Thematic week project with children of the middle group “My Mommy!”

Thematic week project with children of the middle group “My Mommy!”

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 13 of a general developmental type" in Syktyvkar

Middle group project

“My dear mother!”

Completed by: Gudyreva A.V., Vatamanova A.A.,


Project passport

Type of project: gaming, creative, group. Project duration: short-term (from 11/18-11/22/2019)


Cultivating a friendly attitude towards mother, respect for the older generation, and fostering respect for family traditions and values.

And, indeed, everyone in the world has one mother. And, precisely, she does everything to make us happy. We go to her with our problems. She will always understand, console and reassure you. No matter how much we talk about mom, it won’t be enough. It is important that children understand what their mother means in the fate of each of them, what role she plays in the family. In addition, in a conversation with children, I was able to find out that almost all children know and can tell what their mothers do at home, about their joint activities with them, but not all children know where and who their mothers work, not all children They can tell you about their mother’s hobbies.

Goal: to form a conscious understanding of the importance of mothers in the lives of children.


– deepen children’s knowledge about the role of mother in their lives;

– to cultivate respect and care, a desire to help and please mother, the dearest person on earth.

– promote the development of children's speech through expressive reading of poems, proverbs, composing stories about mother, dramatizations;

- develop creative abilities, the desire to give gifts to mother;

– cultivate a kind, caring attitude towards mother.

Estimated results of the project:

1. Children have an idea of ​​their mother, who plays a big role in the life of every person.

2. Children develop a desire and desire for emotional communication with family and friends.

3. Children have developed a caring and respectful attitude towards their mother.

4. Children know their mothers' favorite activities.

5.Children develop respect for the older generation and respect for family traditions and values.

6. They know poems about mothers.

7. Children know how to write a story about their family, they know proverbs and sayings about their mother.

8. They know songs about mothers, dance, and know how to prepare gifts for mothers.

9. We learned to play role-playing games “Cafe”, “Artists”, “Family”.

Integration of educational areas:

Educational field “Social and communicative development”. Mastering initial ideas of a social nature and including children in the system of social relations. Development of gaming activities, formation of gender and family affiliation. Mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with people around you. Development of free communication with adults. Development of all components of oral speech. Formation of a positive attitude towards work. Development of labor activity, formation of primary ideas about the work of adults (mothers).

Work plan for the week Topic “I love my mother very much!”


1 Work plan for the week Topic “I love my mother very much!” Target. Creating conditions for nurturing love for mother and grandmother through social - communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development. Daily. Morning exercises. Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast. Tasks. Improve cultural and hygienic skills; develop basic table behavior skills; encourage children to perform cultural and hygienic procedures and control their actions while eating. Walk. Tasks. Expand children's understanding of the weather in spring. Ensure children stay in the fresh air; improve health; improve motor activity. Organization of nutrition and sleep. Tasks. Improve the ability to hold a spoon correctly; consolidate the ability not to wet clothes when washing, wash hands and wrists, face, not to splash water; develop the ability to hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair when undressing before going to bed, carefully place shorts and tights on the seat. Lifting, aerial procedures. Gymnastics after sleep. Educational activities Activities during restricted periods Independent activities Individual activities Work with parents Monday Artistic creativity (Drawing) Topic. “Sunshine for Mom” - the ability to draw a circle, complete straight lines, cultivate love for mom Physical education Morning. Review of the album “My Mother” Tasks. Systematize children’s knowledge about the work of their mothers, cultivate respect for their mother D/I “Who needs what for work?” Tasks. Familiarizing children with objects that people of different professions need. Walk: Observing the shadow on a sunny day. Tasks. Continue to introduce children to the concepts of “light” and “shadow”, note that on a sunny day all objects cast a shadow, the contour of which follows the silhouette of the object. S/R game “Family” provides conditions for role-playing games, encouraging children to retell familiar fairy tales, poems, and sing songs during the game. I\U “Who will throw the snowball next.” motor activity of children. Puzzles “Kolobok”, D/I “The sun is shining brightly” rays from clothespins on a yellow circle fine motor skills, consolidate the yellow color. D/i “What is made of what.” Tasks. To promote the ability to distinguish between metal, wood, rubber, plastic Preparation for the March 8 holiday

