Summary of an open lesson on FEMP in the preparatory group

Methodology for conducting ECD on FEMP in the preparatory group

Lyudmila Ryabova

Methodology for conducting ECD on FEMP in the preparatory group


1. Methodology for conducting GCD in the preparatory group....3

2. Analysis of software tasks….5

3. Summary of GCD…. 7

4. Recommended didactic games for the preparatory group.... 10

5. References...12

Methodology for conducting GCD in the preparatory group

The methodology for conducting ECD includes the following components: implementation of all types of children's activities and the use of various forms of organization of children, which depend on the degree of activity of children, interest, independence skills, level of communication, age and individual characteristics of children, type of activity, complexity of the material.

In the methodology of mathematical development of preschoolers, much attention is paid to the problem of teaching them computational activities. However, only as a result of targeted, systematic work do they develop sufficiently strong and conscious knowledge and skills in computational activities, and this is an important prerequisite for mastering mathematics at school.

Children in the preparatory group are introduced to arithmetic operations - addition and subtraction. This work is being carried out in stages . In several lessons, the relationship between the operations of addition and subtraction should be revealed. Familiarization is carried out on the basis of examining drawings, from which problems on addition and subtraction can be made. After using a certain number of exercises, children should be able to draw a conclusion: if we subtract the second term from the sum, we get the first term. Understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction is used later in checking the correctness of the answer .

Training in direct educational activities, regardless of the form of its organization, differs primarily in its programming. The teacher outlines the program content that should be implemented during the GCD.

Classes have a certain structure, which is largely dictated by the content of training and the specifics of the children’s activities. Regardless of these factors, in any lesson there are three main parts, inextricably linked by general content and methodology , namely: the beginning, the course of the lesson (process)

and ending.

The beginning of ECD presupposes the direct organization of children: it is necessary to switch their attention to the upcoming activity, arouse interest in it, create an appropriate emotional mood, and reveal the educational task. Based on the explanation and demonstration of methods of action, the child forms an elementary plan: how he will need to act himself, in what sequence to complete the task, what results to strive for.

Progress (process)

GCD is an independent mental or practical activity of children, consisting in the acquisition of knowledge and skills that are determined by the educational task. At this stage of the lesson, techniques and teaching are individualized in accordance with the level of development, pace of perception, and thinking characteristics of each child. Appeals to all children are necessary only if many have errors in completing a learning task as a result of an unclear explanation from the teacher.

Minimal assistance is provided to those who quickly and easily remember, are attentive, know how to analyze, and compare their actions and results with the instructions of the teacher. In case of difficulty, advice, reminders, and a guiding question are enough for such a child. The teacher gives each student the opportunity to think and try to independently find a way out of a difficult situation.

The teacher must strive to ensure that each child achieves a result that indicates his progress, showing what he has learned.

The end of the ECD is devoted to summing up and assessing the results of children's educational activities. The quality of the result obtained depends on the age and individual characteristics of the children, and on the complexity of the learning task.

Depending on the section of training and the goals of the lesson, the methodology for conducting each part of the lesson may be different. Private methods provide more specific recommendations for conducting each part of the lesson. After the lesson, the teacher analyzes its effectiveness, the children’s mastery of program tasks, reflects on the activity and outlines the prospects for the activity.

Software task analysis

Our kindergarten "Gnome"

works according to the program
“From birth to school”
edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, (3rd edition, corrected and expanded, Mozaika-Sintez publishing house, Moscow, 2014 - 368 pp.)

Let us analyze the structure of the program, its content and program tasks for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers.

Program structure:

Formation of elementary mathematical representations ( FEMP )

-one of the educational areas
“Cognitive Development”

The main goals and objectives of the FEMP are the formation of primary ideas about the basic properties and relationships of objects in the surrounding world: shape, color, size, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time.

Preparatory group for school.

Improve and develop skills, expand the understanding given to children in the senior group . Tasks are added:

Quantity and counting. Introduce counting within 20 without operations on numbers, introduce numbers in the second ten. Learn to name numbers in forward and reverse order, next, previous, missing numbers.

Introduce the composition of numbers within 10. Learn to decompose a number into two smaller ones and make a larger number from two smaller ones.

Introduce coins.

Learn, on a visual basis, to compose and solve simple arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction, and use action signs when solving problems.

Magnitude. Learn to count according to a given measure, when a unit of counting is understood as not one, but several objects or part of an object .

Divide an object into 2-8 or more equal parts by bending, using a conventional measure, correctly designate the parts. Develop initial measurement skills. Learn to measure length, height, width.

Learn to measure the volume of liquid and granular substances using a conventional measure.

Give an idea of ​​weight and how to measure it.

Form. Give an idea of ​​a polygon, straight line, segment.

Learn to recognize shapes in space, place them on a plane, organize, classify.

