Calendar plan for educational work in the senior group Topic: “All professions are important, all professions are needed”

Calendar plan “Week of Professions”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN MONDAY Topic of the week: Week of Professions Topic of the day: Profession - Firefighter

Printed board games : “Find an object of the same shape” (1st option) (30)
Target. Clarify the idea of ​​the shape of objects.
Learning poems: Songs “Gloves”, translated from English. S. Marshak.
Target. Improving artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems.
Individual work on FEMP : “Machines”
Target. Strengthen children's knowledge of number sequences within 10.
Didactic games: “Forester” (46) Goal. Remind and reinforce the idea of ​​the appearance of some
trees and shrubs, about their components (trunk, leaves, fruits and seeds).
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Individual-subgroup work: drawing “Firemen” Purpose. Strengthen the ability to draw a figure
of a person, transfer all parts of the body in proportion to each other; color with colored pencils.
Conversations on the topic of the day: “What professions do you know?” Target. Conversation to identify children’s knowledge about
professions; what children know about the firefighter profession, what it includes, the dangers of the profession.
Observations Collection of flower seeds Purpose. Learn to admire growing flowers; see and perceive them
beauty; to educate children to respect the beautiful creations of nature; consolidate knowledge
names of garden plants; teach how to collect ripe seeds for planting next year.
Role-playing games: “Dry cleaning”
Target. Form joint activities aimed at the quality of role performance. Use
if necessary, substitute items. Reflect in the game ideas about the service sector,
consolidate children's knowledge about dry cleaning employees. Develop memory, activate children's speech.
Creative game: “If I were the mayor...” Purpose. Develop creative thinking, imagination, fantasy.
Physical exercises for balance and coordination of movements: Walking.
Walk on the outside of your feet, raising your knees (hips) high.
Games for the development of fine motor skills: “Make a pattern from matches and sticks” Goal. Teach children to reproduce
sample, laying out figures from matches and sticks, develop fine motor skills, imagination,
hand-eye coordination. Learn to work according to a model, compare the work performed with the model.
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Geese-swans” (32) Goal. Develop agility and flexibility.
“The Fox Mouses” Goal. Strengthen the ability to run on your toes.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, KGN: Strengthen the ability to use a handkerchief correctly
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: sound of the sea
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Construction games, playing out a building: “Fire Truck”
Target. Build a fire truck from geometric shapes of a plane constructor
Reading fiction: A. Pushkin “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights.”
Target. Raising a reader capable of feeling compassion and empathy for the characters of the book.
Theater: “Bunny and Hedgehog” Purpose. To develop children's ability to sincerely believe in any imaginary situation.
Outdoor games : “Trap” (104) Goal. Add nouns to the active dictionary by topic:
“Wild Animals”, “Birds”; develop speed and flexibility.
"Entertainers" Goal. Learn to follow the rules of the game, act quickly and deftly; practice running.
Organization of independent play activities for children: Games with colored glass.
Target. Make patterns from colored glass.
Working with parents: Exhibition of drawings on the theme “Drawing with Mom”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN TUESDAY Topic of the week: Week of Professions Topic of the day: Profession – Policeman

Word games : “Correct the mistake” (78) Purpose. Learn to understand the meaning of a sentence.
Entertainment games “Object in a circle” Purpose. Learn to fill an object with new content by playing with it
Creative games: “What could these objects be?” Target. Develop imagination and creativity.
Exercises to prevent visual impairment: “Zigzags”, “Draw a letter with your eyes”
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Individual-subgroup work: modeling “Policeman on a mission”
Target. To consolidate the ability to sculpt a human figure from a whole piece of clay, conveying the features of clothing
Conversations on the topic of the day: “Who is a police officer” Purpose. Revealing children's knowledge about the profession, what it is
peculiarities; bring to the attention of children the benefits and dangers of this profession
Target walk . Topic: Watching a grasshopper
Target. Systematize ideas about the diversity of insects; deepen and expand knowledge about
some forms of insect protection (protective coloring using the example of a grasshopper).
Games to develop the perception of size : “Christmas trees”
Target. Teach children to use a measure to determine height (one of the height parameters).
Creative game (moral education, children’s speech): “Rebuses and charades” Purpose. Develop logic
children's intelligence, improve sound-letter analysis skills, expand vocabulary
Poems, nursery rhymes, songs (Teach to memorize small folklore forms):
Songs “Boat”, translated from English. S. Marshak.
Observing the work of adults: Janitor. Target. Activate cognitive activity; develop
the ability to see the expediency of labor actions; learn to evaluate the results of work.
Outdoor games : “Guess what you caught” (51) Goal. Develop imagination, flexibility, plasticity.
“We won’t say where we were” (211)
Target. Develop logical thinking, resourcefulness, intelligence, and the ability to transform.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Develop the ability to correctly use the foot
with a towel after swimming.
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: Sounds of nature
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Didactic games : “Name the animal, insect with the right sound” (253)
Target. Develop phonemic awareness and quick thinking.
Reading fiction: A. Remizov “Bread Voice”. Target. Replenishment of literary luggage
Board and printed games : “What happens?” (98)
Target. Learn to classify objects by color, shape, quality, material; compare,
compare, select as many names as possible that fit this definition.
Outdoor games : "Third wheel"
Target. Learn to follow the rules of the game; develop agility and running speed.
Ball games: "Ball Traps"
Target. Pass the ball, precisely matching the movements with the rhythm of the spoken words.
Organization of independent play activities for children: With sand - “Birthday”
Working with parents: Consultation “On hygiene and good manners at the table”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN WEDNESDAY Topic of the week: Week of Professions Topic of the day: Profession – Doctor