2 P/I “Mouse in the pantry” Objectives: development of motor activity.. Crawling under the cord on the stomach. P/I “The little white bunny is sitting”, the ability to clearly pronounce the text, perform actions in accordance with the words. Labor assignment. Removing snow from the area. Tasks. Form the idea that on a sunny day, snow on the asphalt melts faster than on the ground; continue to develop the ability to use a shovel and work together. 2 Half day Gymnastics after sleep, massage track. Tasks. Form initial ideas about the need for hardening; cultivate a careful attitude towards your health. “Turnip”: independence during the game, perseverance, attention. Finger gymnastics “Turnip” Outdoor games Tasks. Provide interesting outdoor activities for children; improve health; improve motor activity. items. D/I “Sort out the pictures” Tasks. To develop the ability to classify clothes and shoes; use generalizations in speech. Learning the poem by Y. Akim “Mom” Mom! I love you so much that I don’t even know! I will give the name “MOM” to the big ship. Tasks. Help you understand the meaning of the poem, cultivate kindness towards your mother. Tuesday FEMP Topic. More - less, as much - as Tasks. Develop the ability to compare two unequal groups S/r game “Getting ready for a walk”, the ability to select clothes for different seasons, correctly name the elements of clothing, consolidate the general concepts of “clothing”, “shoes”, and cultivate a caring attitude towards others. Morning Conversation: “That’s what mom is like, she’s so golden” Word game “kind words for mom” Tasks. develop a dialogical form of speech; involve children in conversation. Walk. Tree watching. S/R game “Let’s dress the doll Katya for a walk” interest in play activities P/I “Salki” D/I “Where is whose mother” Tasks. Consolidating the names of baby animals in speech, consolidating the skills of word formation, attention, and memory. “Development of fine motor skills of the hands”

3 items; -indicate the results of comparison with words: more - less, as much as. World of nature. “What are the colors of spring?” Objectives: To introduce children to the first signs of spring. To form elementary ideas about the simplest connections in nature. Wednesday Artistic creativity (Applique) Topic Flowers as a gift for mom. Tasks. Strengthen the ability to glue the required material. To promote the development of seeing and highlighting beautiful objects. Tasks. To develop the ability to observe natural objects, distinguish and name them. Learning the nursery rhyme “The Sun and the Bell”: memory, speech, attention. P/I “Sparrows and the cat” Problem. Develop motor skills Work assignment. Collecting toys on the playground. Task. To teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area; encourage adults to help. 2 half day. Gymnastics after sleep, massage track. Tasks. Form initial ideas about the need for hardening; cultivate a careful attitude towards your health. Reading the poem “Spring” by A. Pleshcheev Tasks. Introduce verbal art, develop the ability to listen to new poems, and repeat the most interesting phrases. P.I. “Tall and low trees” children’s physical activity Morning Conversation “How do we help mothers and grandmothers?” Looking at pictures on the topic. Walk: Ice Problems. Introduce the natural phenomenon of ice, tell how it forms, introduce the rules of safe movement during ice, watch how the ice glistens in the bright spring sun. P/I “Shaggy Dog” Problems. To help harden the body and physical activity. Outdoor games. Tasks. Ensure children stay in the fresh air; improve health; improve motor activity. Drawing “Flowers for Mom” artistic creativity. S/R game. "Cafe" conditions for independent games, developing the storyline. S/R game. “Kindergarten” provides conditions for independent play, developing a storyline, using many attributes, including substitute objects. P/N “Train” P/I “Hush, don’t make noise, mice!” ability to walk on toes moving forward, quietly perform sneaking movements. D/I on FEMP Tasks. Introduce geometric shapes, develop the ability to find objects of a given shape in the environment. Drawing “Icicles are dripping” Task. To promote the development of droplet drawing using the dipping method, carefully pick up paint, and thoroughly rinse the brush. D/I “Visiting the forest dwellers” for parents “Walk with children”

