Text of the book “Lessons in visual activities in the preparatory group of kindergarten for school. Class notes"
MODELING IN A PREPARATORY SCHOOL GROUP Features of the plastic form created by preparatory school children
Lesson summary for children of the senior group “Bread is the head of everything”
NOTE SUMMARY Paper application. (preparatory group) Topic: “Flowers in a vase”
Other materials Beautiful appliqués that can be used to decorate style accessories are made from genuine leather and
Work plan of the methodological association of educators
Activities of the methodological association of senior educators in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard Inessa Ermolenko Activities of the methodological association
Organized educational activity “Cognition” (FCCM) + constructive activity: “Secrets of the bird world” (middle group)
Ftskm what is this in kindergarten? Svetlana Solovyova Planning for FCCM in secondary
Summary of GCD for drawing in the middle group “Aquarium for fish”
Abstract “Fish swim in an aquarium” Abstract of an open lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) in secondary
Outline of educational activities with pupils of senior preschool age "Samara Cosmic"
"We're flying into space." Summary of GCD in the senior group
Senior group. Senior preschool age. Children 5-6 years old Summary of GCD for cardboard construction
Extracurricular activities program. Theater group. Social direction
Copyright Step-by-step instructions on how to come up with a name for a children's theater studio using a real case as an example.
Moon eclipse
Online lesson on the surrounding world “The Moon is a satellite of the Earth”
Facts about the Moon: The oldest mountains on the Moon are considered to be its highlands. Their age is over 4
We speed up mental counting, NOT mental arithmetic, learn to count quickly, not mental arithmetic
Quickly teach children how to count examples within 10 and 20
Mathematics is the oldest and greatest science about order, relationships, and numbers. The basis of which is operations
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