Drawing a pedestrian crossing in the second junior group

Abstract of the GCD for drawing in the second junior group “SDA. Traffic light"

Larina Olga Aleksandrovna
Abstract of the GCD for drawing in the second junior group “Traffic rules. Traffic light"

Drawing on the topic of traffic rulesTRAFFIC LIGHTS ” in the second junior group

Introduce children to traffic lights and their purpose

Strengthen knowledge of primary colors (yellow, red, green)

Introduce children to the rules of behavior on the road

Introduce children to the rules of correct road crossing

Continue to introduce kids to gouache paints

Develop the skill of drawing circles with gouache paints

Remember and reinforce the rules of behavior on the road that children are already familiar with

Handouts for children:

Poster with a picture of a traffic light and traffic rules.

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Firsova Anastasia Nikolaevna Teacher MBDOU Kindergarten No. 9 Leninogorsk, RT

Integration of educational areas: “Artistic creativity” (application), “Socialization”, “Safety”, “Communication”. Types of children's activities: play, communication, artistic speech, productive.

Goal: - to consolidate children’s knowledge about the operation of traffic lights, knowledge of the rules for crossing the street; - develop orientation in space, the ability to act on a signal; -develop spoken language in children. - learn how to glue a traffic light.

Visual aid: -traffic light layout; -Pedestrian crossing sign.

1. Organizational part. - Hello guys! Guys, many guests came to us today. Let's say hello to them and listen to me carefully. Guys, you have already learned how to play with cars and drive them. Drivers, both adults and children, must know the rules of the road so that there are no accidents on the roads. Guys, tell me, what sign helps us cross the street? -Crosswalk. - That's right, guys. Look at this sign. Familiar zebra-like stripes. Do you know that there is also an assistant when crossing the road. Guess the riddle: “Day and night I burn, I give signals to everyone. I have 3 colors. What's my friends name? (Traffic light). Guys, we need these signs so that there are no accidents on the roads. (knock on the door) -Who's there? (Fox enters) - I’m a red-haired cheat, I’m not afraid of anyone or anything. I will appear wherever I want. Hello guys, what are you doing here? — Hello, Lisa, we are getting acquainted with the rules of the road. Fox, do you know the rules of the road? -Certainly. -What sign is this? (We show a traffic light). -Traffic light. -Do you know what a traffic light is for? Tell us. -What should I tell you? It looks like a Christmas tree, multi-colored lights are on, and you can dance around it. - Guys, is Lisa speaking correctly? -Of course not. Listen to the guys, Lisa. They will tell you poems about traffic lights. 2. Improving knowledge, skills and abilities. (children read poems about traffic lights) Our children are going to kindergarten Our children are in a hurry! Even though you have no patience, Wait - red light! The path is closed to children! Yellow light on the way - Get ready to go. Green light ahead - Now cross. (Vladik K.)

To help you pass the dangerous path, We burn both day and night - Green, yellow, red. (Makarov P).

The strictest is the red light... If it is on, Stop! There is no further road, the path is closed to everyone. (Shukov E).

So that you can cross calmly, listen to our advice: - Wait! You will soon see a yellow light in the middle. (Shakirzyanov A).

And behind it, a green light will flash ahead. He will say - there are no obstacles, boldly go on your way. (Ermolaeva A). - Look, Lisa, our children are so smart. They know the rules of the road. Do your forest friends know the rules of the road? - No.

3. Practical part. - Let's help the fox, guys. Let's make paper traffic lights for forest animals and give them as a gift. (children make traffic lights) -Thank you, guys.

4. Consolidation. -And now, guys, let’s play the game “Red, Yellow, Green.” You will be the drivers. When I raise the red circle, it means there is no road, you hold the steering wheels in one hand below. And when I say yellow light - get ready, you hold the steering wheel with both hands and get ready to go. When I say green light, you can go, the path is open, you move. (we repeat the game several times) -You liked our game, Fox. - Yes. Thanks guys, you taught me a lot. Now I will teach my friends. - Thank you, Lisa. Come and visit us with your friends. Goodbye.

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Outline of a drawing lesson “I am a Traffic Light” for the second junior group of kindergarten

Olga Melikova

Outline of a drawing lesson “I am a Traffic Light” for the second junior group of kindergarten

1. Introduce children to traffic lights and their purpose

2. Consolidate knowledge of primary colors (yellow, red, green)

3. Introduce children to the rules of behavior on the road

4. Introduce children to the rules of correct road crossing

1. Continue to introduce kids to gouache paints

2. Develop the skill of decorating an object with gouache paints

3. Remember and reinforce the rules of behavior on the road that children are already familiar with

Handouts for children:

1. Landscape sheet with a picture of a traffic light

Material for the teacher

1. Card with a picture of a traffic light

2. Book by V. Likhoded Traffic Light

Summary of OOD on traffic rules for children 2 - 3 years old “Pedestrian crossing”

Summary of organized educational activities with children of the first junior group (2 – 3 years old)

within the educational field “Cognitive Development”

on the topic "Pedestrian crossing".

