Lesson on experimenting “wood and its properties” lesson plan on the surrounding world (senior group) on the topic
Card file of experiences and experiments on ecology in the middle group Card file of experiences and experiments on
Features of physical education for children in preschool educational institutions
The issue of protecting and strengthening the physical condition of children is considered one of the most important practically
Texts and templates of invitations for the New Year 2022: for school, kindergarten, corporate events
Texts of New Year's invitations 2022 Texts of invitations to the New Year 2022 can be used for various
Joint activity with children “On the route of good deeds and deeds”
Material (senior group) on the topic: Screen “Our good deeds.” We want to share how we
Fun in the pool of the kindergarten “FUN PHYSICAL ACTIVITY ON THE WATER”
Water. Entertainment scenarios - Leisure “Don’t drive, drivers - you’re parents too” Publication
Communication of preschoolers. Author24 - online exchange of student work
Formation of relationships among preschool children in play activities
Relationships of preschool children in a game situation RELATIONSHIPS OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN IN A GAME SITUATION In the game there are two
plasticine crafts mushrooms
Summary of a modeling lesson in the first junior group “Leaves for a tree”
Autumn painting from plasticine Let's start with the most complex, and at the same time, the most exciting
Entertainment for Mother’s Day “Mom and I are the most athletic” (preparatory group)
Sports entertainment for Mother's Day in the preparatory group of a preschool educational institution. Scenario SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT “OUR MOMS”
Physical education minutes on the lexical topic: “Pets and birds” card index on the topic
Presentation “Physical training about animals” Physical training about animals Physical training about pets We bought a cat
grammar for preschoolers
Games and exercises used in literacy classes for children
Literacy training in the older group It is at the age of 5-6 years that children usually begin to actively
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