Weekly plan for the senior group on the theme “Mom’s Day”

Daily planning "Mom's week"

Svetlana Soboleva

Daily planning "Mom's week"

Topic: “ Mom’s week ”_ (24.02.20 – 06.03.20)

Tasks. contribute to the development in children of a good attitude and love for their mother. Evoke a feeling of pride and joy for the deeds and actions of a loved one, a feeling of gratitude for care.

Final event: organization of the exhibition “Do-It-Yourself Miracles”

Monday 24.02.2020

Joint activity of the teacher with the pupils Independent activity of the pupils Individual work of the teacher with the pupils


D/game “Moms and Cubs”. Objectives: to promote the ability to pick up a mother’s cubs (dog-puppy, goat-kid)


Reading the poem “That’s what mom is like.”

Objectives: to promote the enrichment of vocabulary, the ability to listen carefully to the text and understand the content, to support the desire to respond emotionally to reading.

Morning exercise complex No. 12 Offer coloring pages on the theme “Moms and Cubs”

Objectives: to promote the ability to paint without going beyond the outline.

Games with mosaics. Objectives: To promote the development of the ability to create elementary images (path, cloud, flower

Learning poems for the holiday"

Objectives: to encourage memorization of the poem, expressive reading

(Ksyusha Kr., Yaroslav)

Observation and work assignments in the nature center. Tasks: to promote the development of the ability to determine the need for watering the soil, to carefully water the plants. (Fedya, Karina)

Program content


Cognition. Topic: “Me and my mother”

Objectives: to promote the development in children of a good attitude and love for their mother. Evoke a feeling of pride and joy for the deeds and actions of a loved one, a feeling of gratitude for care.

Physical Culture

Objectives: to promote the ability to walk along a line, jump long from a standing place, hit a ball on the floor and catch it with both hands after hitting a wall, walk in pairs and run in all directions.

(I. M. Suchkova, E. A. Martynova “Physical education in kindergarten”, p. 143)


Observation of a crow. Tasks: to promote cognitive skills in studying the surrounding world, ideas about wintering birds; promote the ability to distinguish birds by appearance.

P/ games “Sparrows and the cat”. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to navigate in space, to act on a signal.

D/game “Reach the Ribbon”. Objectives: to promote the ability to jump. (Semyon, Mark)

D/i “What does a twig look like?” Tasks: Invite children to find similarities with familiar objects. (Path, tree, Christmas tree)


Independent activity. Games with snow. Objectives: to promote a positive mood, the ability to make basic buildings out of snow.

Work assignments. Let's collect all the toys. Tasks: to promote the ability to clean up after oneself, not to throw toys around.

The situation of communication with children. “What will happen to snow if it is brought into a warm room?” Objectives: to promote the development of ideas about the properties of snow.


Gymnastics complex after sleep No. 12

Reading x/literature S. Marshak “Children in a Cage”

Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to emotionally perceive a poetic work, to understand the theme and content. Create a desire to memorize the text.

Creating conditions for the S.R. game “Daughters - Mothers”. Objectives: To help expand children’s ideas about what mothers do at home. To promote the development of the ability to engage in playful communication with peers.

Creative workshop “I will draw a comb for my mother, I will make my dear dear one happy. "

Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to apply strokes and draw straight lines, long and short; ability to draw with pencils using equal pressure. Listening to audio recordings by Tchaikovsky “Mother”, Grechaninov “Motherly Caresses”, Gomonova “Gift for Mother”, Murycheva “I Sing a Song to Mother”, Potapenko “Babies Congratulate Mother”.

Objectives: to promote the development of the need for listening to musical works of song, to encourage emotional responsiveness to the nature of the music, to sing along with the “Toys in Places” instructions

Objectives: to promote the development of children's knowledge about activity centers and the location of play equipment.

Learning poems for the holiday"

Objectives: to encourage memorization of the poem, expressive reading (Dasha, Ilya, Kostya)


Bird watching in winter.

