Summary of GCD for drawing “My funny ringing ball”

Open drawing lesson "My funny ringing ball"

by educational field


"My cheerful, ringing ball"

develop in children the ability to draw round objects with a continuous, continuous movement of the brush


learn to close a line into a ring; divide the circle into two parts


develop aesthetic taste, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; develop fine motor skills and logical thinking.


One large two-color ball; several small balls of red, green, blue; baskets in red, green and blue; a truck with toys, an easel, gouache, sheets, brushes for each child, cups of water.

Introduction to the game situation

Children are sitting on the carpet. A clown with a “wonderful bag” runs in to visit them accompanied by cheerful music.


Hello guys
Do you recognize me?


You are right, my little friends, I am Klepa the clown.
Look what I brought you. (shows a bag with something in it )
-What do you think it is?


That’s right, is it empty or is there something in it? (
children’s answer)
- That’s right, there’s something in it. Want to know what's in there?


Maybe there's an elephant in the bag?


is this a big cube?

They lead him across the field

Can't keep up with... (ball)

That's right, guys, it's a ball.

(The clown takes the ball out of the bag, and everyone together describes its characteristics - shape, color, size.)

3. Difficulty in a game situation


Notice how many colors the ball has.


That's right, two, so we'll call this ball two-color. Let's repeat it together - two-color.

(children repeat the new word along with the clown)

And now I suggest you draw this ball.

But before starting any work, you need to prepare the tool. And our instrument is our fingers. I suggest you do gymnastics for them.

Our fingers are ready to work and I suggest we go to the tables and start drawing.

After the children have sat down, the teacher reminds them of the drawing algorithm and shows a sample on the easel.

Children draw a circle, divide it into two parts and paint one part.


And now I suggest you relax and play.

5. Outdoor game “Take it to the basket”

A clown brings in a truck full of toys.


I was visiting small children and they mixed up all the toys.

Help us find the balls in the back and put them in boxes so that the color of the box and the ball match.

After this, the children return to the tables and paint the other half of the ball with a different color.


Well done boys. Great work. Let's remember once again what we did today?


What did we draw?


What can we call the ball that we drew?


Why did we call it that?

Summary of the drawing lesson “My cheerful, ringing ball”

Tatyana Lapshinova

Summary of the drawing lesson “My cheerful, ringing ball”

Objectives: 1. teach children to paint over the outline of a ball with wax crayons.

2. consolidate ideas about color and shape; 3. develop a sense of color and interest in the results of your work.

Equipment: Wax crayons, balls, sheets of paper.

Educator: Guys, now I’ll tell you a riddle about your favorite toy. You must guess which toy this riddle is talking about.

He's funny and funny

Together he jumps with me

Jumps deftly like a bunny

Well done, you guessed it right! This is your favorite ball.

Educator: What are we going to do with the ball? Play?

— What actions can you perform with the ball? (Throw, throw, catch, roll)


Children show how to play with the ball: throw it up, throw it to each other, etc.

What a wonderful toy we have! How fun it is to play with her!

The teacher offers the game " Funny Ball "

fun time we had playing together .

Look on the table you have just white balls. Shall we color them?

How to draw a ball with a pencil step by step

Drawing a soccer ball step by step is actually quite easy. Draw an even circle with a pencil.

A soccer ball is made up of pentagons and hexagons. Draw a pentagon in the center of the already created circle. See the picture below.

Next, from each corner of the pentagon, draw lines of equal length. Use a ruler if you have difficulty determining the length of the lines by eye.

The following picture shows how to draw a soccer ball next. From the end point of the line, draw two lines in different directions. Try to keep them the same length too.

The same must be done for the remaining lines coming from the pentagon.

There is very little left in drawing this lesson. We close the lines - we get hexagons. Study the following drawing carefully. You should end up with one pentagon with hexagons around it.

Then finish the drawing with lines going to the base of the circle. The text may seem complicated, but the pictures will tell you more - they clearly show how to draw a soccer ball. Study them carefully, and you should not have any difficulties in drawing.

Soccer ball drawn! Color the pentagons black as in the main drawing of the lesson!


Draw pentagon shapes. Due to the round shape of the ball, pentagons throughout its entire surface visually look different from different angles.

All pieces must hit the same size. To do this, use a ruler.

Add lines to fully convey the “pattern” of the soccer ball.


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