicates the underdevelopment of the corresponding brain structures, including those responsible for voluntariness.
- The rise of screen addiction.
- Asthenia of physique and decrease in muscle strength.
- Increasing number of children with disabilities.
2. Ways to solve problems of social education
The main element of any structure or system is people. Kindergartens should be staffed by those who really want and know how to work with children, who love and are ready to learn to communicate, who strive to constantly grow, master the best, new things and bring this to the kindergarten. In order to provide a kindergarten with such employees, they need to be paid a decent salary. This condition is a consequence of the fact that promising employees work full-time in the educational field. The development of children largely depends on the subject environment around them: toys, manuals, materials for drawing, modeling, design, books, musical instruments, physical education equipment, etc. Unfortunately, the state allocates little money and also poorly finances the purchase of didactic materials for teachers and methodological literature.
Teachers themselves organize their work with children, because it is in this age period that children absorb information like a “sponge.” The child is often active in learning new things and is interested in new things, which means that it is necessary to introduce modern technologies and methods into modern preschool education that meet the new times.
The existing problems of preschool education must be solved by carefully approaching each of them separately.
Problem | Solutions |
| Try to devote more time to conversations, didactic and role-playing games with the establishment of social priorities, moral and family values. Include short-term and long-term projects in the educational process. |
| To accustom children to independent developmental activities, which include: creativity, drawing, physical activity, music. Instill a love of books (listen to fairy tales, short stories, stories.) Focus parents' attention on minimizing watching cartoons and playing games on various electronic media. We communicated more with the child, developing communication skills. |
| Use all components variably - help, protection, assistance, interact with each child in routine moments, on walks, in organizing meals, in play activities, ECD. |
| Using various forms of cooperation with parents
Such interaction will provide an opportunity to develop their interest in education issues, will arouse a desire to expand and deepen the knowledge that they use in raising a child, and will develop their creative abilities in activities aimed at the child. It is necessary to influence parents in such a way that they try to be with the child throughout preschool age and help him. |
Based on all of the above, we can say that the modern education system can be effective only if favorable social and pedagogical conditions are created. Social education of preschool children will be effective only with a personality-oriented approach.
The dialogue between the kindergarten and the family is built, as a rule, on the basis of the teacher’s demonstration of the child’s achievements, his positive qualities, abilities, etc. The teacher in such a positive role is accepted as an equal partner in education. In order for parents to become active assistants to teachers, it is necessary to involve them in the life of the kindergarten.
A child should leave kindergarten sociable, inquisitive and ready to perceive new information. Children must be taught to follow social norms. Without a doubt, preschool age is a unique period for personality development. Speaking about updating preschool education, I would like to emphasize that federal state educational standards will bring a lot of new things into the work of preschool institutions. The main criteria will be the socialization and individual development of the child, and not preparing him for school, as has been the case until now.
The training and educational activities of teachers undoubtedly require further study. Development of all kinds of teaching aids and tactics for the successful upbringing of children, and their implementation in the practice of preschool educational institutions.
- Federal Law of April 5, 2022 No. 85-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” - access mode:
- Feldshtein D.I. “Modern Childhood: problems and ways to solve them” - Bulletin of Practical Psychology of Education No. 2 (19) April-June 2009. – access mode:
[1] Federal Law of April 5, 2022 No. 85-FZ “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”
[2] Feldshtein D.I. “Modern Childhood: problems and ways to solve them”
Abstract “Modern problems and trends in the development of preschool pedagogy”
in the discipline "Theoretical foundations of preschool education"
on the topic: “Modern problems and trends in the development of preschool pedagogy”
- Preschool pedagogy at the present stage……………………………3
- Modern trends in the development of preschool education…………….. 9
- Preschool pedagogy at the present stage
The formation of the Soviet system of preschool education and pedagogical thought is closely connected with the revolutionary events of 1917 and the period of the civil war. The development of preschool education occurs in difficult conditions of hunger and devastation, and is associated with the employment of women in public life and production activities.
Most of the organizers of preschool education during this period did not have practical experience; the theory of the issue was not developed in connection with the new time and goals of educating the younger generation. The theory of preschool education intuitively developed, a search was made for methods of working with children, and Russian and foreign experience was analyzed. Caring for the health of mother and child. his upbringing were declared a state matter. Royal palaces, mansions, furniture and other valuables were transferred to kindergartens, and children were provided with food. The Children's Protection Council was created under the People's Commissariat for Education
, other voluntary societies emerge.