Objectives: To introduce the life of birds in winter; instill a desire to take care of them.

P/i “At the bear in the forest.” Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to run while dodging.

Labor assignments “Clearing paths.” Tasks: to promote the development of the ability to hold a shovel correctly and the desire to work in a team.

Game exercise “On a narrow bridge” Objectives: to promote the development of balance (Polina, Nastya G., Katya)

Independent activity of playing with snow. Tasks: to promote the creation of a positive mood, the ability to make basic buildings from snow.

Drawing with a stick on the snow. Objectives: to promote the ability to create simple images, conveying the form.

Tuesday 25.02.2020

Joint activity of the teacher and pupils Independent activity of pupils Individual work of the teacher with pupils


Conversation “Mom is sick.” Objectives: To promote a caring attitude towards mother, to evoke a desire to provide all possible help to the sick mother. Evoke emotional responsiveness.

Finger game “Porridge”. Objectives: Coordinate the movements of the fingers, promote the development of fine motor skills, encourage memorization of the text.

Morning exercise complex No. 12 Offer “Aibolit” coloring books. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to paint without going beyond the outline.

Games with balloons.

Objectives: contribute to the creation of a positive atmosphere in the group, develop gaming creativity D/game “What is Spring”

Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to name the signs of the season.

(Katya, Alena)

Game exercise “Let's teach the bunny to sit at the table”

Objectives: to encourage people to remember their place

Program content


Mathematics “Introduction to the concepts of “inside”, “outside”

Objectives: to promote the formation of spatial relationships “inside”, “outside”. Promote the development of numeracy through tactile-motor sensations.

(V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova “Development and education of children of early preschool age”, p. 250)


Objectives: to promote children’s interest in music, an understanding of small genres of music; to encourage active singing along, to perceive and understand the plot content of the game, to promote the development of the ability to move in accordance with the nature of the music, to perceive and reproduce movements shown by adults.


Observation of trees. Objectives: to promote the development in children of ideas about the structure of a tree, about the need for a careful attitude towards nature.

P/game “Catch up with me”. To promote the ability to run and catch up with the teacher, each other, the development of speed and agility.

Communication situation “What can you do to please your mother?” Objectives: to help increase children’s understanding of the experience of resolving a problem, to provoke an intimate conversation.

P/game “Crested Hen”. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to run freely without bumping into each other, to respond to a signal by returning to place.

Individual work on speech development. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to name children in a group by name (Vadik, Anya)

Independent gaming activity with external material. Objectives: to promote a friendly atmosphere during joint games, the ability to negotiate, give in, and use verbal forms of polite communication.


Gymnastics complex after sleep No. 12

Reading: poems “That’s what a mother is” by E. Blaginina

Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to listen carefully to the text and understand the content, to support the desire to respond emotionally to reading.

School of thinking. “Smart nose.” Objectives: To promote the ability to identify objects by smell (N.V. Nishcheva “Organization of experimental work in preschool educational institutions,” p. 124)

Finger Game “Family”. Objectives: to promote the development of fine motor skills of the fingers, to encourage memorization of the text.

Listening to audio recordings by Tchaikovsky “Mother”, Grechaninov “Motherly Caresses”, Gomonova “Gift for Mother”, Murycheva “I Sing a Song to Mother”, Potapenko “Babies Congratulate Mother”.

Objectives: to promote the development of the need for listening to songs, to encourage emotional responsiveness to the nature of music, to sing along

D/game “Moms and Babies”.

Objectives: to promote children’s ability to use words with diminutive suffixes.

(Sasha, Alisa)

Game exercise “Let’s teach the Bunny to hang up a towel.” Objectives: to promote self-service processes.”

(Varya P., Kira)


Observing the wind. Tasks: watch how the wind sways the tree branches and drives clouds across the sky. Pay attention to the strength of the wind (strong, weak, gusty, calm)


P/game “Stream”. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to run quickly without bumping into each other.

