Author's program of additional education "Rhetoric of communication for preschoolers" work program on speech development on the topic

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

Rhetoric as a technology for the development of speech in preschool children.

The federal state educational standard for preschool education establishes new requirements for the development of personality, motivation and abilities of children in various types of activities and covers the following educational areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

The standard sets specific tasks for the field of speech development: “mastery of speech as a means of communication and culture; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical and monologue speech; listening comprehension of texts from various genres of children’s literature . In reality, the tasks of developing children’s speech are implemented by all educational areas. And socio-communicative development includes such a task as “the development of communication and interaction of a child with adults and peers” , and “the assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral ones” cannot be excluded from the communication process at all, it is impossible without the formation of speech skills. And the area of ​​cognitive development: “the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people, objects of the surrounding world; ideas about the sociocultural values ​​of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays . Area of ​​artistic and aesthetic development: “the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the surrounding world; perception of music, fiction, folklore, stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art . All educational areas work on the formation and development of pupils’ speech.

And if for the educational field “Speech Development” the formation of speech and communication skills is the subject content, then for other areas they are rather a tool that facilitates the acquisition of knowledge of generally accepted norms and values, moral and ethical, the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of an aesthetic attitude towards the environment to the world, etc.

Thus, it becomes clear that the developed communication skills will help students master subject knowledge, develop the ability to control their own words, thoughts, establish contacts with peers and adults, and create favorable conditions for subsequent self-realization of the individual.

Therefore, “Rhetoric” as one of the forms of continuous educational activity should take place in the life of pupils of a children's educational institution.

Children come to kindergarten with different emotional perceptions of the world around them and communication skills. Therefore, rhetoric training during this period of time is very important for their further development. If you miss the moment, without giving your child the opportunity to reach his speech potential in time, he may have more serious communication problems in the future.

The development of speech is an integral part of rhetoric, its small particle. This is composing, replenishing vocabulary, learning all types of retellings, learning to draw up plans.

But children can do more, right? And where, if not at preschool age, should we begin to teach them how to think, reflect, and express their own thoughts?

But you have to teach how to think. Rhetoric is good because it is not confined to a single subject; it is an integrative discipline. She teaches creativity, teaches verbal expression of her thoughts, teaches psychology and communication ethics.

By senior preschool age, the main stage of speech development has basically ended, the child has already accumulated a sufficient vocabulary, basic grammatical skills have been formed, coherent speech has been developed, and the sound side of speech has been formed, so teaching rhetoric should begin from senior preschool age. But in primary and middle preschool age, a lot of preliminary work should be carried out, which includes propaedeutics of the communicative qualities of good speech, the development of general ideas about the types of speech activity and the formation of a culture of verbal communication.

However, modern pedagogical science suggests going further and considering the technology of rhetoric, which is aimed at developing communicative actions. Like any other technology, this technology is focused on achieving results using didactic techniques.

M.S. Mineeva gave a definition of rhetoric: “Rhetorization is a mechanism (process) of rethinking a subject and methods of teaching it, rethinking the educational process as a full-fledged dialogue communication according to the canons of rhetoric . Rhetoric itself, according to M.S. Mineeva – “... this is a science that studies activities that exist in the form of dialogue, are carried out in the course of conception, execution and reflection, can be specifically organized or accompany play, cognition, work, communication (types of human life activity), have characteristics (exist in form of texts - genres) in specific conditions of public communication .

Scientists V.I. Annushkin, S.F. Ivanova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.K. Michalskaya et al. “... are trying to prove the vital necessity of a rhetorical approach in the concept of humanitarian education, justifying their position by the fact that rhetoric creates conditions for high-quality and meaningful speech, enriching the inner world, influencing the spiritual development of the child’s personality” (I. V. Korovayko ).

“The uniqueness of the science of rhetoric lies in the fact that thanks to its content, methods of activity have been developed that allow a person over the centuries to master techniques that help to understand another person and interact effectively. Thus, rhetorical methods of activity can also be used to solve didactic problems” (E. V. Nikulchenkova).

In this article I propose to consider some components and techniques of rhetorical technology.

The purpose of rhetoric is the education and upbringing of a creative, spiritual personality with communicative, regulatory and cognitive competence.

