Summary of GCD in the junior group on the topic “In the autumn forest”

MAGAZINE Preschooler.RF

ECD in the early age group on cognitive development on the topic: “Autumn”

Goal: To acquaint children with the characteristic signs of autumn (it is raining, the leaves turn yellow and fall, the wind is blowing, it is cloudy.); To consolidate children's knowledge about the main colors of autumn: yellow, red. Develop spatial orientation, auditory and visual attention, and motor skills. Cultivate a long, smooth exhalation. Activate vocabulary (leaf fall, wind, breeze.)

Material: Pictures depicting children in autumn clothes, pictures depicting golden autumn. Autumn leaves are red, yellow (birch). Autumn leaves (red, yellow) cut out of cardboard for each child.


I invite the children to look out the window.

- Guys, look it’s cold outside today. Mainly cloudy. There are clouds in the sky. It's raining. Strong wind.

-What time of year is it now? (children's answer)

Reads a poem:

If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow, If the birds have flown to a distant land, If the sky is gloomy, If the rain is pouring,

This time of year... It's called autumn.

-Despite the fact that the sky is gloomy, it is raining, and the wind is blowing strong, autumn is a very beautiful time of year.

-Look what I brought to the group today.

Showing the children autumn leaves.

-What is this? (children's answer)

-Look at what a beautiful bouquet of leaves! These are birch leaves. Remember when we collected leaves while walking?

-Did we pick them up from the ground or pluck them from the tree? (children's answer)

-How did they end up on earth? (children's answer)

-What color are they? (children's answer)

-In autumn, the leaves on the trees change color from green to yellow or red and fall to the ground.

-How many of you know what this phenomenon is called? (children's answer)

-This autumn natural phenomenon is called LEAF FALL. Let's all repeat this word together. (children repeat the word)

-Look, I have a box and leaves. Let's play with the leaves.

Physical exercise.

The teacher throws the leaves, and the children collect them in a box to the music.

-Leaves have fallen from the trees. Look how many there are. Help me put it in a box.

The game is repeated several times.

-What a great time we played. Did you enjoy playing? (children's answer)

Children sit on chairs in front of a board with pictures of children in autumn clothes.

-Look at the picture of the children. What do you think, when did you photograph children in summer or autumn? (children's answer)

-How did you guess? (children's answer)

-Look carefully at how the children are dressed. We put on a hat, jacket, boots. It's cold outside in the fall and a strong wind is blowing. Leaves are falling from the trees.

-Look at another picture. Why does the girl have an umbrella? (children's answer)

-What's on the girl's legs? (children's answer) What are boots for? (children's answer)

-The picture shows that it is raining and a strong wind is blowing. What a mischievous wind, it scattered the leaves.

-Can you see the wind? (children's answer)

-Let's sing a wind song. How does the wind blow? (children's answer)

(Children blow air forcefully.)

-It's a strong wind. The wind began to subside and died down completely.

(Children blow with less force)

-A weak wind is a breeze. Repeat all together breeze.

-You and I just heard the wind. Is it possible to feel it?

(Children with different strengths, depending on the teacher’s command “wind” or “breeze” , blow into their hands.)


What time of year is it now? What did the leaves look like in autumn? When leaves fall to the ground, what is this phenomenon called?

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Summary of educational activities with children of the first junior group on the topic: “Journey to the autumn forest”


1 Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution, kindergarten of a combined type 365 of the Samara city district Summary of educational activities with children of the first junior group on the topic: “Journey to the autumn forest” Prepared by: teacher of MBDOU kindergarten 365 Belova N.Ya. Samara 2014