Communication situation “Mom’s holiday is coming soon.” Tasks: Explain to the children that Mother’s Day , you will need to prepare a gift for her.

Individual work on the development of movements “Jump over a stream.” Objectives: to promote the development of attention by jumping long from a standing position, pushing off with both legs. (Varya L., Ksyusha Kop.)

Labor assignments: cleaning of removed materials. Tasks: to promote the formation of a rational way of carrying out labor actions and ways of assessing the quality of the result of work

Wednesday 02/26/2020

Joint activity of the teacher and pupils Independent activity of pupils Individual work of the teacher with pupils


Conversation “Why does mom go to bed late?”

Objectives: To promote the development of the ability to engage in dialogue with adults and peers.

Suggest d/i “Name the instrument” Objectives: to promote the development of ideas about musical instruments.

Morning exercise complex No. 12

Suggest watching the cartoon “Mom for a Baby Mammoth”

Objectives: to ensure the development of the idea that everyone needs mothers.

Didactic game “Name the baby.” Objectives: to ensure the development of knowledge about the names of young domestic animals

(Kirill, Vera)

Repetition of poems for the matinee. Objectives: to encourage memorization and expressive reading of the poem

(Sonya S., Sonya L.)

Program content


Modeling. Theme: “All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important!” "

Objectives: To help expand children's understanding of the animal world. Promote the ability to take care of mother and be an obedient child. We sculpt the caterpillar, achieving expressiveness in conveying the form.

(V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova “Development and education of children of early preschool age”, p. 261)

Physical Culture

Objectives: to promote the ability to walk along a line, jump long from a standing place, hit a ball on the floor and catch it with both hands after hitting a wall, walk in pairs and run in all directions.

(I. M. Suchkova, E. A. Martynova “Physical education in kindergarten”, p. 143)


Transport monitoring. Objectives: to promote knowledge about transport (parts of the machine)

P/game “Colored Cars” - Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to quickly move according to a signal and stop without bumping into each other, to consolidate primary colors.

Communication situation “How I decided never to quarrel with my mother.” Objectives: to help increase children’s understanding of the experience of resolving a problem, to provoke an intimate conversation.

Labor activity. Collecting broken branches on the site. Objectives: to promote the development of hard work, the desire to help adults, the formation of skills in collective work and independent execution of assignments.

Game exercise “From bump to bump.” Objectives: to promote the development of jumping on two legs, moving forward. (Kostya, Sonya L.)

Independent play activities with external materials (spatulas, buckets)

.Tasks: to promote a friendly atmosphere during joint games, the ability to negotiate, give in, and use verbal forms of polite communication.


Gymnastics complex after sleep No. 12

Reading poems about mom

Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to emotionally perceive a poetic work, to understand the theme and content. Create a desire to memorize the text.

Creating conditions for the S.R. game “Daughters - Mothers”. Objectives: To help expand children’s ideas about what mothers do at home with children. To promote the development of the ability to engage in playful communication with peers.

Examination of pictures from a read work. Objectives: to promote in children the ability to compare what they see with what they read.

Suggest a D/game “Paired Pictures”. Objectives: to promote the development of skills to classify objects according to a certain criterion: color, shape, size, purpose

Exercise “Let's learn how to turn tights inside out.” Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to turn your clothes inside out. (Katya, Kira)

D/game “Find a Pair”. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to find similar items of clothing by color (pattern)


(Mark, Varya L.)

Walk Observation of transport. Objectives: to promote knowledge about transport (parts of the car)

D/imitation game “Guess who it is?” Objectives: to promote the ability to use gestures and movements to convey the physical characteristics of the game image

P/game “Colored Cars” - Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to quickly move according to a signal and stop without bumping into each other, to consolidate primary colors.