Goal: familiarize children with the rules for safely crossing the road at a pedestrian crossing.


Educational: to form children’s ideas about correct behavior on the road; consolidate knowledge about types of transport, machine parts; learn to draw straight horizontal lines.

Developmental: develop interest in learning traffic rules, speech activity and articulation of children.

Educators: cultivate a conscious attitude towards the rules of safe behavior on the road.

Equipment: “Masha” doll, road with a pedestrian crossing, “Pedestrian crossing” sign, toy cars, cut-out pictures “Transport”.

OOD progress.

Educator. Guys, the doll Masha came to visit us. Let's say hello to her. (The children greet the doll, the teacher notices that the doll is upset about something.) Masha, tell me what happened to you (the doll speaks to the teacher in the ear). Masha was very scared today when she saw cars on the road.


I was walking across the road

And I got a little confused

When to stand, when to go

And where to cross the road

Educator. Guys, let's help Masha. Masha went for a walk alone and there was no one to tell her where to cross the road. Do you think small children can walk alone?

Educator. Right! Children should walk with adults: with mom, dad, grandparents.

Guys, let's take a walk along the path. (get up from the chairs)


Top, top legs

We walked along the path

The legs walked, walked, walked

And they came to the road.

Educator. Guys, look at the road there are some white stripes. They look like a zebra. This is a pedestrian crossing. The crossing is also indicated by this sign (look at the pedestrian crossing sign).

Educator. When crossing the road you need to be very attentive and careful. Holding hands is a must. First look left, then right. You can cross the road only if there are no cars.

Educator. Guys, let's become pedestrians and try to cross the road.

Game "We are pedestrians"

Guys, let's join hands. Let's look left, then right. And if there are no cars, then we cross the road. The game can be repeated several times.

Educator. Now Masha remembers how to cross the road correctly.

Educator. Guys, let's see what cars are driving on the road.

What kind of car is this? (Car). Who is she transporting? (Of people).

Let's see what parts the machine consists of.

Educator. What kind of car is this? (Cargo). What parts does this machine consist of? What can be transported in the truck?

Educator. How do the cars sound? (W-w-w). Let's all hum together, first quietly, then loudly.

Now let's honk the horn. (Beep) Quiet and loud.

Educator . Look what happened to these cars. They broke down and all the parts got mixed up. Can you fix cars?

D/game “Assemble cars ” (cut-out pictures).

Educator. Now the cars are ready to go. Where do the cars go? (On the way to).

Educator. Let's draw a road for our cars.

Drawing roads for cars.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Perspective planning for the work of a drawing circle for children 3-4 years old (non-traditional technique of “finger painting”).

Every child is born an artist. Fine art is the most important means of moral and aesthetic education of children. The integrity of any work of art.

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Municipal preschool educational institution.

laquo;It's true! Well, what is there to hide? Children love, really love to draw! On paper, on the asphalt, on the wall, and on the window on the tram. "E. Uspensky Draw.

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Lesson notes for the second junior group on non-traditional drawing (with a plastic fork).


Progress of the lesson.

I'm reading a riddle about a traffic light .

Day and night I stand

I give signals to everyone

I have three eyes

What's my friends name?

That's right, it's a traffic light .

Do you know what traffic ?

Well done, everything is correct.

Now we will color the traffic .

What shape are traffic light (round)

Invite children to trace the traffic light with their hand movement. And now they held their finger in the air and showed how round the traffic . For our traffic lights to be real , they need to be decorated. Because with traffic lights like ours (I show a landscape sheet with a picture of a traffic light , the children have the same ones) we will not be able to cross the road .

During independent work, the teacher keeps all the children in sight, helps those who have difficulty coloring, and draws the children’s attention to the sequence of colors in the traffic light .

Like our guys

Feet are knocking merrily.

Now our traffic light is ready , but where is the traffic light located ? That's right, near the road . But we don’t have a road either , it’s not visible, let’s draw it. only draw with gouache . How can we draw a road ?

That's right, straight lines from left to right. I show the children how to draw a road . I remind you how to properly put paint on a brush and how to hold a brush.

At the end of the lesson we arrange an exhibition.

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