Open lesson in the middle group. Children's design "Paper mosaic" lesson plan on applique, modeling (middle group) on the topic

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Summary of a lesson on design activities with children of the senior group “Wonderful transformations”


conducting educational activities with children

classes for older children on the topic


«Miraculous transformations

Form of organization of educational activities: lesson for older children

preschool age.

Integration of educational areas: artistic and aesthetic development, cognitive development.

Types of children's activities in class

– communicative activities, experimentation, productive activities.

Goal: development of artistic creativity through children's design activities


Tasks :


teach children to create useful things with their own hands;

learn how to make and decorate frames.


develop the ability to select material in accordance with the plan to decorate the work.

develop skills in analyzing the production sequence and practical execution of a task

develop compositional skills, fine motor skills;


to cultivate artistic and aesthetic taste,

cultivate independence, the desire to see things through to the end.

Preliminary work:

Organizing an exhibition of children's creative works using printed materials. Master class with parents “Use of waste materials in room design”

Dictionary :


- these are unusual materials for familiar things

Gallery - exhibition of works of art

Exhibits are items put on display in a museum or exhibition.

Expected result:

1) The level of cognitive activity will increase.

2) Children will develop design thinking

3) Children will get acquainted with the possibilities of newspaper plastics

4) Learn to use newspapers and magazines as decorative material.

5) They will be able to express in speech their attitude towards their work.

Means of education :

Projector and laptop, colored newspaper and magazine crafts, frame templates, newspaper tubes, finishing material, stationery glue, scissors.

Club work on teaching design to middle school children

In addition, today, more than ever before, there is a need for the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. I came to you to find out if you have colored pencils in your group and where they live. Teacher: dear pencil, our guys have colored pencils and they live in such beautiful, colorful houses. Topic: introduction to materials and techniques goals: to introduce children to various techniques for performing appliqué work. I suggest watching a presentation where all the work was done together with children, or children partially helped.

The dough can be colored and sculpted into a colored product, or you can paint the finished work after it has completely dried. The teacher picks up a napkin, under which there are colored pencils) pencil: how do you handle your pencils, guys? Salt dough is the most economical and safe way to try your hand at developing your imagination, because you can mold anything from it. Educator: let's think about how we can help the heroes of the fairy tale so that the fox no longer drives the bunny out?

Watch the video

Gradually, experience will come, skills will be formed, and he will easily complete a large, complex work on his own. That is, we can see how origami develops in a child something beyond physical achievements - excellent moral qualities. According to the third method, products are glued together like plywood under pressure from plates of hard, dense cardboard. The essence of the decoupage technique is that a thin layer of paper with a decorative pattern is glued onto the surface of the object being decorated, creating the illusion of hand-painting. An open subgroup correctional and developmental lesson on the development of visual perception in the middle group “vegetables and fruits”.

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