D/game “Find something red” Objectives: to encourage finding red objects in the environment, in clothes

(Anya, Sasha, Ilya)

Thursday 27.02.2020

Joint activity of the teacher and pupils Independent activity of pupils Individual work of the teacher with pupils


Game exercise “Warmness of hands” with all children. Objectives: to promote the development of friendly relationships in the group, the ability and desire to be friendly

Didactic game “When does this happen?” Objectives: to encourage children to apply knowledge about the parts of the day to solve a game problem, to promote the formation of the ability to compare the events depicted in the picture with certain parts of the day.

Morning exercise complex No. 12

Review of the album “Our Friendly Family”. Tasks: Discuss the appearance features of the child’s family members (mother)

: hair color, eye color, hairstyle.

Offer cut pictures (puzzles)


Objectives: To promote the development of the ability to put a whole from parts.

Game “Find the fruits”. Objectives: to promote the development of attentiveness, the ability to choose fruits among vegetables

(Vadik, Dasha)

Game exercise “Jump like a bunny, walk like a bear” Objectives: to promote the development in children of the ability to show animal movements.

(Fedya, Ksyusha Kr.)

Program content


Speech development. Topic: “My beloved mother”

Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to compose a short story on your own, listen to the stories of other children; to give the idea that everyone has mothers. To promote the development of kind and gentle feelings towards your loved ones and respect for animal families using the example of their similarities.

(V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova “Development and education of children of early preschool age”, p. 256)

Physical Culture

Objectives: to promote the ability to walk along a line, jump long from a standing place, hit a ball on the floor and catch it with both hands after hitting a wall, walk in pairs and run in all directions.

(I. M. Suchkova, E. A. Martynova “Physical education in kindergarten”, p. 143)


Bird watching. Objectives: to promote knowledge about birds (sparrows, to promote the ability to distinguish by appearance from other birds.

Communication situation “Forest kindergarten”. Objectives: to encourage children to show a caring attitude towards animals and birds living in the forests. Let children understand that wild animals also have a mother.

P/game “Sparrows and a car.” Objectives: to promote the ability to move quickly according to a signal.

Game exercise “Jumping Bunnies” Objectives: to promote the development of a dynamic stereotype in jumping on two legs with forward movement, to enrich motor experience (Yaroslav, Ksyusha Kop.)

Work assignments. “Collecting fallen twigs.” Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to carry out simple tasks and bring what has been started to the end.

Independent activity. Games with snow. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to make basic buildings from snow, to evoke a positive emotional mood.


Gymnastics complex after sleep No. 12

Reading fiction. E. Blaginina “ Mom’s Holiday ”. Objectives: to promote the ability to perceive a poetic text, understand the mood of the work, feel its emotional overtones

Children's studio. Improvisation “Doctor Aibolit” using masks and theater caps Objectives: to encourage participation in the dramatization of familiar works, mastering the ability to expressively convey features of movements, voices, and emotional states. Offer hoops for the game “Hit the Hoop.” Objectives: to promote the ability to maintain the correct starting position when throwing.

Modeling: “Beads for your beloved mother.” Objectives: To arouse interest in modeling, encourage sculpting beads using the method of rolling round shapes, and promote love for mother. (Karina, Alena)


Bird watching.

Objectives: to contribute to the expansion of knowledge about birds.

P/game “Homeless Hare”. Objectives: to promote the development of speed of movement and the ability to navigate in space.

Independent motor activity with shovels, brooms, buckets. Tasks: to promote a friendly atmosphere during joint games, the ability to negotiate, give in, and use verbal forms of polite communication.

D/game “Find something blue.” Objectives: to encourage children to find objects of a certain color, in the environment, in clothes.

Sedentary game “Beads”. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to walk slowly by hand without breaking the chain.

Friday 02/28/2020

Joint activity of the teacher and pupils Independent activity of pupils Individual work of the teacher with pupils


Conversation “What is in mom’s purse.” Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to answer questions using the form of a simple sentence or statement of 2-3 simple phrases.