4 Physical education Rolling the ball over the goal, ribbed board. P/I “Birds in nests” Thursday Speech development Topic. Reading of I. Kosyakov’s poem “She’s All.” Tasks. Introduce a new poem. Who loves you, children, more, Who loves you so tenderly And takes care of you, Without closing his eyes at night? "Mom dear." Who rocks the cradle for you, Who sings songs to you, Who tells you fairy tales and gives you toys? "Mom is golden." If, children, you are lazy, disobedient, playful, which happens sometimes, who sheds tears then? children, continue to improve skills in basic types of movement. P/N “Shoot, don’t miss.” Tasks. Continue to develop the ability to throw at a horizontal target while performing an energetic swing. Labor activity. Collect toys Tasks. Teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area. 2. Half a day. Repeating poems with children for the holiday “I love my dear mother” is a condition for nurturing love for mother and grandmother. Conversation “Guests have come to the holiday” Listening to A. Filippenko’s song “Guests have come to us” Tasks. To develop children’s ability to meet guests, say hello, invite them to a group, offer to sit down; develop speech, the ability to listen carefully and consciously to a song. Walk: “Signs of early spring” Tasks. Consolidate knowledge about the seasons; study the signs of early spring. P/I "Hares". Tasks. Strengthen push-off skills when jumping on two legs. P/N “Jump, turn around.” the ability to quickly perform actions on a signal from the teacher. Labor activity Clearing paths from snow on the site, removing snow on the veranda. Objectives: Continue to develop the ability to shovel snow using shovels to a specific place. Half a day physical activity; contribute to the hardening of children’s bodies, S/R game “Tell Masha how to greet guests” Tasks. To develop children’s ability to meet guests, say hello, invite them to a group, offer to sit down; develop speech, the ability to listen carefully and consciously to a song. Ball games - the ability to independently play ball games. S/R game “Family” - the ability to independently play role-playing games, developing the ability to distinguish forest inhabitants. P/I “At the Bear in the Forest” Objectives: continue to improve skills in basic types of movement. D/I “Lace up the shoe” – fine motor skills of the hands, the ability to tie shoelaces. P/I “Teddy Bear” Problems. Continue to develop the ability to walk on the outside of the foot and maintain balance in this position. for parents “Children’s clothing for groups and outings”

5 “That’s all, dear.” Music. Continue to develop children’s ability to listen carefully and consciously to a piece of music; to cultivate interest in musical and artistic activities Conversation “March 8th Holiday” Objectives. To introduce the holiday, to those who are congratulated on the first spring holiday, to form a respectful attitude towards mother, grandmother, and adults. D/U “I love mommy very much, because...” Improve dialogic speech. Cultivate love for mom. storyline using many attributes, including substitute items. Friday Music Continue to develop children's ability to listen carefully and consciously to a piece of music; learning a song for the holiday of March 8th. Physical education (outdoors) P/I “Shaggy Dog”, “Planes” Morning Conversation “What did we see on the way to kindergarten?” D/I “Yes or no” memory, the ability to describe objects or phenomena seen, attention, develop the ability to listen to a question and answer it briefly. Work in a corner of nature. Planting onions (on greens) Tasks. In the presence of children, organize the planting of onions, accompanying your actions with explanations. Encourage to provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Walk. Bird watching. Tasks. Draw children's attention to changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of spring. P/I “Sparrows and the cat” Problems. Improve motor activity; ability to navigate in space. P/I "Geese" Problems. Continue to develop the ability to goose-step, move forward 3-4 meters, keep your hands on your belt, strengthen your muscles. Canteen duty. Tasks. Continue work on developing children's skills in serving the dining room, the ability to help, and setting the table in a certain sequence. Construction from sand Problem. Develop the ability to independently construct from sand. S/R game “Guests have come to us” conditions for independent games, developing the storyline, using many attributes, including objects Modeling “Treat for dolls” Tasks. Formation of skills in rolling and flattening plasticine, making bagels, cakes, and candies from plasticine. D/I “One many” - the ability to distinguish single objects and sets in the environment. Sensory work “The nesting dolls scattered” - the ability to assemble matryoshka dolls one by one. for parents “Walk with children on a day off”

6 children. Let's put things in order on the site. Objectives: To teach to maintain cleanliness and order in the area; encourage adults to help. Half a day. Reading the nursery rhyme “Grass Ant” Tasks. Introduce verbal art, develop the ability to listen to new nursery rhymes; repeat the most interesting, expressive passages from the read work. D/I “Who does what?” Tasks. Expand children's understanding of the actions of people in different professions. Finger game "Family"

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