Lesson summary on application on the topic “Golden ears of bread”


On the theme of domestic animals, you can make an applique of sheep grazing in a pasture.

For this you will need:

  • Procurement of rams and sheep;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Napkins;
  • Natural material;
  • Scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • Glue brush.

On a sheet of white paper, children should trace animal patterns. Color them. Cut out.

Small dense balls are rolled out of cotton wool.

Next, the cut out sheep is filled with such balls.

Next, the finished animals are glued onto the background of the pasture. You can depict any season of the year on it (winter, spring, autumn, summer).

The dried leaves are crushed.

Brown napkins are used to make trunks for autumn trees.

Then they are glued to the base.

The crushed leaves are used to make tree crowns—clothing for plants.

You can make grass from spruce or pine needles.

Clouds made of cotton wool.

This is what the final product looks like:

Golden spikelet

On the theme of bread, you can invite the children to make a modular application using the origami technique. Lesson notes on this topic will greatly help the teacher in the learning process. This way you can make an autumn carpet. For the application the children will need:

  • Sheets of paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Adhesive paper.


  1. Take a sheet of yellow paper, which will later become a spikelet, cut it into 20 squares with sides of 5. Cut the remaining piece into long pieces. This is the future stem.

  1. Place one of the squares in the shape of a diamond and bend it to form a triangle. After that, bend it again, open it and return to its previous shape. Thus, we only marked the fold lines.

Related article: DIY cradle for a newborn: drawings with photos

  1. Fold the corners of the triangle as shown in the photo.

  1. Fold the lower ends of the figure. You should get a shape similar to a heart.

Each spikelet consists of three such modules. The upper module is obtained by folding the original one in half. The lower one is done by simply bending the tip. Attach the stem to the base of the spikelet.

Collect the remaining spikelets. They can be either part of the composition or an independent fake.

Teddy bear

Using yarn, you can make an applique of a wonderful bear in the senior group of kindergarten.

For this you will need:

  • Bear stencil;
  • Cardboard;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Brown and gray paper;
  • Glue;
  • Brushes;
  • Gouache.

The children must independently choose a suitable background, draw or trace a stencil of a bear on it, fill in the areas with parts made of colored paper, and draw the missing elements.

Integrated educational activities in the senior group. Loaf holiday

Loaf holiday Integrated educational activities in the senior group Goals and objectives:

  1. To cultivate respect for the work of grain growers and careful attitude towards bread.
  2. Expand and deepen children’s understanding of bread as one of the greatest riches on earth.
  3. Introduce children to a variety of baked goods.
  4. To bring students to an understanding of the difficult path bread goes through before appearing on our table.
  5. Develop cognitive interest and observation skills.
  6. Enrich children's vocabulary with words: grain grower, combine operator, flour miller, tractor driver, etc.
  7. Select antonyms, be able to classify.

Progress of the holiday Children enter the hall. Parents with bread treats go to the set tables. Leading:

Look, the whole forest is already painted, Only in the fall can you see something like this.
Its leaves glow with golden fire and lie on the ground in a multi-colored carpet. So let's glorify Autumn with song, dance and games. The meetings will be joyful - Autumn, this is your holiday. 1 child
: Summer quickly flew away like a migratory bird into the distance.
Autumn wonderfully spread out the fading shawl. Instantly she captivated the eyes with her fiery foliage, a spikelet ripened in the field, yellowed grass. 3rd child
: The guest-autumn gifted her with fruit harvests, drizzling rains, and a basket of forest mushrooms.
The dance “Autumn, Autumn 1-2-3” is performed and the game “Hello, Autumn” Presenter
: We are not afraid of rains and cool gloomy days.
We will sing and have fun, holding hands and spinning. We will read poems about autumn days. 1st child
: There are bright days in autumn. The leaves flutter like moths.
Threads-webs on the bushes shine Leaves fall on the path, fly.. (Any poems about autumn. We read K. Balmont’s “The lingonberries are ripening”, and A. Pushkin’s “The sky was already breathing in autumn”; the song “Invisible Autumn”
is performed Presenter: Autumn is hospitable, set the feasts. Porlyuska has brought gifts. Today there is plenty of bread, the loaf is high, I bow to Porlyusica, the spikelet bends. Two girls solemnly bring in a loaf, make a circle of honor with it. They read poetry: A loaf of earth and heaven On your table, Nothing stronger There is no bread on the earth, In every small piece there are fields of grain, And on the ear of bread the earth rests. In a small grain of wheat In summer and in winter, The power of the sun is stored And the native land And grows under the bright sky Built and tall Like the Motherland, the immortal ear of bread. Presenter: Without bread there is no life. The Russian people have always treated bread with reverence as a gift that saves from hunger, as wealth. The path from grain to ear, from ear to flour and what we see on our table is difficult (
draws attention to exhibition). Presentation of a mini-museum
children stand in a semicircle)