Game situation “Let’s treat mom to tea.” Objectives: to promote the development of communication abilities and the development of cultural communication skills.

P/game “On a Level Path” Objectives: to promote the formation of skills

Morning exercise complex No. 12

D/games “Paired pictures”,

“Loto”. Objectives: to promote the development of comparison and classification operations

Examination of plot pictures on the topic “Playing with Mom.” Tasks: to attract children to look at pictures and illustrations. D\game " Mom's Beads ". Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to string beads of different shapes and colors onto a cord.

(Alice, Varya P.)

Exercise “Soapy gloves”. Objectives: to promote the formation of basic cultural and hygienic skills in children, the ability to wash their hands with soap and dry each finger with a towel.

(Vera, Sonya S.)

Program content


Construction. Topic: "Bed"

Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to distinguish, name and use basic building parts (cubes, bricks, build new buildings (bed), using previously acquired skills (attachments and application, the ability to play with buildings.

(O. E. Litvinova “Construction with children of primary preschool age”

, page 35)


Objectives: to promote children’s interest in music and ideas about small genres of music; to encourage active singing along, to perceive and understand the plot content of the game, to promote the development of the ability to move in accordance with the nature of the music, to perceive and reproduce movements, showing them to adults.


Observing a dog. Objectives: to help expand children's knowledge about the animal world.

P/game “Shaggy Dog”. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to run quickly and act on a signal. Communication situation “If you want to be healthy.” Objectives: to promote the development of ideas about a healthy lifestyle (exercise, washing, etc.)

Independent play activities with external materials (buckets, brooms, spatulas, scoops)

according to interests. Objectives: to promote the development of children’s skills to independently find something to do, to unite in groups for joint games.

Didactic game “Which, which, which?”. Objectives: to encourage the selection of a definition that corresponds to this example

(Kirill, Sonya L.)

Sedentary game “Beads”. Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to walk slowly by hand without breaking the chain.

Labor activity. Clearing paths of snow. Objectives: to promote the development of hard work, the desire to finish what is started.


Gymnastics complex after sleep No. 12

Reading and looking at illustrations for the read work: O. Voronkova “Masha the Confused” Tasks: to promote the development of the ability to listen to a work and look at illustrations for it, name the actions of the character, and the desire to evaluate his actions.

The plot game “I’ll set the table for mom.” Objectives: to promote a good attitude and love for mom. Offer a game situation “Let’s treat mom to tea.” Objectives: to promote the development of communication skills and foster cultural communication. Exercise “Teach a bear to fasten sandals” Objectives: to promote the formation of the ability to fasten shoes.

(Katya, Mark)

D\game “What can you take with you to the garden?” Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to compose sentences with homogeneous members

(Kostya, Sasha)

Walk Bird watching. Objectives: to promote the formation of general ideas about birds in children, to introduce certain species of birds (crow, pigeon, sparrow, magpie), to instill a desire to take care of them.

P/game “Find Yourself a Mate” Objectives: to encourage the development of the ability to navigate in space.

Finger gymnastics “You and I made snowballs” Objectives: to promote the development of the ability to coordinate the movements of the fingers, develop fine motor skills, encourage text recall (Kira, Vadik)

Didactic game “Which, which, which?”. Objectives: to encourage the selection of a definition that corresponds to this example

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Replenishment Center

Movement Center

Hoops, balls for games

Game center Cut-out pictures, puzzles, dishes for role-playing games, lotto.

Theater Center

and music -

audio recordings

Art Center Coloring pages and stencils for “Spring”, “Flowers”

Book and Leisure Center Poems about mother, E. Blaginin “ Mom’s holiday ”, Y. Akim “Mom, I love you”, G. Viera “ Mom’s day

Cognition Center Story picture “Playing with Mom”, cut-out pictures “Gift for Mom”.

Interaction with parents

1. Exhibition of creative works “Do-it-yourself miracles”

2. Memo “Raising a future woman”

3. Folder moving “Manin’s holiday”

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