By applying technology in practice, the following problems can be solved:

  • Children mastering the ability to create their own text, thematically and stylistically unified, understandable to the interlocutor;
  • practical application of techniques leading to effective, successful interaction in dialogue;
  • development of coherent speech in pupils;
  • education of a competent interlocutor, a creative personality;
  • the formation of prerequisites for mastering universal educational activities in students upon completion of the preschool stage of education.

Here are the main rhetorical devices:

  • Speech warm-up, the purpose of which is:
  • development of speech breathing, diction

- developing the ability to control your voice.

  • Rhetorical games (as a way of presenting new material) include the use of theatrical fragments and conversations - dialogues.
  • Modeling of speech situations (solving, acting out a problem situation with elements of theatrical play).
  • Communicative and linguistic games.
  • Games for the development of facial expressions, pantomimes, external culture of behavior.

As a result of using these technological techniques, children develop the following speech skills:

  • The ability to use the richness of speech as a tool for effective communication;
  • The ability to see in a word not only a means of communication, but also a tool that can influence the interlocutor both positively and negatively;
  • The ability to be careful with the word with which you address your interlocutor;
  • Destruction of the psychological barrier that arises when a child communicates with an interlocutor in various speech situations;
  • Acquaintance with the most used (according to the age of children) oral speech genres;
  • Non-verbal means of communication are improved;
  • Speech etiquette is formed in different communication situations;
  • The means of expressiveness of oral speech are improved;
  • A culture of listening is being formed.

Thus, communicative competence can be formed using the techniques offered by rhetorical technology. The techniques of this technology provide propaedeutics of speech art and the ability to analyze any speech situation, and therefore use this skill in everyday situations.


  1. Eltsova O.M. Rhetoric for preschoolers. Program and methodological recommendations. Publishing house "TC SPHERE" , 2018.
  2. Kurtseva Z.I. You are a word, I am a word... Methodological recommendations for teachers and parents on preschool rhetoric of communication. Balass, 2014.
  3. Mineeva M.S. Problems and difficulties of rhetoric // Rhetoric of dialogue in the formation of a scientific and humanistic education system: problems of research and teaching: Mater. XI scientific. -pract. conf. (November 1-11, 2002) / Ed. M.S. Mineeva. Perm, 2002.
  4. Nikulchenkova E.V. “Rhetorization as a technology for developing students’ speech . Magazine "Primary School" No. 2/2014.
  5. Federal state educational standard for preschool education. M., 2014.
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Work program of the “Young Rhetoric” course for extracurricular activities.


The choice of this circle is determined by the following factors:

based on diagnostic indicators - students have poor communication skills;

ensuring continuity, since this course is planned to be studied from 1st grade.

As a subject of the humanities cycle, rhetoric provides an opportunity for younger schoolchildren to get acquainted with the laws of the world of communication, the peculiarities of communication in the modern world; realize the importance of speaking skills for achieving success in personal and social life.

2. Results of mastering the extracurricular activity course “Young Rhetorician” (grades 1-3).

These results can be summarized in terms of achieving the standard requirements for student learning outcomes:

– at the level of personal results

– “mastery of initial adaptation skills
in a dynamically developing world
”, “
development of independence and personal responsibility
for one’s actions, including in information activities, based on ideas about moral standards, social justice and freedom”;
development of ethical feelings
goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness,
understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people,” etc.;

– at the level of meta-subject results

– “mastering the skills of semantic reading
of texts of various styles and genres
in accordance with goals and objectives;
consciously construct a speech utterance in accordance with the objectives of communication and compose texts in oral and written forms”
“mastery of the logical actions
of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, constructing reasoning”;
willingness to listen to the interlocutor and engage in dialogue
, willingness to recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own;
express your opinion and argue your point of view
and assessment of events”;
prepare your speech and perform
with audio, video and graphic accompaniment;
comply with the norms of information selectivity, ethics and etiquette”; rely on “ the use of sign-symbolic means
of presenting information to solve educational and practical problems,” etc.;

– at the level of subject results

– “mastery of initial ideas about
the norms
of the Russian and native literary languages ​​(orthoepic, lexical, grammatical) and the rules of speech etiquette;
the ability to navigate the goals, objectives, means and conditions of communication, to choose adequate language means to successfully solve communicative problems,
” etc.

Thus, “Rhetoric,” as a course of extracurricular activities, helps solve problems that are posed by the new standard in teaching the Russian language and literary reading.