2 Theme of the week: “Autumn time” Theme of GCD: “Journey to the autumn forest” Developer: Belova N.Ya. teacher of MBDOU kindergarten 365 Samara Age: category 2-3 years Date: October 2014 Purpose: to clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the season “autumn” Objectives: 1. Learn to distinguish colors (red, yellow, green). 2. Learn to name wild animals (fox, hare, bear). 3. Develop the ability to answer questions. 4. Learn to distinguish between the number of objects “one”, “many”. 5. Develop fine motor skills with the help of “sujok”. Organization of the educational environment: For motivation for educational activities: an employee in an “autumn” suit. For carrying out GCD: artificial Christmas trees, birch trees, mock-ups of mushrooms, “su-jok” massage machine; paper colorful autumn leaves, basket; a set of wild animal toys (fox, hare, bear) Preliminary work: Teacher activity: selection of demonstration material. Making a presentation Activities of the teacher with children: guessing riddles, memorizing S. Trutneva’s poem “Autumn”, learning the outdoor game “The Little Gray Bunny is Sitting” Activities of the teacher with parents: assistance in equipping an information stand for the thematic week “Autumn Time”; assistance in equipping a developing subject-spatial environment. Forms of organizing joint activities: A surprise moment, the development of fine motor skills, productive activities, play activities. Conducting GCD:

3 Motivation: A group employee wearing an “Autumn” costume enters the group. Educator: Look, Autumn has come to us! An audio recording is played (sounds of the forest) Educator: Autumn invites us to take a trip to the autumn forest, where we will meet wild animals, pick a basket of mushrooms, collect a bouquet of autumn leaves, and play in a forest clearing. And to make the trip memorable, we will take a camera with us. The hedgehogs will show us the way to the forest. Massage exercise with “sujok” on the carpet: Educator: Take the yoke in your hands. That's how prickly they are. Roll them in your hands. “The hedgehog is a great friend to us. We are not afraid to go into the woods. The hedgehog lumps are sharp, but our fingers need them. Here we are in the forest We weren’t at all scared” (the teacher removes the “su-jok”) Didactic game “Mushroom picking” Educator: There are tall and low trees in the forest, and mushrooms grow under them. There is one with a white cap under the tree, and under the birch tree you can see a lot of mushrooms with brown caps, let's collect them in a basket. (The teacher takes mushrooms out of the basket and counts “one is many” together with the children) Didactic game “Name the wild animals” Educator: Look around, it seems to me that someone is watching us. Did you see who it is? (children's answers). These children are wild animals: a fox, a hare, a bear, they all live in the forest. But we will not approach them, we can

4 scare them. They will run far into the forest and will not find their way back to their home under the Christmas tree. Didactic game “Let’s collect a bouquet of autumn leaves” Educator: Look how beautiful the leaves are, these are autumn leaves, they are different in color: green, yellow, red (children’s answers). Let's collect a beautiful autumn bouquet of red leaves. Let's collect a beautiful autumn bouquet of yellow leaves. Let's collect a beautiful autumn bouquet of green leaves. In such a beautiful autumn meadow, I want to play the game “The Little Gray Bunny Is Sitting.” (Children play a game) Well, it seems like it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. And magic rings will help us return to kindergarten. As soon as we put them on our fingers, we will be back in kindergarten. “Here we’ll put on the ring. Twisted it. Turned it around. We ended up in the garden" Didactic game "Where were we? Who did you see? Educator: In kindergarten, let's remember where we were? (children's answers) - slide show “In the autumn forest.” Educator: Who did we see? (children's answers) - slide show with wild animals (fox, hare, bear) - What a beautiful story we have. We visited a fairy forest. Thank you, Autumn, for your hospitality in your beautiful forest. Surprise moment: Autumn treats children to a drink made from wild rose hips. Educational activities during scheduled moments: Morning: massage game with “su-jok”, didactic game “Name the wild animals”

5 Walk: outdoor game “The little gray bunny is sitting”, didactic game “One - many”. Evening: viewing slides “In the Autumn Forest”, didactic game “Autumn Leaves”. Literature used: 1. Education and training program in kindergarten / ed. M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbova, T.S. Komarova 2. Nikolaeva S.N. “Education of ecological culture in preschool childhood” 3. Magazine “Preschool Education” 8, 2013.