, institutes of motherhood and childhood
were created for the first time , and the country's first
pediatric institute
. Kindergartens and nurseries are opening everywhere.
In November 1917, preschool education was included in the unified system of public education by decree of the Council of People's Commissars. A.V. Lunacharsky (People's Commissar of Education) allocated a preschool department, the head of which was D.A. Lazurkina. Congresses, conferences, and meetings on issues of preschool education were held. A serious problem was the lack of specially trained personnel. Short-term courses for training teachers were opened, lectures were held on site with visiting instructors. The preschool department attracted pre-revolutionary specialists to work - L.K. Shleger, S.T. Shatsky, E.A. Flerin, E.I. Tikheev, A.P. Usov, E.I. Radin and others.
In 1918, the Institute of Preschool Education was opened under the leadership of Konstantin Nikolaevich Kornilov in Moscow. At the same time, the Central Museum of Preschool Education was opened, the director of which was Professor Efim Aronovich Arkin (1873-1948). He studied the anatomical and physiological characteristics of children, paid great attention to issues of physical education and hygiene in preschool age, and considered the problems of family education. His book “Raising a Child in a Family” is still read by specialists. The commission led by E.A. Arkina analyzed the games
, recommended for preschoolers, has developed samples of equipment for preschool premises.
Pedagogical work and the development of methods for the kindergarten were carried out by the head of the museum’s pedagogical department, Evgenia Aleksandrovna Flerina.
. She conducted research work in kindergarten, paid special attention to issues of children's visual activities, did a lot of work on training personnel for kindergartens, and gave lectures at the Institute of Preschool Education.
An experimental kindergarten was opened in Petrograd by E.I. Tikheeva, who was also a teacher at the Petrograd Institute of Preschool Education. Her methods of speech development, methods of sensory education, didactic materials and clear guidelines on the content and methods of teaching preschoolers, and the program for raising and teaching children in kindergarten were valuable.
In April 1919, the 1st All-Russian Congress on Preschool Education
. The main type of preschool institution was recognized as a kindergarten with a 6-hour stay for children (during the mother’s work). In the same year, “Instructions for managing a hearth and kindergarten” were summarized. The central place in them was occupied by the issues of organizing the kindergarten environment and ensuring the activity of preschoolers.
In pedagogical theory, the “idea of free education” was often heard; there were many other theories. As a result, an instruction appeared - to analyze teaching experience, not to transfer it into practice without adaptation and taking into account the positive and negative aspects.
After the civil war, during the period of industrialization, the number of kindergartens increased. Industrial development required extending the opening hours of preschool institutions.
From 1921-1930 New types of preschool institutions are emerging
1. Orphanages – for children of preschool and school age.
2. Kindergartens with a 6-hour stay for children.
3. Children's outbreaks with an 8-10-hour period of stay for children. Since the mid-20s, they became the main ones and were called “kindergarten”.
4. Children's rooms at housing departments with a 6-hour stay for children. were supported by housing authorities.
5. Preschool institutions on a cooperative basis. The leading conditions for the organization were: the presence of at least 10 children, a specialist in preschool education.
6. Children's playgrounds are usually summer institutions. The duration of stay for children is from 6-8 hours. Necessary requirements are good territory, premises for classes and storage of equipment.
7. Children's rooms at clubs with a number of children of at least 20-25 people, the necessary equipment, and the presence of a separate room.
8. Transitional or “zero groups” worked 4 hours a day. Their task is to prepare children for school. The intended number of children is no more than 20 people.
In preschool institutions, the norm was set for 15 children, but due to difficult conditions, up to 25 were allowed. Kindergartens worked according to the methods of F. Frebel and M. Montessori. E.I. Tikheeva, according to the theory of free education. There were preschool institutions that combined a number of techniques. Gradually, in theory and practice, there was a selection and justification of the tasks, content, forms, methods and means of preschool education.
By the beginning of the 30s, the first draft of a training and education program in kindergarten
In 1934, the 1st program “Programs and internal daily routine” was approved.
In the same year,
the first guide for educators on working with the program was released.