Ensuring the spiritual and moral development and upbringing of the personality of a Russian citizen is a key task of modern state policy of the Russian Federation.
Spiritual and moral development and education of the individual begins in the family. Family values, acquired by a child from the first years of life, are of enduring importance for a person at any age. Relationships in the family are projected onto relationships in society and form the basis of a person’s civil behavior. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a Russian citizen states: “Personal values ​​are formed in the family, informal communities, labor, army and other groups, in the field of mass information, art, recreation, etc. But most systematically, consistently and deeply spiritually -moral development and education of the individual occurs in the field of general education” [4].

Since September 2013, preschool education has received the status of the initial stage of general education in the education system of the Russian Federation [1]. This circumstance entailed the need to develop and implement a standard for preschool education, according to which the result of the development, upbringing and education of a child at the stage of preschool childhood is preparation for successful learning at school, through the formation of the prerequisites for universal educational actions [2].

The basis for the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschoolers are social and communicative skills, which create conditions for the successful socialization of the child in the society of peers and adults. The formation of competencies necessary for the successful socialization of a child and pedagogical support for the self-determination of a developing personality are also mediated by these skills.

In our opinion, the essence of the process of teaching the younger generation to communicate effectively in educational institutions is revealed most fully in the course of school and university rhetoric, developed and tested by the team of authors of the scientific-rhetorical school T.A. Ladyzhenskaya [5]. As part of the main educational program of preschool education "Kindergarten 2100", practitioners use a propaedeutic course of rhetoric for preschoolers, based on the conceptual approaches of the scientific rhetoric school of T.A. Ladyzhenskaya [8]. It was developed by Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Z.I. Kurtseva. and is designed to develop the culture of speech behavior of preschoolers in the genre of an entertaining journey to the country of Rhetoric, where everyone communicates politely, correctly, and skillfully [7].

The content of additional education for preschoolers “Rhetoric before school” that we offer, its goals, objectives and sections coincide with the program of the propaedeutic course in rhetoric, which contributes to a more successful enrichment of the speech practice of communication between adults and a preschool child in order to form his communicative and personal readiness for school education .

This manual is intended for adults surrounding the child in kindergarten, in the family, in an additional education institution and includes three sections. In the first part of the manual, the reader can get acquainted with the content of the additional educational program “Rhetoric before school”. It reveals in detail the essence of an adult's directed actions to achieve the target guidelines of the program, and examines the forms, methods and conditions of its implementation.

The second part contains methodological recommendations for teachers and parents on organizing joint activities with preschoolers. The program is practice-oriented in nature, therefore, in this part of the manual, with detailed explanations, examples are given of the varied use of developmental teaching methods (based on the educational technologies of the OS "School 2100" and adapted for working with preschoolers) according to the structural components of thematic meetings.

The third part of the manual offers specific practical material that can be used during the initial stage of children's rhetorical education. These are texts of rhetorical tasks and exercises with questions for the child, a list of works of art and works of oral folk art for reading to children, creative tasks and self-diagnosis materials for parents, options for educational projects to ensure continuity of levels of education kindergarten - primary school for educators and primary school teachers .

The inclusion of didactic materials in the educational process does not imply strict restrictions either on the form or on the topics proposed in the program. The questions and tasks formulated by the author are of a recommendatory nature and suggest variability of use both in joint work with adults and in independent activities of preschoolers, the conditions for which are created by parents and teachers.

The author expresses gratitude to everyone who is now holding this manual in their hands and hopes that the methodological and didactic material presented in it will contribute to the successful solution of the problems of social and communicative development of preschoolers in preparation for school.

Rhetoric in kindergarten: what is it and why does a child need it?

Khusenova E.R. Rhetoric in kindergarten: what is it and why does a child need it? // Owl. 2022. N2 (20). URL: (access date: 01/19/2022).

Order No. 611624

Recently, in my work with children, more and more attention has been paid to the development of speech, the development of children’s artistic and figurative thinking, the ethical perception of the text of literary works, work on the intonational expressiveness of speech (logical, emphotic and psychological pauses and stress, which undoubtedly contributes to the development of divergent thinking and ultimately, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, the development and formation of the child’s personality.To do this, I use the possibilities of rhetoric.