Games for speech development: “Is this true or not?” (148) Purpose. Find inaccuracies in the text.
Outdoor games with running and jumping: “From bump to bump”
Target. Practice jumping; develop self-confidence.
Fun games: “Hurry up to catch it” (19) Goal. Develop dexterity and precision of movement.
Games to develop fine motor skills: “String patterns” Purpose. Teach children to make patterns using cards
samples, develop fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Individual-subgroup work: development of speech “Make a story”
Target. Compose a story using reference pictures; develop monologue speech
Conversations on the topic of the day: “If we were doctors” Goal. Show the importance of the profession; tell me where
doctors work, what kind of help they provide to people of other countries
Observations: Card No. 13 (August) Observation of a birch tree
Target. To help generalize children’s ideas about the structure, growth and development of plants; develop
children's ability to generalize based on essential features; expand children's understanding of parts of plants;
cultivate interest in plants; accumulate experience of an attentive and caring attitude towards them.
Games with sand, water, natural materials: Game “Trample the paths”
Target. Acquaintance with the properties of sand, development of coordination of movements
Games with physical education equipment: “Agility couple” Goal. Learn to throw the ball at an angle.
Travel games: “Clock” Purpose: to consolidate the names of natural objects
Outdoor games (plot, non-plot): “Guess what our house is?” (316)
Target. Describe the trees and find them based on their descriptions.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Dressing and undressing.
Target. Improve the ability to quickly dress and undress
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: Voices of birds
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Leisure evening: “Rescuers” Goal. In a playful way, consolidate knowledge about professions that help
protect the life and health of people; social and moral education.
Reading fiction: A. Remizov “Geese and Swans”.
Target. Raising a reader who can feel empathy for the characters in the book.
Physical exercises to develop basic types of movements: Crawling, climbing. 0
Climbing under the arch in several ways in a row.
Outdoor games with sports toys: “Potato” (22)
Target. Introduce the folk game; learn to throw the ball.
Didactic games: “Where does what grow?” (292)
Target. Learn to understand the processes occurring in nature; give an idea of ​​the meaning of plants;
show the dependence of all life on earth on the state of the vegetation cover.
Organization of independent play activities for children: Games with external materials.
Target. Development of children's independence when choosing equipment and children's games
Working with parents: Consultation “Teaching a child to work”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN THURSDAY Topic of the week Professions Week Topic of the day: Who works in kindergarten

