Name it in one word
Card index of didactic games on health day “Name the objects”
The didactic game “Say it in one word” is intended for preschoolers of the older age group. It helps to consolidate
Collection of impromptu theater for work in a theater group
A skit about the war for schoolchildren The best production for a school theater consists of a good script,
Techniques of Dymkovo painting senior group. Summary of the drawing lesson “Dymkovo Horse” in the senior group
Guzel Ziganshina Summary of a drawing lesson in the senior group on the topic: “Decorative and applied arts” (according to
Topic: numbers next to us. (proverbs, sayings, riddles). Home numbers in poems, riddles, proverbs Riddles, sayings, proverbs about numbers
Proverbs and sayings are considered an ancient form of oral folk art. They play a big role in the formation
GCD for speech development On the topic “Winter entertainment. Storytelling from a picture."
Winter is the time for snow games and fun. We have all been waiting for winter for a long time, and more
Lesson notes for the senior group, “Air and its properties,” experiences and experiments on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic
Air and properties of air Air is a mixture of gases: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and
“CHESS BOARD” plan – summary of lesson No. 1 according to the program by I.G. Sukhin “Chess for school”
LiveInternetLiveInternet Chess is a game that develops a child’s analytical abilities, spatial thinking and skills
Tales about winter - 2 skits for children for the New Year 2022
Zimushka - Winter! Russian soul! She blew snow and brought happiness. I want to start with these lines of praise
Montessori classes for children's sensory development from 1 to 3
Developmental lesson “Home. My family" for children 1.5-2 years old
Montessori at home for children 1-2 years old Now let's move on directly to Montessori classes for children
Didactic game “Remove garbage - save nature”
Ecology, nature protection. Didactic games and manuals
Ecological games for the development and formation of a correct attitude towards the environment contain a plot, use
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