Rhetoric in kindergarten is divided into speech experiments, speech ethics and speech technique. Speech ethics involves working from the point of view of moral standards of behavior and social ethics and working on the rules of speech etiquette. Speech technique - work on proper breathing, articulation, the main components of intonation expressiveness of speech, its melody. Speech experiments - work on the development of cognitive interest and curiosity in the process of observing real and fictional objects and practical experimentation with them; formation of non-standard mental actions.

Mastery of the native language is one of the important acquisitions of a child in preschool age and is considered in modern preschool education as one of the foundations of raising and educating children. The content and level of development of children's speech is determined by the nature of their communication with both adults and peers.

After all, rhetoric is not just a buzzword, it is what surrounds us in everyday life: at work, at school, in the company of friends... In scientific terms, rhetoric is the science of the art of public speaking. Simply put, rhetoric teaches how to influence other people through speech. Going out in public and making even the simplest speech can sometimes become an impossible task. It is even more difficult to pronounce it so that the audience hears the words, perceives them and remembers them. Rhetoric helps the speaker understand what to tell the audience, how to present information: what gestures to use, where to look, where to pause, and so on.

Paradoxically, most people do not know how to speak in front of an audience at all: they are afraid, embarrassed, begin to stutter, get confused in their words... And all because the foundations of rhetoric were not laid in childhood.

Modern educational programs necessarily include classes in rhetoric in preschool institutions. Kids at this age, like a sponge, absorb new knowledge and skills, so the learning process becomes fun and interesting for them. Moreover, the lessons are held in an educational playful form, so that children only enjoy this process.

By attending a rhetoric club, preschool children learn not only to master speech as a tool of interaction, but also develop their personal qualities and learn to overcome complexes (shyness, timidity, self-doubt).

Unfortunately, not all kindergartens pay attention to such an important aspect as rhetoric classes. In order for a child to grow up well-mannered, self-confident, and sociable, kindergarten receives training in rhetoric and etiquette. All classes are designed taking into account the psychological and emotional characteristics of each age subgroup.

All classes are based on interactive games, conversations, and various discussions. In the process, children learn to communicate by getting into different communication situations. Being carried away by the game, preschool children learn the basics of etiquette, learn to communicate with each other and with the outside world.

With the help of such activities, the child becomes more relaxed, open and confident. They allow the baby to reveal his talents and abilities.

Every parent wants to see their child in high positions, a leader in his field, an ambitious boss, and rhetoric classes can help him in this at the earliest stages. Without paying due attention to this, a child may miss out on many opportunities in the future!

Additional educational program "Rhetoric"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 36 "Fairy Tale"

city ​​of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region

Galeeva Rizidya Jordanovna,

teacher speech therapist

Contents of the additional educational program “Rhetoric”

Thematic planning of the first year of study.

No. Subject Number of meetings
1. "Communication" 6
1.1. “A sharp word pricks the heart”

(What is communication?)

1.2. “The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it”

(Oral communication).

1.3. “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe”

(Written communication.)

1.4. "Politeness opens all doors"

(Why be polite?)

1.5. “Better is a faithful friend than a precious stone”

(Share your toy!)

1.6. “From time immemorial, a book raises a person”

(She speaks silently...)

2. "Speech etiquette" 6
2.1. “Goodness teaches him who listens”


2.2. “If you ask nicely, you will be very nice”

(How to make a request)

2.3. "What is hello, so is the answer"


2.4. “Talking too much will give you a headache”

(Rules of communication).

2.5. “Speech is made beautiful by listening”

(What kind of listener are you?)

2.6. “The word burns worse than fire”

(Don't forget to apologize).

3. "Speech technique" 6
3.1. "Be true to your word"

(In what tone?)

3.2. “It’s better to stumble with your foot than with your tongue”

(Your voice)

3.3. “Don’t skimp on your smiles, everyone makes mistakes”

(Everyone became brighter from a smile...)

3.4. “He who storms with his tongue will not conquer much.”

(Quiet or loud?)

3.5. “Word after word goes on and on”

(Don't break your tongue!)

3.6. “Where words are rare, they carry weight”

(Guess what I said!)

Total 18

Thematic planning for the second year of study.

No. Subject Number of meetings
1. "Communication" 5
1.1. “A good conversation is as good as lunch”

(Why do people communicate?)

1.2. “No friend - the world is not nice”


There is no distance for friendship).

1.3. “Reading a book is like flying on wings”

(She speaks silently...)