A significant contribution to the development of the theory and practice of preschool education in the first half of the 20th century was made by Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya (1869-1939)
She devoted a significant number of articles to issues of theory and organization of preschool
education, was an active participant in the congress on preschool education, and took part in the development of regulatory documents. The development of a network of preschool institutions was considered an important political matter, since it gives women the opportunity to participate in social and industrial life. She paid a lot of attention to the development of kindergartens in national republics, since kindergartens could destroy the remnants of national hostility and religious prejudices.
One of the main functions of kindergarten N.K. Krupskaya believed in the comprehensive education of children, the organization of a full, bright, joyful life for children together. She considered the game as a need of the child’s body and a means of developing physical, volitional, and moral qualities. An important task of the kindergarten was the development of children's abilities, which will continue at school. She denied the leading role of heredity in the development of a child, pointing to education and taking into account age characteristics in this process. She recommended organizing children's parties and activities to develop aesthetic and moral feelings. She attached particular importance to children's books and highlighted the requirements for them from an aesthetic and didactic point of view, which at that time were of a progressive nature. Determined the importance of teachers knowing the age-related capabilities of children. N.K. Krupskaya pointed to the role of a child’s feasible social labor in education “in the spirit of communist morality.” In kindergarten, socio-political education should be present in a form accessible to children.
N.K. Krupskaya argued for the need for contact between the kindergarten and the family and substantiated the role of pedagogical propaganda among parents. Its role in generalizing and analyzing existing pedagogical experience is significant. She considered all parts of education in kindergarten, analyzed the content and methods of working with children, and goals.
Anton Semenovich Makarenko (1888-1939) made a significant contribution to the theory of labor and family education
. He also examined in detail the issues of organizing children's games, gave a classification of children's toys, and analyzed the content of children's games. He is the author of the theory of collective education, revealed the stages of development of the team, and the ways in which teachers work in it.
In 1944, the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences was formed. In parallel, psychological research is being conducted by L.S. Vygotsky, Luria, S.L. Rubinstein about the laws of development of the psyche and mental processes.
After the Great Patriotic War, the development of the system of preschool education and pedagogical science continues. In 1960, the Research Institute of Preschool Education was founded under the leadership of A.V. Zaporozhets.
In 1962,
the “Program for the Education and Training of Children in Kindergarten” was adopted,
developed on the basis of many years of pedagogical research.
During this period, various manuals, methodological manuals for educators, and new programs for kindergartens (comprehensive and based on methods) were published. In the 50s, N.A. worked on the development of various problems of preschool education. Vetlugina, A.M. Leushina, R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, E.I. Radina, A.P. Usova, B.I. Khachapuridze et al.
Private methods have been developed:
— methods of speech development (E.I. Tikheyeva, F.N. Blekher, E.Yu. Shabad, etc.);
— methodology for organizing artistic activities (E.I. Flerina, A.A. Volkova, N.A. Sakulina, etc.);
— methods of musical education (N.A. Metlov, T.S. Babajan);
— familiarization with the environment (R.M. Bass, A.A. Bystrov, A.M. Stepanova, etc.);
— FEMP (M.Ya. Morozova, M. Bleher, etc.).
Along with the achievements of preschool education, serious distortions were observed in preschool pedagogy, as there was an alienation of Soviet preschool pedagogy from the world theory and practice of preschool education, and positive pedagogical experience (Russian and foreign) was not sufficiently analyzed and used.
In 1984, a resolution was adopted “On further improvement of public preschool education and preparation of children for school.” Thanks to this resolution, a “nursery-kindergarten” complex appears. In the same year, a correction was made and the “Program for the Education and Training of Children in Kindergarten” was published, edited by M.I. Vasilyeva, who still works in the preschool education system.
In 1989, the Concept of Preschool Education was published, recommending types of interaction with children, types of activities and areas of work in kindergarten. The standard regulations on a preschool institution determine the recommended types of preschool institutions: rental, family, mixed (state-cooperative). Part-time children's stay, cooperative, evening groups, Sunday groups and holiday groups, departmental, established by enterprises.
In the 90s of the 20th century, programs for the education and upbringing of children appeared, which constituted an alternative to the M.I. Education and Training Program. Vasilyeva.
20th century in foreign preschool pedagogy
closely related to the development of psychology. Psychological approaches to the problems of preschool childhood determined various directions and specific aspects of the development of pedagogical theory and practice of preschool education. The main directions of psychology during this period were cognitive (J. Piaget), behaviorist (B. Skinner, A. Bandura), psychoanalytic (E. Erikson), humanistic (C. Rogers, A. Maslow, etc.).