Lesson summary for a nursery group on the topic “Golden Autumn”

Lesson summary for a nursery group on the topic “Golden Autumn.”

Integration of educational areas:

“Music”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”.


To develop children's musicality and ability to perceive music emotionally.


1. Expand children’s orientation in the surrounding space.

2. Teach children to sing along slowly, drawlingly, “adjust” to the intonation of an adult, sing without falling behind and without getting ahead of each other.

3. Learn to move in accordance with the nature of the music, changing the movement with changing parts.

4. Develop mental operations and speech.

5. Instill in children a caring attitude towards nature.

Demo material:

autumn leaves, umbrella, baskets with mushrooms, basket with treats, vases, bear toy.


Autumn leaves, mushrooms.

Methodical techniques:

game situation, conversation-dialogue.


Children enter the hall. The presenter draws their attention to the decoration of the hall and says that they are in a fabulous magical forest.


Guys, look how beautiful it is. Where have we ended up? (Children look at the hall together with the teacher).
We have come with you to the autumn forest. It's autumn outside now. There are few green leaves left on the trees, more and more red and yellow ones. When you walk through the forest, dry autumn leaves rustle under your feet.

Autumn walks along the path,

Got my feet wet in puddles.

It's raining and there's no light,

The sun got lost somewhere.

Let's invite autumn to visit us: Autumn, Autumn, we ask you to visit us!

Autumn enters.


I hear people talking about me. I'm quite ready for the meeting. I am golden autumn, I came to you for the holiday, I create miracles everywhere. Are you excited to meet me? Do you like the forest outfit?

Children's answers.

I brought autumn leaves to all the children.

Children, take the leaves and dance merrily with them.

Dance "Falling Leaves"

(Music by A. Yakupova)

At the end of the dance, the children hide behind the leaves.


Where are the kids? Only the leaves remained - both yellow and red.

I’ll call the breeze for help, let it scatter all the leaves.

When the breeze blows, the leaf quickly flies away!

Children put the leaves on the floor and run to their chairs. Autumn is trying to catch the children.


Guys, look, our clearing is all strewn with autumn leaves. There are enough leaves lying around, we need to remove the leaves.

Let's go out, let's go out for a walk, for a walk in the woods.

We will collect leaves, collect leaves.

We will collect a lot of leaves, yellow and red.

We will collect a bouquet from different leaves.

Game "Collect the leaves"

Children collect leaves in vases.


Look at the leaves, how beautiful they are.
What color is this leaf? And this one? Children's answers

Autumn, dear, sit down! Have fun with us! And now I want to ask you guys - how are you guys living?


(children show a fist with a raised thumb)

How are you going?


(children stand up and walk in place)

How do you take it?


(children clench their fists)

How do you give?


(unclench their fists with palms up)

How are you being naughty?

(puff out their cheeks and “clap” them with their fists)

How are you threatening?


(“threaten” with index finger)

Are you guys friendly?




I’ll tell you a riddle: if a cloud frowns and threatens rain,

Let's hide under an umbrella and wait out the rain. What are these guys?

Children's answers


Do you have an umbrella?


Yes, that's how beautiful it is.

Game "Sun and Rain"

Children walk around the hall to cheerful music, and as the character of the melody changes, they hide under an umbrella.


Guys, look, it rained and mushrooms grew. Will you help me collect them?

“Collect mushrooms”
Children collect mushrooms in baskets.

The growl of the bear is heard.


Guys, a clumsy bear came to you from the forest with me for the holiday
(shows a toy) and
wants to dance with you. Will you dance with the bear?

Dance "The Bear is dancing"

Words and music by Maria Kachurbina, Translation by N. Naydenova


Autumn, we are glad that you came, what else did you bring us?


Here are apples for you, like honey, for jam and compote. Eat them and get better, gain vitamins. It's time for me to hit the road again next year

I will come to visit you in kindergarten!

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