How a hare deceived a fox in a winter forest

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Russian folk audio tales

Audio tales of the peoples of the world

audio stories by age:

audio stories based on interests:

A therapeutic fairy tale about a capricious, dirty girl. About how she understood the importance of obedience to parents and the importance of hygiene.

A fairy tale about how a chicken hatched from an egg after a duckling and began to imitate him in everything. And he even jumped into the water, but began to drown. Fortunately, the duckling saved his friend...

A short tale about three brothers who loved each other so much that even the question of inheritance did not quarrel between them...

Gotcha biting

An interesting story about a brave and resourceful mouse who alone was able to cope with a fox. And the beaver and the raccoon wanted to help him, but the fox was afraid and chickened out.

Short stories about the little boy Alyosha, his childhood, his family. Alyosha describes his childhood impressions of traveling by rail, of huge Moscow, of visiting the zoo...

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

A story about a mischievous, resourceful, cheerful twelve-year-old orphan boy Tom Sawyer, his friend Huckleberry Finn and other residents of the town of St. Petersburg.

The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends

A fairy tale about the cheerful, mischievous, cheerful Dunno and other little residents of the Flower City, who, under the leadership of Znayka, built a hot air balloon and set off on a journey.

These were war years. The brother and sister, left orphans, took care of the household themselves. In the spring they went to the swamp to get last year's cranberries, and many incidents happened to them there.

Listen to the audio poem “The Barrel of the Little Dog” by B. Zakhoder online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “The Termite Diet” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Rain” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Kiskino Grief” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

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The TV channel “SKAZKI ZAYKA” was created in December 2013 and is designed for a wide family and children's audience. Currently, the channel presents Russian folk tales.

The channel’s content serves as an ideal platform for communication between generations: the original presentation conveys to children the “eternal” values ​​and ideals shared by their parents.

A unique combination of current classics and original soothing video design is the main difference between Fairy Tales and other existing TV channels for children. “Bunny's Tales” will be a wonderful and unobtrusive background for both lunchtime and bedtime. During its existence, the TV channel “Skazki Zaiki” has earned the trust of millions of mothers and fathers, grandparents around the world.

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Do you read fairy tales to your child yourself?
Collections of fairy tales for you and your child!

Russian folk tales from the collection of A. N. Afanasyev

Russian folk tales

The best Russian fairy tales

Heroic Russian fairy tales

Russian fairy tales, heroic, folk

Fact and fiction. Russian folk tales, legends, parables

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Ivan Tsarevich and the Grey Wolf. Fairy tales

Series “Reading trainer. And I read!

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Date pit - oriental audio tale

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Russian folk audio tales

Audio tales of the peoples of the world

audio stories by age:

audio stories based on interests:

A therapeutic fairy tale about a capricious, dirty girl. About how she understood the importance of obedience to parents and the importance of hygiene.

A fairy tale about how a chicken hatched from an egg after a duckling and began to imitate him in everything. And he even jumped into the water, but began to drown. Fortunately, the duckling saved his friend...

A short tale about three brothers who loved each other so much that even the question of inheritance did not quarrel between them...

Gotcha biting

An interesting story about a brave and resourceful mouse who alone was able to cope with a fox. And the beaver and the raccoon wanted to help him, but the fox was afraid and chickened out.

Short stories about the little boy Alyosha, his childhood, his family. Alyosha describes his childhood impressions of traveling by rail, of huge Moscow, of visiting the zoo...

Adventures of Tom Sawyer

A story about a mischievous, resourceful, cheerful twelve-year-old orphan boy Tom Sawyer, his friend Huckleberry Finn and other residents of the town of St. Petersburg.

The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends

A fairy tale about the cheerful, mischievous, cheerful Dunno and other little residents of the Flower City, who, under the leadership of Znayka, built a hot air balloon and set off on a journey.

These were war years. The brother and sister, left orphans, took care of the household themselves. In the spring they went to the swamp to get last year's cranberries, and many incidents happened to them there.

Listen to the audio poem “The Barrel of the Little Dog” by B. Zakhoder online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “The Termite Diet” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishkina Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Rain” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

Listen to the audio poem “Kiskino Grief” by Zakhoder B. online on the Mishka Books website.

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A bedtime story about a hare and a bear. Read and listen

A bedtime story will tell you this: one day the hare Khariton was given a tempting offer, such that he could not refuse.
The proposal was indeed practically a royal one! But he faced such difficulties... Listen to the story (5min56sec)

A bedtime story about the hare Khariton and the bear Terenty Author: Iris Review

Once upon a time there lived a bear named Terenty. In the Emerald Forest, everyone knew him as the king of beasts. His crown was beautiful and rich. But the king rarely wore it. But the inhabitants of the Emerald Forest already understood who their king was, so even without a crown they treated the bear with respect.