Various models of preschool education
- The academic model is the goal of preparing for school. Education is carried out through the formation of specific skills and abilities necessary for schooling.
- Intellectual model - based on the free search activity of children in a developmental environment, intensive verbal interaction of the child with adults and peers.
- The Parental Effectiveness Model is aimed at facilitating and assisting parents in creating a nurturing home environment.
- The traditional model (the most common), combining mental, social and emotional development in the educational system while developing creative abilities and caring for the strengthening of physical health.
There were also mixed models that combined features of several models. The models are accompanied by the development of a significant number of proprietary preschool education programs. There were special social programs that considered ways to raise and develop children from different social strata of the population - primarily discriminated against (low-income, large families, blacks, etc.). These models were studied and analyzed in Russia, and individual rational ideas were used.
At the present stage, preschool education in Russia
became the first link in the education system, which is regulated by the draft state standard and various educational programs. Today, in the preschool education system there are preschool institutions: care and health improvement, combined preschool institutions, sanatoriums, development centers, groups of short-term stays for children, kindergarten-school complexes, etc. Preschool institutions operate on both a state and commercial basis. Along with preschool institutions, there is a system of individual education and training of preschoolers in a family environment with the help of professional tutors.
The search for ways to develop preschool education, the selection of content, effective forms, methods and means of teaching and raising children is constantly being carried out in theory and practice. For this purpose, there are scientific centers and laboratories. Discussions continue about the goals of the preschool educational institution, its functions, and various possibilities for organizing other types of preschool educational institutions that effectively implement educational goals are being considered. The process of constructing and putting into practice educational programs for preschool educational institutions is underway.
- Modern trends in the development of preschool education
The ongoing transformations in the preschool education system are due to the objective need for changes that are adequate to social development and the evolution of the educational system, which is reflected in the awareness of the pedagogical community of the need for serious changes in the functioning of the institution.
The search and development of innovations that contribute to qualitative changes in the activities of preschool educational institutions is the main mechanism for optimizing the development of the preschool education system.
Current trends in the development of preschool education.
Trends | Process | ||
Control | Pedagogical activity | Support and support | |
Humanization | Reflective. Co-management. Self management. | Personality-oriented, personality-activity approaches. | Expanding the range of services to meet the needs and interests of the individual. |
Democratization | Expanding the composition of the collective subject of management. Expansion of horizontal connections. | New relationships and positions: — subject-subject; - the ability to flexibly change the position of the object and subject by each participant. | Expanding the powers and composition of subjects of the educational process |
Diversification | Expansion of types and levels of control. | Individualization and differentiation. Variability in the implementation of educational services. | Expansion of support structures: -medical and valeological; -social and pedagogical; - psychological; -correctional pedagogical. |
The transformation of preschool education into preschool education reflects a global development trend. V.T. Kudryavtsev notes that in Russia preschool education is subordinate to educational management structures: this actually indicates that a preschool child needs upbringing, training and development. Thus, preschool education becomes the initial, integral and full-fledged stage of the educational system as a whole, as defined by the Law “On Education”.
Today, we can confidently state the fact of the formal or substantive transition of the majority of preschool educational institutions to the search mode, which is a transitional stage on the path to qualitative changes and the transfer of preschool educational institutions to the development mode.
Another aspect is related to the qualitative characteristics of this transition: the extent to which innovations correspond to the urgent needs and opportunities in preschool educational institutions. Therefore, the issue of identifying current problems in the development of preschool institutions becomes the most important.
According to V.T. Kudryavtsev, the situation that currently exists in preschool education can be called moderately critical due to the lack of intelligible strategies and doctrine for the development of preschool education as a distinct, strictly defined system of social, organizational, economic, financial, psychological, pedagogical and other priorities. These priorities should determine a realistic program of action for the historically foreseeable period. Many years of confusion associated with the development of the state standard for preschool education indicate the significance of this problem.
As a result, preschool educational institutions are forced to focus on “exemplary requirements”, consistent with the traditional administrative spirit. According to the scientist, the actions taken by preschool education workers to increase budget funding, open a number of experimental sites with additional funding for their activities (every year this becomes more and more difficult), hold meetings to exchange experience, etc., are ineffective, so far the main problem has not been solved.
