Summary of the lesson “Dymkovo toy” for children of the preparatory group
Summary of the lesson “Dymkovo toy” for children of the preparatory group Synopsis of the lesson “Dymkovo toy” for children
famp in the second junior group
FEMP in the second junior group. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts
All parents want their child to be smart and developed. That's why many people try to teach
Long-term plan for introducing fine arts to the middle group
Conducting educational activities on drawing on a selected topic (suitable topics for children 4–5 years old) Accessibility
Drawing on the topic of traffic rules, grade 6 – Competition for children’s drawings on the topic of road safety. Prizes of the project “Safe roads point RF”
road safety through the eyes of children, drawings, pictures, coloring pages on traffic rules for schoolchildren and kids
Summary of GCD in the middle group on the topic “Trees. Birch sculpting. Abstract of GCD for modeling in the preparatory school group “Russian birch Birch from plasticine on cardboard
Print Thank you, great lesson +6 All children know what a beautiful birch tree looks like. This
How does a teacher educate himself?
Work plan for self-education “Project activities in the development of children of senior preschool age”
Relevance of the topic Currently, design plays a special role in domestic preschool education. This
With a candle
Experiments with magnets for preschool and elementary school children with explanations
Fascinating experiments with magnets for children with explanations. We invite you to consider experiments with magnets already
Summary of educational activities in the preparatory group of kindergarten using ICT on the topic: Sports
Abstract of educational activities in the preparatory group of kindergarten using ICT on the topic: Sports Abstract
How to make a military and passenger plane from plasticine step by step
Probably, every mother tries to give her baby all the most beautiful things, to spend the best time with him.
Children sleep in kindergarten
Methodological aspects of work before bedtime in kindergarten
Working with children before bedtime - goals and methods Sleep is necessary to restore physiological
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