Tsar Terenty I was respected. He resolved controversial issues and made important decisions. All residents of the Emerald Forest obeyed the royal person unquestioningly.

But one day Terenty I had to leave the Emerald Forest for several days. The king of the neighboring Azure Forest, Theophanes I, invited him to stay for a while.

Who replaced the king in the Emerald Forest? No one showed any desire to become king.

They decided to make... the hare Khariton king for a while. And that’s because the hare was absent when they were looking for a replacement for the king. He was on Hare Island on vacation.

One sunny day, Terenty I came to Khariton and said that he was leaving, and the hare would remain for the king. Khariton trembled with fear, but did not dare to object to the king. The bear noticed that from the next morning the hare should sit on the royal throne, which stands near the Transparent River.

The next morning, at the appointed time, the hare Khariton was already in place. His paws trembled, his soul sank into his heels, but he held his ears proudly. In the afternoon, the fox Alice came to Khariton and began to complain about the wolf Semyon.

- Dear King Hare! - she said. - The wolf Semyon stole my prey and ate it. Not only is stealing wrong, but he also left me hungry.

The hare Khariton sits, listens to the fox, trembles with fear, but tries not to show that he is afraid of the fox.

- Come tomorrow, Alice the fox. I will answer your question tomorrow.

And the hare began to look at the tip of his own nose.

An hour later, the frogs came to the hare, and they said that the herons in the swamp had completely lost their conscience, and were eating them, frogs, in large quantities.

“This is outrageous,” croaked the frogs.

The hare asked the frogs to come the next day too.

Before the frogs had time to gallop away, a hedgehog arrived, his head wrapped.

- King Hare! Find the council for forty, they are making so much noise that I have an incredible headache.

“I’ll think about what to do with the magpies,” said Khariton, “come back tomorrow.”

When everyone left, the hare grabbed his head himself.

- Talk to the wolf? Yes, this is terrible! – Khariton was seething. - Talk to herons? Who will listen to me? Stop the chatter of forty? I can't do it! Poor me, poor, unhappy, how can I solve all these issues? I wish Tsar Terenty would come sooner.

And the hare went wherever his eyes looked. He walks, and a learned owl flies nearby. She says to the hare:

“I’ve been flying recently, and a bear meets me.” I thought that our Terenty I had returned, but no. I look, and this is his brother, Potap, who has returned from the distant forests.

- Where is he now? - the hare squeaked.

“Come on, I’ll introduce him,” said the learned owl.

The meeting took place near the Transparent River.

- Dear Mr. Bear, good friend Potap, help me deal with royal affairs. Otherwise I was completely exhausted.

With the help of the bear Potap, the hare Khariton decided a lot. And there Tsar Terenty I returned. He patted brother Potap in a friendly manner and praised the hare Khariton:

- Well done, Khariton, you didn’t lose your head. You found yourself in a difficult situation, but you didn’t make a mistake. I found myself a protector and assistant. Now you will be respected more.

The hare smiled, he was glad that he turned out to be a good fellow!

And here is the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

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How a hare deceived a fox in a winter forest

to the old winter forest, full of tall, mighty trees. Leaves fell from the branches, the grass dried up and the frost covered everything around with a blanket of snow. Only the Christmas trees are fluffy, green, dusted with snow.

The winter forest has its own rules. There are winter dormouse in the forest, for example, Mishka has been sleeping soundly in a cozy and warm den for a long time, the hedgehog is also fast asleep, curled up in some deep snowdrift. So they will sleep for a very long time, until the first spring sun. There are winter fashionistas.

As soon as the snow falls, the beautiful squirrel puts on a grayish fur coat, it is fluffier and warmer than her usual red outfit. And the bunny changes her gray fur coat to a white one not only to keep warm, but also to make it easier to hide from forest hunters in a white snowdrift.

Winter hunters - foxes and wolves, also prepare thoroughly for the arrival of cold weather. Wolves unite in groups and do not walk alone, and the fur of foxes becomes thick and thick.

A bunny named Shustrik loves his winter coat very much. He is always very happy about the arrival of the first cold weather, and as soon as snow falls, he is the first to run to play snowballs and make snowmen. But winter for Shustrik is not only the joy of snowdrifts and bitter frosts, but also a great danger.

It just so happens that foxes love to hunt bunnies. Every day there is a chase. The smart guy always keeps his ears open and looks around to see if a sly fox is hiding behind a snowdrift. The bunny does not have a permanent home; during the day he gallops through the forest, and if he gets tired, he lies down to rest under a snow bush.

Little fox Lucy doesn't like winter. She lives in a hole that needs to be heavily insulated to the ground. Lucy lives alone and has no friends. She is always very jealous of the wolves who walk together in winter - it is easier for them to get food. But Lucy can’t always catch even a small bunny.