Model geometric shapes, construct shapes based on verbal descriptions and listing their properties, create thematic compositions from shapes according to your own ideas. Analyze the shape of objects as a whole and individual parts using contour patterns, descriptions, and presentation.

Orientation in space. Learn to navigate a limited area, place objects and their images in the indicated direction, and reflect their spatial location in speech.

Introduce the plan, diagram, route, map.

Learn to "read"

the simplest graphic information indicating the spatial relationships of objects and the direction of their movement in space.

Orientation in time. Give elementary ideas about time: its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility, the sequence of days of the week, months, seasons.

Learn to use the concepts: “first”

“at the same time”
Develop a “sense of time”
, learn to tell by the clock with an accuracy of one hour.

Feature of the program.

The program comprehensively presents all the main content areas of education, training and development of a child from birth to 7 years. Education is seen as the process of introducing a child to the main components of human culture.

Abstract of GCD ( preparatory group )

Program content:

• Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

• Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

• Learn to “read”

graphic information indicating the spatial relationships of objects and the direction of their movement.

• Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Colored pencils, sample maze (see Fig. 66, number line, 2 plot pictures with 8–10 differences.

Handout. Checked notebooks with images of two number lines consisting of 10 cells (see Fig. 62, pencils, pictures of labyrinths (see Fig. 66)



Part I. Game exercise “Make the pictures similar”


There are 2 pictures on the board. The teacher invites the children to look at them, find the differences between them and complete the drawing of the object so that they become similar.

Part II. Game task “Drawing a task”


The children have notebooks in a square with the image of two number lines. The teacher asks: “How many cells are on the number line?”
(Ten cells.)
Children mark with an arc on the number line, first 4 cells, and then another 5 cells (they check the correctness of the task with the model on the board)

. Based on the drawing, a record is made for the future task using numbers and arithmetic signs.

Children read the entry, the called child lays it out on the board. Based on the notes, children create a task. The teacher listens to the problem options. Children, together with the teacher, justify the correctness of their composition, solve and answer the questions of the problem, and explain its solution.

On the second number line, children use arcs to mark 9 cells (above)

and 5 cells
(bottom left)
. Then they compose and solve a subtraction problem in the same way.

Physical education minute

The teacher reads the poem and performs the appropriate movements together with the children.

Point your finger at the hare (Clench your right hand into a fist and straighten your middle and index fingers.)

Book, (Put two open palms next to each other.)

Nut. (Clench your fist.)

index finger

Everything is known best. (Stretch your index finger up, bend and straighten it.)

The exercise is repeated 2-3 times with a change of hands.

Part III. Game exercise “Hide the figures”


From the previous task in the notebooks, children count down 4 cells. The teacher gives them a new task: “Draw a square with a side equal to two cells. Step back three squares and draw another similar square. Continue drawing squares until the end of the line."

After completing the task, he asks the children: “Which figure have we already hidden in the square?” (Circle.)

The child on the board, with the help of the teacher, shows how to fit a circle into a square. Children complete the task in their notebooks.

The teacher invites the children to think about what other figure can be hidden in the square. (Triangle.)

Shows how to fit a triangle into a square: the upper side of the square must be divided in half and put a dot, and then connect it with straight lines to the lower left and lower right corners of the square
(see Fig. 65)

Rice. 65

The teacher asks the children where the third side of the triangle is hidden. (To the side of the square.)

Children count down two cells from the previous task and draw squares in a line at a distance of two cells from each other and inscribe triangles in them.

The teacher evaluates the work, and the children draw the corresponding suns.

Part IV. Game exercise “Looking for the path to the house”


Children have pictures with images of labyrinths (see Fig. 66)

. The teacher suggests looking at the path diagram on a graphic drawing and drawing the road to the house in accordance with the diagram. The called child performs the task based on the example and comments on his actions.

Rice. 66

Recommended didactic games for the preparatory group

“Numbers, stand in order.”

Goal: practice comparing adjacent numbers within 10.

Progress of the game. V. calls all the children and gives them a number figure and says: “Now you are not children, but numbers. Numbers, get in order! Are the numbers constructed correctly? Now they will tell us which one and how much more or less than which? Number 1 says to number 2: “I am 1 less than you.”

What will number 2 answer him? (Number 2 replies: “I am 1 more than you”
). What do you say to number 3? etc.


Goal: to practice finding a pattern and justifying the solution found, in a sequential analysis of each group of drawings .

Progress of the game: There are 4 pictures in front of the children: the first one shows 1 star, the second one has 2 stars, the third one has 3 stars, the fourth picture is closed. Q: “Look at these pictures, think and tell me what is drawn in the 4th picture? Why do you think so?". In the future, the game becomes more difficult.

"What day is today"

Goal: to consolidate knowledge about the sequence of days of the week.

Progress of the game. V. invites the children to stand in a circle and play the game: “Name the next day”

.Explains game actions and rules: “The child names the day of the week, for example, Sunday, and throws the ball to another. He, having caught the ball, calls the next day, etc. 2.