1.4. “If you don’t have a friend, so look for him, but if you find him, take care of him” (

Without friends there is little of me, but with friends there is a lot).

1.5. “Two people speak the truth: the one who tells and the one who listens.”

(Who? To whom? Why? How?)

2. "Speech etiquette" 8
2.1. “It happens that the same word torments one and heals another”

(Don't forget to apologize!)

2.2. “Without hello there is no answer”


2.3. “What I let slip, I said goodbye to”


2.4. “Don’t regret your own thanks, and don’t expect someone else’s”


2.5. “One tongue, two ears, say once, listen twice”

(Rules of communication).

2.6. "Speak without thinking- what to shoot without aiming"

(How to make a request).

2.7. “A horse is recognized by riding, a person by communication”

(Talking on the phone)

2.8. “Living as neighbors means being in conversations”


3. "Speech technique" 5
3.1. “A good word will build a house, but an evil word will destroy it”

(In what tone?).

3.2. “The tongue talks, but the head answers”

(Make peace, make peace, make peace and don't fight anymore!)

3.3. “The spoken word is silver, the unspoken is golden”

(When is it good to be silent like a fish?)

3.4. “You can’t keep up with her tongue even barefoot.”

(If you hurry, you’ll make people laugh!)

3.5. “There are many words, but little action”

(Guess what I said!)

Total 18

The content of the program is a propaedeutic course in school rhetorical education, the concept and program of which were developed by Professor T.A. Ladyzhenskaya.

The program serves as an addition to the already existing course “You are a word, I am a word” for preschoolers by Z.I. Kurtseva - the goals, objectives and sections of the programs coincide, and, despite the fact that each section has its own specifics, its educational and value, are closely interconnected, complement each other.

Section "Communication"

Communication, its meaning for a person. Communication can be different (written and oral). Speech situation (Who? To whom? Why? How?). Rhetoric of respect for the interlocutor (rules of communication and listening).


Show preschoolers the importance of communication in the life of every person and lead them to understand that the word is the most important means of communication, exchange of thoughts and feelings between people. Give the concept of rhetoric and what it teaches.


Forming in children a careful attitude towards words, an understanding that the word is a means of influencing people’s imagination and behavior.

Acquaintance with the main communicative goals of communication in typical communication situations for a child.

Development in preschoolers of the ability to build dialogue and monologue using a variety of linguistic means.

Section "Speech Etiquette"

Greetings. Parting. Gratitude. Apology. Talking on the phone. Rules and norms of speech etiquette.


To introduce preschoolers to the most common (for a given age) oral speech genres.

Formation of ideas about the norms and rules of speech etiquette, development of the ability to use them depending on communication situations.


Formation of ideas about the speech genres of greeting/farewell, gratitude/apology, their appropriate use, taking into account the addressee and the communication situation.

Introducing children to the rules of speech behavior during a telephone conversation.

Development of the ability to evaluate one’s own speech behavior and the speech behavior of others, taking into account the communication situation.

Section "Speech technique"

Non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, body movements). Means of speech expression (speech breathing, diction, intonation, voice and its properties).


Formation of preschoolers' ideas about the communicative qualities of speech and the means of its expressiveness - facial expressions, gestures, body movements, voice.


Introducing children to non-verbal means of communication (gestures, facial expressions, body movements).

Work on intonation, voice and speech breathing.

Developing children’s skills to use a variety of means of verbal expression, to correlate verbal and non-verbal means of communication, and to control their voice.

The content of the program in the thematic plan of each age group is distributed with increasing complexity:

Program section Children's age
from 4 to 5 years from 5 to 6 years from 6 to 7 years
COMMUNICATION types of communication,

non-verbal means of communication (facial expressions, gestures, body movements)


components of a speech situation,

communicative goals of communication


rules of communication


farewell, gratitude,






talking on the phone


counting rhymes, sayings


proverbs, sayings,


short stories,

writing pure proverbs.

The variability in the organization of children's activities, taking into account the characteristics of a preschool educational institution, makes detailed recommendations on the amount of hours allocated to a thematic meeting for a given program pointless.

Teachers are expected to independently select and creatively use the program - its volume and forms of presenting information, didactic material necessary for the social and communicative development of preschool children, taking into account the available time, the level of development of children and their own preparation. The duration of continuous direct educational activity for children from 4 to 5 years old is no more than 20 minutes, for children from 5 to 6 years old - no more than 25 minutes, and for children from 6 to 7 years old - not more than 30 minutes [3].

