A collection of fairy tales about traffic rules; creative work of students (4th grade) on the topic

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Is a pedestrian at fault for an accident?

The accident analysis revealed the most important road accidents caused by pedestrians:

  • a pedestrian rushes across the street onto a bus or trolleybus;
  • a pedestrian crosses the street on the way to a friend's house;
  • a child runs outside after a ball or a dog;
  • a schoolboy, without looking at the road, begins to cross it diagonally;
  • a child runs or rides a bicycle out of the yard and does not notice the car;
  • the pedestrian is behind the car. If the car is moving backwards, the driver does not notice the person.

Traffic rules for pedestrians

Pedestrians must follow sidewalks or sidewalks, or if they do not, then walk on sidewalks. If there are no sidewalks, sidewalks or sidewalks, or if it is impossible to travel on them, pedestrians may use a bicycle path or walk in a line along the edge of the road (on roads with a median, along the outer edge of the road). When pedestrians walk along the edge of the roadway, they must accept the flow of traffic from vehicles.

When driving on the roadway at night or on the edge of the roadway, as well as in poor visibility, pedestrians are recommended to transport objects with reflective elements and ensure that these objects are visible to vehicle drivers.

Groups of children are only allowed to ride on sidewalks and footpaths, or if not, then on sidewalks, but only in daylight and only when accompanied by an adult. Pedestrians must cross the roadway at pedestrian crossings, including underground and overpasses, and, if not, at crossings along sidewalks or roadsides. If there is no intersection or crossing in sight, it is permitted to cross the roadway at right angles to the edge of the road in places where there are no dividing lines or fences and where the roadway is clearly visible in both directions.

When regulating traffic, pedestrians must be guided by traffic signals or traffic lights for pedestrians, and in the absence of such traffic lights, by traffic lights. At uncontrolled pedestrian crossings, pedestrians may enter the roadway after determining the distance to approaching vehicles and their speed, and after they have ensured that the crossing is safe for them.

In addition, when crossing a roadway outside of a crosswalk, pedestrians must avoid obstructions to traffic and exit exits due to stationary vehicles or other obstructions that limit their view without ensuring that no vehicles are approaching them.

When entering the roadway, pedestrians must not be slowed down or stopped, unless this is necessary to ensure road safety. Pedestrians who have not completed the crossing must stop on the line dividing traffic flows in opposite directions. The crossing can be continued only if safe continuation of movement is ensured and the traffic light system (controller control) is taken into account.


Road users are drivers and passengers of vehicles and pedestrians. They are required to comply with the requirements of traffic rules, traffic lights, signs, markings, instructions from supervisory authorities and must not cause damage or pose a danger to road traffic.

Road users are prohibited from polluting and damaging roads, making them unsuitable for use, as well as installing (removing) unauthorized road signs, traffic lights and other technical means, blocking roads and leaving objects on them that impede traffic.

A pedestrian is a person who is on the road outside of a vehicle and does not perform any work on it. A pedestrian is a person who moves in a wheelchair without a motor, rides a bicycle, moped, motorcycle, sleigh, tram or stroller.