  1. Where the bare wasteland turned black,

It hatched and turned green. Grow, reach to the sky, Green beaks of bread.

  1. In front of this arable land, throw off your hat, son. You see, an ear of bread is breaking through. How much work has been put into this grain. Only the sun, the wind, and the water know.
  1. A sprout is breaking through,

The stalk is turning green, Soon there will be a spikelet. The field will become a generous cornfield, tall, ripe, golden-maned.

  1. The grain field is ripe

The hot harvest is near and the harvester boldly sets out to collect everything down to the ear of corn.

5. He knows how to save time. He will reap the bread and at the same moment, thresh it and winnow it, and load it into a truck. 6. The bread was ripe, but it didn’t come to our table straight from the field. It’s too early to even go to the bread stores from the field. He got into the car and hurried to the elevator.

Game with parents “Transport the grain to the elevator”

7. Bread is stored in reserve for us in the elevator. Here he is warm, comfortable, he can feel as if he is at home. How long he needs to rest and get ready for the journey again. 8. The bread goes to the mill, the miraculous mill. Here the flour produced is more magnificent than the clouds. 9. And having filled the unusual round body with this cargo, Bogatyr the flour truck took the flour to the factory.

10. A baker in a white cap appeared in the distance. The baker, although young, was completely gray from flour! He stepped over the threshold: “I baked bread for you!” 11. The machines quickly kneaded the dough for us without any effort. It's time to bake. Dough - into molds, molds - into the oven! The bread on the belt runs nimbly downhill. It goes into the oven white and comes out black! 12. Here it is, a fragrant bread, with a fragile twisted crust, here it is warm, golden, as if filled with sunshine. In it is our health, strength, in it is wonderful warmth. How many hands raised him, protected him, took care of him! After all, the grains did not immediately become the bread that is on the table. People worked long and hard on the earth. game with parents and children