Curriculum of the Program.

Period of study Program section Subject Number of hours form of control
Theory Practice Total duration
September-November COMMUNICATION 12 12 portfolio

“On the road to the magical land of “Rhetoric”

December-February SPEECH TECHNIQUE 12 12

Teaching methods and pedagogical technologies:




Structural component of the thematic meeting on the program Methodological techniques to ensure children's productive activities Developmental teaching methods

(based on OS "School 2100" technologies)

1. "Rhetoric in Folklore" Conversation-reasoning with children about a proverb on the topic of the meeting problem dialogue method
2. "Problematic situation" Performing communicative-speech tasks based on communication situations typical for preschoolers
3. "Magic Rhetoric" Reading by the teacher of a rhetorical tale and works of fiction on the topic of the meeting productive reading method
4. "Rhetorical Sketches" Working with illustrations, books, drawing, modeling, acting and staging mini-performances
5. "News from Home" Children's performances based on the results of doing creative homework with their parents portfolio method
6. "Rhetoric in Games" Organization of communicative speech games - exercises, modeling of life communication situations
7. "Kindergarten visiting the school" Implementation of a mechanism of continuity with the next level of education for the child, “primary school” method


Forms of organization of the educational process.

The variability of the program allows teachers to independently plan their work, depending on the allocated hours. The system of holding thematic meetings within the program does not imply strictly regulated forms of organization and can be implemented in two ways:

1) Complexly - in the form of thematic meetings with children in the afternoon, when one or two are organized for each topic, which can include elements of various types of activities for preschoolers. Consolidation of the material occurs in routine moments and independent activities of preschoolers (on a walk, through reading literature, in dramatization games, etc.), as well as in everyday communication in a family environment.

2) Dispersed - as a cross-cutting element of any event in a preschool educational institution (games, entertainment, holiday, competition, etc.), that is, in the structure of various forms of educational activity of preschoolers.

Forms of organizing classes. Thematic meetings depend on the use of the following teaching methods:

1. Verbal teaching methods: conversation; text analysis, etc.

2. Visual teaching methods: showing video materials, illustrations; demonstration, performance by a teacher; observation; work based on a sample, etc.

3. Practical teaching methods: creative tasks; communication and speech exercises; rhetorical games, etc.

Activities in the form of a game-travel, conversation-reasoning, and creative workshop are possible.

Organization of work under the Program

Implementation period. The “Rhetoric for Preschoolers” program can be adapted to the conditions of various preschool institutions and implemented in preschool institutions of any type, in institutions of additional education for preschool children and in schools where pre-school preparation of future first-graders is carried out, for one or three years.

Features of the organization of the pedagogical process. Methods for organizing joint educational activities between an adult and a child under the “Rhetoric” program are described in detail in the corresponding section “Methods of developmental education in the implementation of the program content” of the author’s manual “Rhetoric before school”.

Staffing. The implementation of the “Rhetoric for Preschoolers” program does not imply the introduction of additional specialists to work with children in the group.

The effectiveness of the program is determined by the communicative competence of adults surrounding the child in kindergarten and at home. Methodological support for the process of improving a teacher’s communicative and speech skills is presented in the author’s educational manual “Speech culture of dialogue between a teacher and parents” (M: “Balass”, 2012. -192 p.).

Material and technical equipment. In the process of implementing the program, it is advisable to use television and video equipment, audio and visual aids that allow children to clearly demonstrate all aspects of oral speech in its repeated repetition (watching cartoons, recording voices, etc.) and dynamics (video recordings of speeches of preschoolers, etc. ).

Information Support. The “Rhetoric” program is a logical continuation and addition to the propaedeutic course of rhetoric, the content of which is disclosed in methodological recommendations for educators, teachers and parents. You are a word, I am a word... Z.I. Kurtseva (M.: “Balass”, 2002. – 96 p.).

Summing up forms for each topic or section. All sections of the Program are interconnected, intersect, and do not follow each other. The main indicators of a child’s social and communicative development are the products of children’s speech activity (public speaking, text production and word creation) in dynamics, that is, a comparison of the child’s achievements with his own achievements at earlier stages, and not in comparison with other children.

Compatible with other educational programs. The program can be used in conjunction with other programs of various types

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