Fairy tale - dramatization according to traffic rules for preschoolers

A fairy tale about traffic rules for preschool children “At the edge of the forest.”
Educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, physical development. Goal: Encourage preschoolers to comply with traffic rules Program content: Educational:
- improve children's ideas about safe behavior on the streets and roads, consolidate knowledge about traffic lights, road signs;
- to develop a sustainable interest in theatrical and gaming activities, to develop speech, thinking, memory, imagination.
- to cultivate the ability to behave correctly on the road, to come to the aid of a friend.
Equipment: bicycles, cars, scooters, traffic lights, road signs, car parts. Preliminary work: guessing riddles, learning songs, didactic games, observations while walking. Characters: Bear - teacher, Wolf, Fox, Squirrel, Crow, Grasshopper, Mole, Magpie, Hare, Bear - children.
Progress of the event
(The music hall is decorated in the form of a forest edge) Presenter: Today we will tell you a fairy tale, Maybe we will show something new, And we will teach the rules of movement, To know them like the multiplication table. Presenter: Once upon a time there were animals in the forest. Different animals - big and small, strong and weak, brave and cowardly. All sorts of animals lived. It was quiet in the forest. And suddenly, a magpie flew in and chirped. (Animals come running to her cry) Magpie: Listen, everyone! Listen up everyone! Today we were invited to visit the forest school of traffic rules. Hurry up! Hurry up! (The magpie flies away, and the animals scatter) Presenter: The animals were happy. Everyone wants to go to this school. Let's see how they get ready and hit the road! Little Fox: (Appears from behind the scenery)
- It’s so good that my mother let me go to school.
How will I get there? I'll go on a bike! (the little fox rolls out a tricycle, sits on it and rides off)
Little Bear: (Strokes pants on the stump)
- Mom sewed me pants of unprecedented width.
And I’ll get to school, I’ll just point the arrows. One pant leg, two pant legs, well, now it's time to get into the car. (The little bear gets into the car and drives away) Little Bunny: - I’m not afraid of anyone in the world! And I will be at school before everyone else! Look what scooter my dad gave me! I’ll start it now! (Leaves on a scooter) (On the forest edge there are road signs, a board, a Bear (teacher) is sitting on a stump and animals (students) are sitting on a log near the board
Presenter: At the remote forest edge there are no free places now! Animals are gathering for the big forest council : Wolves and hares, squirrels, Foxes, bear cubs. Bear: We invite all animals to our school for lessons! We teach traffic rules For big children and for children! Bear: - There are a lot of traffic rules. All of them are very necessary and important. And what are the rules do you know? (children name the rules of the road) Bear: Well done, you know a lot of road rules. And also, in order not to get into trouble on the road, there are helpers. Guess what it is? A friend is standing along the road, Telling us what to do, Instead words in winter and summer It shines for us with different lights. (Traffic light) The bear turns on the signals at the traffic light in turn Hare: If you see a red light, Know that there is no road for you! Fox: The light has changed to yellow, Get ready to continue the path! Wolf: And the green one is ahead - You can safely go on your way! The animals sing the song “There is a traffic light on the road.” Bear: Well done, my students! Let's continue our lesson. Guess what kind of roadside assistant this is? He will tell you everything about the rules, A close turn will show you, And he will tell you what and how Good friend... All animals: Road sign Bear: What do we know about them? The fox runs up to the “sign”: Fox: Don’t yawn, forest people! Whoever walks along the road, a road sign will always save us from trouble! Game “Find a Pair” (the animals have signs in their hands. To the music they move around the hall, when the music stops, they must find a pair with the same sign and tell what sign it is and what it means) Bear: She will get you without difficulty to big cities. But if you are going on a journey, don’t forget to fill it up (Car)
- Animals fell ill in our forest and the ambulance was rushing to the sick.
But on the way it broke down. Let's try to repair the car so that it arrives in time to help. Game “Assemble a car” Assemble a car from parts Bear: Around the city, down the street They don’t just walk like that: When you don’t know the rules, It’s easy to get into trouble. Be careful all the time and remember in advance: The driver and the pedestrian have their own rules. Game “Say what you want” Bear: I’ll ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no” Say what you want, red light - no way? (yes)
What do you want to say, every time we go home we play on the pavement?
Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport?
Say what you want, we always move forward, only where there is a transition?
What do you want - say we are running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light?
Say what you want, is there a person drawn on the “no passage here” sign?
Say what you want, on round signs the red color means “it’s prohibited here”?
(yes) Bear: These rules are simple. We will strictly follow them. And now, I invite everyone, friends, to dance!

The animals dance to the song “The Road is Not a Path” by A. Usachev and A. Pinegin

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