FEMP games: “Stand in place”
Target. Exercise children in finding locations: in front, behind, left, right, in front, behind.
Games for the perception of correct sound pronunciation, clarification, consolidation, activation of the dictionary:
“Come up with it yourself” (39) Purpose. Learn to correctly form sentences with a given number of words.
"Say What You Hear" (72)
Target. Learn to use complete sentences in answers; develop phrasal speech.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Formation of the group of groups: Improve skills in using personal hygiene items
Individual-subgroup work: drawing “All professions are important”
Target. Strengthen children's ability to draw a human figure, complete the shape of clothing, attributes
Conversations on the topic of the day: “Who works in kindergarten” Purpose. Identifying children's knowledge of what professions
They know kindergarten; what do people in these professions do, what equipment do they need to work?
Observations Card No. 14 (August) Observation of a sunbeam Purpose. Expand your understanding of
diversity of inanimate nature; expand children's horizons; develop curiosity.
Games with crawling and climbing: “Firemen in training”
Target. Learn to climb ropes and gymnastic walls quickly and easily.
Creative games: “Young fashion designer”
Target. Development of children's creative abilities, imagination, concentration.
Physical exercises to develop basic types of movements: Jumping.
Jump over 6-8 medicine balls in succession each.
Outdoor games (plot-based, non-plot-based): “Hares and the Wolf” (13) Goal. Teach children to jump correctly
two legs; listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text.
“The Kite and the Mother Hen” Purpose. Learn to listen to the teacher’s commands; develop attention.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Cultivate the habit of keeping your body clean
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: Music for relaxation
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Examination of pictures, albums, illustrations: “Who works in kindergarten”
Target. Clarification and expansion of knowledge about the professions of kindergarten workers.
Reading fiction: K. Paustovsky “Warm Bread.”
Target. Develop interest in fiction and educational literature
Outdoor games of low mobility: “We won’t tell you what we saw, but we’ll show you what we did” (271)
Target. Expand children's intelligence and observation skills.
Games to develop attention: “Forward and backward counting”
Target. Develop the ability to distribute attention.
Games using building material: “Our group” Goal. Use different ones in construction
types of constructor, play with it; supplement with substitute items
Household work: “Washing doll clothes.”
Goal: to teach children to help the teacher in washing doll clothes and bedding. Teach children before
when starting work, put on work aprons; prepare the necessary supplies for washing and drying, and
also a workplace; know how to use soap. Develop labor skills and abilities, the ability to comply
cultural and hygienic requirements when working. Cultivate a desire to work for the benefit of others.
Independent activity for children: With sand “Tangled paths”

JOINT ACTIVITY OF TEACHERS AND CHILDREN FRIDAY Topic of the week: Week of Professions Topic of the day: Professions of my parents

Games for speech development: “Correct the mistake” (78) Purpose. Learn to understand the meaning of a sentence.
Outdoor games with running and jumping: “Predator - prey”
Target. Exercise in establishing the “predator-prey” connection; develop running speed and agility.
Fun games: “Hurry up to catch it” fun game (19) Goal. Develop dexterity and precision of movement.
Morning exercises (health running, games, outdoor switchgear) Complex No. 6
Formation of the group of groups: Improve the ability to use cutlery correctly
Individual-subgroup work: designing a “Gift for Parents”
Target. Choose your own material for crafts, decorate it with additional details
Conversations on the topic of the day: “Professions of my parents” Purpose. Revealing children's knowledge about their professions
parents (where they work and by whom); Expand words knowledge; dialogical and monologue speech.
Observations: Card No. 15 (August) Collecting flower seeds
Target. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.
Games with educational toys: “How many objects?” (131) Purpose. Teach subject counting; develop
quantitative representations; understand and name numerals.
Games with physical education equipment: “Who’s next?”
Target. Practice throwing stuffed bags with your right and left hands in a certain direction.
Travel games: “Across the ocean of professions with Dunno.”
Goal: to develop pantomimic expressiveness; knowledge about professions.
Outdoor games “Hunter and Hares” (15) Goal. Learn to throw at a moving target.
"Bubble" (68) Goal. Learn how to properly exhale for a long time.
Foot therapy. Sun and air baths (headdress):
Returning from a walk, taking a shower. KGN: Strengthen the ability to neatly fold clothes
on a chair before bed.
DREAM. Relaxing relaxation music: Lullabies
Hardening procedures, “health paths” Complex No. 6
Looking at pictures, albums, illustrations: Looking at photos of parents at work
place. Target. Develop the ability to explain where and who parents work for.
Conversation with children on the topic of the week: “I know ... professions” Purpose. Summarize children's knowledge about professions;
Know and be able to explain the significance and importance of each profession; learn to talk about the profession.
Leisure evening: “All professions are important”
Target. Reinforce knowledge about professions in a playful way
Physical exercises to develop basic types of movements: Throwing, throwing, catching
Throwing the ball to each other over the net.
Didactic games: “Hunter” (194)
Target. Practice the ability to classify and name animals, fish, birds, etc.
Independent activities for children: Collecting leaves. Target. Collecting leaves for the herbarium
Working with parents: Creating the album “Professions of my parents”
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