When the winter is cold and snowy, it becomes especially difficult for Lucy to run after bunnies through the snowdrifts; she continually falls into the snow, and spends so much energy that she often remains hungry. And it’s not easy to spot a bunny in his beautiful winter coat among the white snowy forest.

It is difficult for Lucy to stay warm in winter, especially at night when the frost sets in. She climbs into her hole, curls up into a ball, just like a hedgehog, and covers herself with her big fluffy tail. And as soon as the night passes, you need to go into the forest again and look for food.

One day, on a particularly frosty winter day, Shustrik decided to make himself a place to sleep under a spreading green spruce. He jumped through the forest for a long time and chose a suitable tree. Along the snowdrifts, here and there, small hare tracks were visible.

Having found a beautiful tall spruce on the forest edge, the bunny began to arrange a place to sleep. He distributed the spruce branches so that they looked like a real roof, brought more snow, and sprinkled them on top to keep warm. Yes, he was so carried away by the scythe that he did not notice how the fox Lucy had been watching him for a long time from behind a nearby tree.

Lucy couldn’t believe that she managed to track down the little hare so easily. She reluctantly left her hole to look for food, because the frost outside was trying to grab her by the nose. But suddenly, she managed to hit the hare's trail.

He did not meander through the snowdrifts as usual, she walked along him, sniffing carefully, and her instincts did not deceive her - the tracks led straight to the bunny, who seemed not to notice her at all. No, there couldn’t be a better moment for a fox to grab a long-eared one and eat it! But Lucy was in no hurry. She watched with interest as the bunny arranged her home and hummed a song:

You are my cold frost, don't bite my nose! Don't bite your ears, I'll build a hut.

And the fox Lucy decided to play with the hare. She always has time to eat it, but she hasn’t been able to talk to anyone for a long time. She waited until the bunny turned away and finished singing the song, hid behind a tree and said:

I'm biting you by the ear, You shouldn't have gone out to the edge. I'm biting you by the nose, don't be sorry, bunny, get off!

Shustrik got scared, turned around, looked around, but didn’t see anyone. He pulled his ears back, but didn’t know where to run better so as not to get caught. I plucked up courage and decided to ask:

What kind of jokes are they making at this late hour? Show yourself like me now! I'm not afraid of anyone except the beast...

And the fox Lyusya stands behind the tree and is not overjoyed at how cleverly she scared the bunny, and she is in no hurry to come out of hiding. As soon as the bunny appears to her, he will immediately take off running, then chase him further through the forest. Lucy thought and said:

Tell me, little bunny, why are you trembling like a coward? And while you're hiding here, Tell me, who are you afraid of?

The bunny was confused. Shustrik could not understand where the voice speaking to him was coming from, but something in this voice was familiar to him, this cunning timbre reminded him of someone. But he will reason like this: if it’s a predator talking to him, then for some reason he doesn’t attack right away, which means he needs to talk him out, and then, when it becomes clear where he’s hiding, run away as fast as he can. He answers hesitantly:

I'm afraid of the red fox, clever, cunning and shameless! He will sneak up, attack, and circle his finger!

When Lucy heard this, she wanted to laugh even more. She liked the way the bunny talked about her, she was greedy for compliments. Lucy wanted to hear more from the bunny about the cunning fox. She tells him:

About the little fox, about the little sister, Tell me more, little bird! How is she? Smart, beautiful? Naughty and playful?

Shustrik listened to the voice, but suddenly remembered! This is a fox hunter! Now he understood who was talking to him, Shustrik felt funny because the fox was praising herself. And he came up with a plan to escape from the fox. He tells her:

I know that a fox has a fluffy tail like a queen’s! I know that there is no one dearer than her, Among all the forest animals.

Lucy grew fat from such words, her cheeks turned red, and she began to wave her fluffy tail from side to side. The bunny didn’t waste any time, he just saw the tip of the red tail from behind a tree, and then he ran in the opposite direction from the fox - there was no trace of him. And the fox Lucy was so embarrassed that she decided to stop talking and eat the bunny as soon as possible. She says finally:

I couldn't agree more! But it's time to refresh yourself. Get ready for miracles, the fox is speaking to you!

Having said this, Lyusya jumped out to the edge of the shelter, ready to grab the bunny, but she saw only footprints going far, far away. She realized that the bunny had galloped away a long time ago, and she would definitely not be able to catch up with him through the winter snowdrifts.

So it turns out that the scythe turned out to be more cunning than her, deceived her, cajoled her, and disappeared. Lucy was upset that the bunny cheated her, but there was nothing to do, she wandered back to her hole and went to bed hungry.

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