Do-it-yourself safety corner in kindergarten photo - do-it-yourself design according to the Federal State Educational Standard + photo

DIY design according to Federal State Educational Standards + photo

The safety of children is the most important task for parents, educators and all adults who surround them. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dangers in the world around us that can cause harm. Therefore, it is necessary not only to intensively protect and protect the child, but also to teach him safe behavior in various situations both in the house and outside it. This work is purposefully carried out in all educational institutions, starting from a young age in kindergarten and gives positive results. Because despite the complexity of the organization of modern society, childhood injuries are an emergency situation for which all those responsible bear responsibility.

Safety training in kindergarten

Teaching children not to get into dangerous situations both at home and in the outside world is the most important task for parents and educators in child care institutions. It is necessary to teach children safe behavior from the very first steps of life. There are a large number of situations when a child can get injured at home, on a walk, while playing, or while traveling in public transport. The main task of adults is not only to ensure control over the behavior of children, but also to instill in them the concept of their own safety . a safe behavior corner in kindergarten is intended to solve this problem. Using stands, models, toys, and didactic games, educators teach preschoolers the rules of behavior in the most likely life situations. The materials presented at the stands are also addressed to parents, since the child is with them most of the time, and young parents cannot always properly create a safe environment at home.

Table: studying the rules of life safety in different age groups of kindergarten

Design of a safety corner

The importance of the safety corner in the educational activities of teachers is quite great. But in order to successfully and efficiently teach children the basics of safety, it is necessary to have interesting and varied material in this area of ​​work. The life safety corner may contain:

  • Stands with information for parents about possible traumatic situations.
  • Analytical reports on emergency incidents involving children.
  • Visual materials for teaching safe behavior for children and adults.
  • Didactic games (“Road Signs”, “Good and Evil Fire”, “Smart Traffic Light”, “Safety Fundamentals” and so on) factory-made and hand-made.
  • Models of fire equipment, ambulance, fire shield - to better familiarize children with emergency services.
  • Models of items for personal safety: reflectors, fire detector, fire extinguisher, emergency telephone numbers.
  • Toys for organizing role-playing games: firefighter dolls, rescuers, policemen; children's equipment for traffic police and rescue service workers.
  • Floor covering for designing traffic when studying traffic rules.

As part of the subject-development environment of the kindergarten, the safety corner must meet the requirements: aesthetic and attractive design for children and parents, functionality and variability, periodic updating of the content to maintain interest in the material.

Ice safety rules

I remember that as a child, the teacher, releasing the class for the winter holidays, spent class time on the rules of being on the ice, which the students then signed in a special notebook. And we signed that we had learned and adopted the following rules:

  • do not walk on ice for no apparent reason;
  • do not gather several people in one place;
  • what actions to take if the ice cracks under you (sliding steps, feet shoulder-width apart);
  • what to take with you on the ice (rope with a load, phone, etc.);
  • what to do if you fall through the ice (rolling technique).

Formation of the middle group.

Svetlana Yurieva

Formation of the middle group.

This summer we moved to a new group . After the previous one, where we lived for 2 years, this group seemed alien , not cozy, and after some thought, our parents decided to organize a cleanup day on their own, which, however, lasted 3 days. Without sparing their weekends, our parents came to our aid.

Assembling the kitchen set

Washed the group after painting

The team has arrived - just right!

Then it’s just a matter of making the group not only clean , bright and spacious, but also interesting for children. That's why I created development centers:

Fine, which was replenished with various means of depiction

Streets of our city according to traffic rules

Music and theater areas

Pochemuchek Corner - experimental zone

Center for Young Mathematicians

Children go to kindergarten with pleasure, everyone will find something to their liking.

Kindergarten decoration File “/upload/blogs/aa327c36105f8186cd0df59e99c44fa3. pg.jpg" not found. Subject-developmental environment of the group (middle preschool age). .

The importance of a developing subject-spatial environment in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

The task of any preschool educational institution (DOU) is to create conditions for the development and upbringing of children, maintaining their health in a safe and comfortable environment. The most important component of this task is the organization of a subject-spatial environment that corresponds to the components of the educational and developmental process carried out by teachers. It has long been proven that a child’s development occurs with his active participation in a variety of activities. For senior group students, the following areas are highlighted:

  • training and development activities;
  • performing practical and creative work;
  • role-playing games;
  • basics of labor activity;
  • physical education classes;
  • music and choreography lessons.

The administration of a children's educational institution, teachers and educators must create a multi-component educational environment for a preschooler, which takes into account different aspects of organizing the process of raising and developing a child. This:

  • developing subject-spatial environment;
  • organizing interaction with teachers;
  • communication with peers;
  • the preschooler's attitude to the world around him and to himself.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, and creativity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Principles of constructing a subject-development environment

The subject-spatial environment in the older group serves the development of children's activities, primarily play. Indeed, during play, the leading activity of preschool children, cognitive motivation develops, which is the basis of educational activity. The subject-spatial developmental environment must correspond to the zone of proximal mental development of a 5-6 year old child - the formation of prerequisites for educational activity.

Design of thematic areas in kindergarten

Showing publications 1-10 of 4579. All sections | Corners and centers in groups

Educational environment. Interesting corners in our group

Dear colleagues, I invite you to a mini excursion to our group. Our tour begins with a reception for children and parents. I tried to make it interesting for children and parents; when you go into the locker room you can see a stand “For moms and dads about the lives of their children.” Available at this stand.

Busyboard - educational class=”aligncenter” width=”399″ height=”675″[/img]

Good day, dear friends and guests of my page! Probably, many of you have heard about a development board for children, on which there are various fasteners, doors, buttons, etc. This development center is called a busy board. It was invented by Maria Montesori. Busyboard.


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Pictures season summer

Summer is the period of the most vivid childhood impressions and emotions. Some people go to the sea, some go on a hike, some go to the river... Whatever the childhood holiday, it is always memorable and unique. To capture the storm of these wonderful memories, the preschool educational institutions set up summer stands. They are a free platform for imagination, ideas and impressions. What to put on the Summer stand?! Everything related to the summer months, for example, such fellings:

  • Hello summer!
  • Summer months and what they are rich in.
  • Summer rest.
  • Riddles, proverbs, poems about summer.
  • Summer games on the sand and in the water.
  • Tips for parents on how to spend a healthy and safe summer.

Summer stand templates

Pictures for filling stands

Useful information for parents

A mobile folder for the Summer stand will help remind children of summer memories. Proverbs, stories, riddles in pictures will be useful for its design.

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