"Game with three hoops"

Goal: to consolidate the ability to classify objects according to 2-4 properties.

The course of the game V. offers a new situation in the game with three hoops. The rule of the game is established, for example, arrange the pieces so that all the red ones are inside the red hoop. Inside the green there are all triangles, inside the black they are all big. The game with three hoops can be repeated many times, changing the rules of the game.

"Swallows scattered"

Purpose: to train children in adding numbers to any given number.

Progress of the game. It is necessary to place swallows in two houses, which sit in rows ( horizontally on wires ), and then swallows sitting vertically in columns. It is necessary to go through all the ways of placing birds.


1. Shcherbakova E.I. Methods of teaching mathematics in kindergarten: Textbook. aid for students doshk. department and faculty avg. ped. textbook institutions.- M: Publishing

, 1998. - p. 202-212

2. Sample general education program for preschool education. From birth to school. Edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, 3rd edition. corrected and expanded, Mosaika-Sintez publishing house, Moscow, 2014, - 368 pp.

3. I. A. Pomoraeva, V. A. Pozina. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. School preparatory group . Publishing house "Mosaika-Sintez"

, Moscow, 2015.




- strengthen the ability to count within 10 (counting forward and backward);

— improve the skill of orientation on a sheet of paper;

— consolidate children’s knowledge about geometric shapes;

- perceive the task by ear;

- lay out geometric shapes from counting sticks;

— continue to develop and use initial computer skills;

- contribute to the formation of mental operations, the ability to give reasons for one’s statements;

— develop fine motor skills of the hands, stimulate the creative initiative of children;

- develop ingenuity, memory, imagination, coherent speech;

- cultivate interest in mathematics, independence, friendships, accuracy;

— cultivate kindness, a desire to help someone who is in trouble.


- checkered sheets;

- simple pencils;

— application with houses;

- counting sticks;

- Dienesh blocks.

Educator: Guys, Pinocchio came to me asking for help. Fox Alice and Cat Basilio took the golden key from him and hid it in deep space, help him get it.

Educator: And what kind of transport we will go on, try to guess:

This bird has no wings

But one cannot help but marvel:

As soon as the bird spreads its tail -

And will rise to the stars.

(Answer: Rocket)

Educator: Guys, you are great. But the rocket itself cannot fly; it must be assembled. And the computer game “Tangram” will help us with this. What figures will we use to assemble the rocket? (The rocket consists of triangles, squares, rectangles)

Children's answers.

Educator: The rocket is ready. We begin the countdown 10,9,8,7….. Let's fly. (Running in circles)

Educator: The first planet is “Geometric”. Look, everything around looks like various geometric shapes. Let's look around and find objects that look like triangles, rectangles and circles. (children place figures next to objects)

- Do you know that figures can not only be drawn, but they can be made from counting sticks. Let's try to post it:

“Make 2 identical triangles from 5 sticks”

“Use 5 sticks to make a square and 2 identical triangles”

“Use 7 sticks to make 2 equal squares”

— Place all the geometric shapes in your homes. (Dyenesha blocks, hoops with diagrams)

Educator: Let's fly further.

Educator: The next planet is “Computer”. On this planet we need to complete tasks on the computer. Guys, you need to color the triangles yellow, the squares green, the small circles red, and the large circles blue. Good luck! (children are given the task of painting different geometric shapes with different colors)

Whoever has completed the task, look carefully with your eyes at the colored markings on the screen, follow with your eyes from the green to the red mark, and then from the blue to the yellow. Now your eyes are rested.

Educator: Let's continue. You need to try really hard. Find two ladybugs with the same number of dots on their backs. Select them one by one using the mouse.

Educator: The next planet is “Unknown”. It is necessary to build houses on it and populate it with inhabitants.

— Count from left to right the third house, put a dot in the middle.

- Draw triangular roofs for all the houses below this house.

- In the tallest house, draw as many round windows as I clap my hands.

— Count the fourth house from right to left and draw 1 rectangular window in it.

— Draw a bird in the upper left corner.

Educator: So the planet became “Alive”

Educator: Let's fly further.

Educator: And this planet is “Attentive”, it is on it that we will find what we need.

- There's a plan here. Let's not waste time. Move your notebooks and place a pencil on the red dot. Begin. 4 cells - right 2 cells - up 4 cells - right 5 cells - down 4 cells - left 2 cells - up 4 cells - left 1 cell - down 1 cell - left 1 cell - down 1 cell - left 3 cells - up, 2 cells to the right.

Educator: What happened?

Children: Key.

Educator: You guys are great, you amazed me with your ingenuity. Pinocchio can now pick up his key.

Educator: It’s time for us to return to Earth.

Lesson summary:

  • Guys, what did you have to do to help Pinocchio?
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