Recognize by taste” (Today we will recognize different bread products by taste. What bread products do you know? On our tray there are pieces of different bread products that you just named: white and black bread, various cookies, gingerbread, bagel buns, sponge cake , bagels, waffles, bread. So, the competition begins. Children and parents blindfolded identify bread products.)
People say: If there is bread, there will be a song.
The bread is in the oven, the wood is burning. It's ready, open the doors! Bread cannot be obtained without labor, a song cannot be sung without a heart. Spanish
“Song about bread” The presenter offers the game “Who can name more proverbs and sayings about bread?
Proverbs - sayings (children-parents)
A lot of snow - a lot of bread.
Sow at the right time and you will have a mountain of bread. Not the harvest that is in the field, but the harvest that is in the barn. Bread and water are good food. Rye bread is the head of everything. Niva is God's palm, it feeds everyone. Kalach gets boring, but bread never does. Bread is father, water is mother. Buckwheat porridge is our mother, and rye bread is our dear father. As long as there is bread and water, everything is not a problem. Presenter
: A large harvest is a joy for grain growers and all people.
The harvest festival is coming. But some are lazy to participate in this holiday. Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Spikelet” “Spikelet”
Presenter, Cockerel, Krut, Twirl Ved: Once upon a time there were two mice: Krut and Twirl, in the forest side, With them was the important Cockerel, a bright red comb.
If only the little mice could have fun, they are not fit to work. Everyone would dance and sing, everyone would spin and twirl. Well, Petya the Cockerel gets up very early, sings songs loudly, and goes to work. (The Cockerel comes out to the music and sweeps the yard) Ved: The Cockerel was sweeping the yard and found a spike of wheat. Cockerel: Twist and Twist, run to me and look at the spikelet. (mice come running) Cool: Go to the mill and thresh the ear of corn. Cockerel: I have work, help me, friends. Cool: Not me! Vert: Not me! Cockerel: First I will sweep the yard and go to the mill. (“The mice came out one day”)
, the Cockerel returns Cockerel: Hey, little mice, look how much I threshed! Help the cockerel, tell him, I don’t have the strength. (mice come running and look into the bag) Cool: Look, the flour is both airy and light, You need to knead the dough to put the pies. Cockerel: So get down to business, knead the dough boldly. You are best friends! Cool: Not me! Vert: Not me! Cockerel (sighs): What should we do? So be it, apparently I have to knead the dough. (kneads the dough, puts the pie on a baking sheet) Ved: Guys, let's help Cockerel bake a loaf. ( Spanish round dance “Loaf”) Children start a round dance.
Cockerel in the center. How we baked a loaf for the harvest festival: This high, this low, this dinner, this wide.
Loaf, loaf, choose whoever you want! Cockerel - Baker! He didn’t warm his side on the stove - he baked a loaf for the guys. Children: (clap their hands, stand still) - Baker, play with us, choose whoever you want! A baker comes out in a white cap and apron and stands next to the cockerel.
Baker: - Miller!
He didn’t grind nonsense, but ground grain into flour! - Miller, play with us, choose whoever you want! The miller boy, wearing a large apron, stands next to the baker.
Children: (clap their hands, stand still) - Miller, play with us, choose whoever you want!
Miller: - Farmer! He didn’t lie in the shade, but raised and reaped bread! Children: (clap their hands, stand still) - Farmer, stand in a circle, choose whoever you want! A farmer in a Russian shirt stands in a circle.
Farmer: - Worker! He came to us with gifts - tractors, tractors (Next, the baker, miller, plowman and worker do a round dance around the Cockerel. The Cockerel takes pies out of the bag. The children dance around them.) Children: How we baked a loaf for the harvest festival: This is how tall , such lows, such suppers, such width. And as a gift of a harvest, invite everyone to the holiday! Children sit down in their places Cockerel: Pies have been baked from puffed flour, The pies are ruddy, delicious and spicy. Cool: Oh, how hungry I am! Vert: Well, do I still have the pie? Cockerel: Wait, wait! You little mice tell me: who found the spikelet? Little mice (loudly): You! Cockerel: Who grinded at the mill? Little mice (quieter): You! Cockerel: Who brought home the flour? Little mice (quietly): You! Cockerel: Who baked the pies? Little mice (very quietly): You! Cockerel: You must not be lazy, work hard. So that the bread is in the oven, there are rolls on the table. But lazy people and talkers are not needed in this house. Little mice: Petya, Petya the Cockerel, golden comb, Don’t be angry with the little mice and quickly forgive your laziness!

dance "Made up"

Presenter: The grains of our days, glow with carved gilding.
We say: “Take care, take care of your native bread!” We don’t dream of a miracle, A living speech comes to us from the fields: “Take care of your bread, you people, Learn to take care of your bread!” (Takmakov R.) Song “Bun with cottage cheese” music.
etc. And Petryasheva. Harvesting fruits in the fall gives people a lot of joy after all their hard work. Play the music louder - invite you to have fun! ( the “Invitation” dance is performed with parents)

Presenter: Autumn, Autumn is on the threshold!
Those who worked have a pie for everyone! For your patience - a rich treat! ( we invite you to tea)

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