The analysis of existing concepts, projects and programs in the field of preschool education allows us to identify a number of basic trends in the development of the system.
establishes the priority of personal development of subjects (parents, teachers, children), the centering of the educational process on the values of human development, orientation towards the comprehensive and harmonious formation of personality, and the transfer of the subject to the position of self-managed development. The humanization of education, according to V.A. Slastenin, is a process aimed at developing the individual as a subject of creative activity, which “constitutes the most important characteristic of the lifestyle of teachers and students, which presupposes the establishment of truly human (humane) relations between them in the pedagogical process” and is a key component pedagogical thinking, focused on the idea of personal development.
The leading direction in the humanization of education is considered to be the self-determination of the individual in culture, its familiarization with national and cultural traditions, enriched with modern ideas. Humanization is manifested in increased attention to the personality of each child as the highest value of society, in the formation of a citizen with high intellectual, moral and physical qualities (Table 1.2.).
associated with the expansion of rights and powers of participants in the educational process, the focus on meeting the individual needs and requests of subjects. This involves creating the prerequisites for the development of activity, initiative and creativity of students and teachers, their interested interaction, as well as broad public participation in the management of preschool education.
presupposes the necessary and sufficient variety of types and types of institutions, services and approaches to their implementation in order to satisfy the requests of participants in the educational process in preschool educational institutions.
The projection of these foundations onto the educational process in a preschool educational institution presents all its subsystems in a new way. In this regard, a number of basic principles are identified that ensure the implementation of these areas in the process of development of the preschool educational institution and its participants:
— human conformity (unity of cultural and natural conformity);
— integrity of the pedagogical process and complexity of goals;
— activity and equal partnership in pedagogical interaction of all subjects of the pedagogical process.
Modernization of preschool educational institution management involves a variety of types and technologies of management that ensure an integrated and comprehensive impact of the control system on the managed preschool educational institution system within the framework of motivational and program-targeted approaches to co-management, reflexive management and self-government.
Indicators of a qualitative transformation of preschool educational institutions management are, first of all, new principles:
— democratization and humanization;
— consistency and integrity of management;
— centralization/decentralization;
— the relationship and division of strategic, tactical and operational levels of management and the corresponding types of management (traditional, reflexive, self-government);
— unity of command and collegiality;
— objectivity and completeness of information in making management decisions.
At the present stage, there are a number of problems in the development of the innovation process in preschool educational institutions, in particular:
— combination of innovative programs with existing ones;
— coexistence of representatives of various pedagogical concepts;
— split in the teaching community;
— inconsistency of new types of educational institutions with the requirements of parents;
— the need for new scientific and methodological support;
— the need for new teaching staff;
— adaptation of innovations to specific conditions;
— the problem of change, optimization, replacement of innovations;
— the problem of reproducing innovativeness and creating conditions conducive to this.
V.T. Kudryavtsev identifies four leading
directions of innovations of preschool educational institutions:
1. Consideration of preschool education as not a preparatory stage for school, but a relatively independent, valuable, developing and developmental system aimed at amplifying (enriching) child development through the opportunities that are inherent in preschool activities (the creative nature of play, active perception of fairy tales, various productive activities, etc.). By cultivating creativity in and outside the classroom, we thereby contribute not only to the general psychological maturation of the child, but also to the creation of the foundation for full school readiness based on the development of creative capabilities and intellectual strength of students. It is enough just to be attentive to the main psychological feature of preschool age - productive or creative imagination, which should develop in all the variety of children's activities. The development of imagination is associated with the acquisition of humanity in the broadest sense of the word by introducing the child to culture. Therefore, educational programs aimed at developing the imagination of preschoolers are needed.
2. Approval of humane subject-subject relations in the process of equal-partner interaction and cooperation of children and adults through dialogue in the pedagogical process.
3. Development of communication between practitioners and theorists in the field of innovation.
4. Extensive search and experimental activities, organized from the perspective of a research approach.
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- Dragunova O.V. Preschool pedagogy: Part 1. – Cheboksary, 2003.
- History of preschool pedagogy / Ed. L.N. Litvina. – M., 1989.
- Kozlova S.A., Kulikova T.A. Preschool pedagogy. – M., 2001.
- Fundamentals of preschool pedagogy / Ed. A.V. Zaporozhets, T.A. Markova. – M., 1980.
- Pedagogy: pedagogical theories, systems, technologies / Ed. S.A. Smirnova. – M., 1998.
MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF
Prospects and problems of development of preschool education in modern Russia.The system of modern preschool education is very relevant and important. In preschool age, all the basic personality traits are formed in a child, and the quality of his further physical and mental development is determined. Currently, there are also problems of modern education. If you do not pay due attention to the developmental characteristics of a child at this age, this may adversely affect his future life.
Preschool education is an important stage in a child’s development. After all, in preschool age a child develops all the basic personality traits, and the quality of his mental and physical development is determined.
If you do not pay attention to the developmental features of a preschooler, this may adversely affect his future life.
There are problems in modern preschool education. One of the problems is communication of a preschooler. Everyone knows that full communication is impossible without communication skills that need to be developed during childhood. The most important thing is to teach a child to hear and listen, the ability to make contact, the ability to understand speech, and the ability to express their thoughts.
Over ten years, preschool education has gone through a difficult path, which has significantly expanded the range of responsibilities of preschool educational institutions, which are aimed primarily at providing quality educational services. Preschool education in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard is prescribed as the level of general education at which the foundations of a social personality are laid in the education system as a whole.
The Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education establishes a number of requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the basic educational program of preschool education, primarily for psychological, pedagogical and personnel requirements. The key factor in the successful implementation of this Standard is still the teacher.
Since modern preschool education is inextricably linked with the staffing level of preschool educational institutions, we recall the slogan of the 30s of the 20th century “Personnel decide everything!” - it is more relevant now than ever.
After all, practicing teachers will have to make a transition from the traditional educational process to an activity-based one.
The main goal of working with teachers is to increase their professional competence and effective methodological support in the context of the introduction and subsequent implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education.
To accomplish this task, the manager needs to improve personnel policies and carry out a set of measures to optimize the quality of education.
Today, managing does not mean giving directive instructions. It is necessary to change the strategy and attitude towards human resources, provide support to employees by inviting specialists to provide psychological prevention of emotional burnout, conduct business games, as well as scientific and methodological education (at specially organized discussion clubs, round tables, workshops), etc.
It is necessary to introduce modern trends into education, and not be afraid to use so-called corporate events, for example, going to the theater together, going to a bowling alley, taking part in competitive sports games, etc.
Create schools for young teachers for the successful adaptation and retention of young staff not only within the institution, but also at the district level.
It is necessary to revive the tradition of mentoring in order to form a core personnel in preschool educational institutions.
Recently, in our kindergarten, teachers have been provided with consultations and pedagogical advice aimed at improving the quality of education. The main issue in modern conditions is the effectiveness of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
Educational standards are mandatory requirements, which poses certain tasks for institutions aimed at ensuring conditions for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
To be ready to work according to the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of activities:
Bring regulatory documents into compliance.
To analyze the optimal distribution of human resources within a preschool educational institution, to assess the readiness of the preschool educational institution for the new requirements of the modern education system.
A teacher needs to engage in self-development, this is one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards.
Preschool education has changed qualitatively over the past few years; most teachers have mastered innovative programs over the past few years.
In order to form and develop teachers' skills in innovative and exploratory and experimental work, seminars, round tables, workshops, and master classes are regularly organized.
Teachers actively take part in professional competitions and city events.
An important role in our kindergarten in developing the initiative of teaching staff is assigned to the leader, as an interested party in improving the quality of education of his institution.
I would like to dwell in more detail on the development and participation of parents (legal representatives) of direct inclusion in educational activities.
Parents are now much more demanding, and we must not lag behind modern reality. Today we need to follow the development of society and information, try to be ahead, ahead of many processes, and be able to direct the active potential of parents in the right direction in a timely manner.
Working with the family is perhaps the most important aspect of organizing the educational process. In modern kindergarten conditions, it is impossible to do without support and mutual understanding.
One of the features of managing a modern kindergarten is that the head of a preschool educational institution is simply forced to involve various social institutions in solving the problems of the institution: parents, the public, otherwise he will not cope with the number of tasks in organizing the functioning of a modern educational institution
But we cannot look at the issue of working with parents one-sidedly, since in addition to improving material and technical conditions, parents are the first teachers for their children, and in this we see a partnership between the preschool educational institution and the family.
Thus, preparing a preschool educational institution for the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education entails significant changes in the educational practice of the kindergarten.
This process is an integral part of the modernization of education, which is currently a political and national task of Russian educational policy, aimed at ensuring the modern quality of education based on maintaining its fundamentality and compliance with the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state.
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