Abstract of the GCD on the topic “My favorite toy” outline of a lesson on speech development (senior group) on the topic

Lesson in kindergarten on the topic “My favorite toys”

  • November 12, 2018

Purpose of the lesson : To teach respect for toys, to develop interest and desire for work activities, the ability to navigate in space, to roll plasticine between the palms.
Preliminary work: draw blots on paper and glue the blots. Choose different types of toys for your lesson; you can buy good interactive toys here. Reading the work of K. Tchaikovsky “Moidodyr”.

Progress of the lesson

(Before class, take the children out of the group and remove toys from the shelves).

Children enter the group.

Educator: Where are our favorite toys?

A boy comes out (grimy, unkempt): I came to visit you to play. But for some reason the toys got scared and ran away.

Educator: Why did the toys run away?

Children: The boy is dirty.

Educator: That’s right, toys don’t want to be where the “dirty” live, where they are offended and do not take care of them. In order for the toys to return, they need to be put in order.

The teacher helps the boy wash off the stains on his hands and face, saying the words together with the children: “Wash, wash the chimney sweep, clean, clean. The chimney sweep is clean, clean.”

There's a knock on the door. The teacher opens the door, there is a box with the “Moidodyr” emblem.

Educator: Who brought us a beautiful box? What's stuck on it?

Children: Moidodyr.

Educator: This is a warning sign. What do you think is in the box?

Children: Soap, towel, washcloth to wipe off stains.

Educator: In a large box there is a smaller box. What are the children in it? (rags, aprons). What does moydodyr want to say? You need to not only be clean and tidy, but also put things in order around yourself.

The teacher and the children wipe the shelves, chairs, etc.

Educator: The boy not only came dirty and unwashed, but also scattered a lot of blots throughout the group, we need to collect them. Who is the most attentive? Who will collect the most blots? (Children remove blots on cabinets, under the table, on the floor).

We worked a little, and now we will rest and start playing again.

Outdoor game

Hamster, hamster, hamster (children puff out their cheeks) Striped flank. (stroking his sides) The hamster gets up early, (stretching movements) He washes his cheeks, rubs his neck, (rubbing his face and neck) The hamster sweeps the hut (movements imitate sweeping) And goes out to exercise (march in place) One, two, three, four, five (3-4 movements simulating exercises) Khomka wants to become strong. (arm muscle tension)

Sad music is playing.

Educator: The toys don’t want to come back. In order for them to return, you need to say something good and affectionate about them (show pictures).

The teacher, if desired, takes out several children at a time and shows them the toy drawn in the picture.

Conversation on questions:

  1. What's your favorite toy? (For example: bunny).
  2. Describe the toy (where is the tail, how does it feel, where are the paws).
  3. Name the toy affectionately!
  4. Let's repeat together what we affectionately call Vanya's toys!
  5. How do we hug her (we hug ourselves), how do we kiss her (we put our lips in a tube), how do we smile (we smile)?
  6. What words will we say to our toys to make them come back?

Children. We will take care of them, wash them, dress them, walk with them.

Cheerful music is playing.

Educator: Guys, our toys have decided to return! (The teacher brings in the toys and places them together with the children.) They wanted to eat toys along the way. What can we do for them?

Children: Give me a treat.

Educator: We will bake kalachi (children’s work from dough). Favorite toys are invited to dance (all children with toys dance).

Author: Svetlana Rafailovna Galuzo, 1st category teacher at MBDOU No. 27, Polysayevo city, Kemerovo region.

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “My favorite toy”

Sadovina Irina

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group “My favorite toy”

Program objectives: Continue to teach children how to write a descriptive story. Improve your story writing skills. Development of coherent speech . Development of a moderate speech rate . Cultivate interest in the activity . Foster a positive response to the lesson .

Equipment: Demonstration material: cards with images of toys on the board .

Progress of the lesson

Psychological attitude “Give a smile”

- Guys, come to me and stand in a circle and hold hands.

-All of us in the group are like family

We love being together very much

Speak kind words to everyone.

After the mood, the children sit at the tables.

Introduction to the topic of the lesson :

toys in his hands : a red fox and a black wolf cub.

- Look, children, what cute animals came to us. Name and tell us what they are. What little fox? And what wolf cub? Children's answers using a mnemonic table - tell us about the toy .

- What color is the little fox? (red fox)

- What about the wolf cub? Cunning? (the wolf cub is not cunning; he is evil, simple-minded)

- Guys, it’s easy to guess their names by the color of the animals. Let's think about what our friends are called? (fox Ryzhik, wolf cub Chernysh)

It is important that children note that the little fox is red, cunning, and the wolf cub is black, simple-minded (stupid)

. If children do not identify these qualities, then the teacher asks questions.

- What do you think, which little fox is sad or cheerful, cunning? (Fox cub is a cheerful cunning one)

- You can say about the little fox that he is cunning, because he is cunning. What can you call a stupid little wolf? (The little stupid wolf cub can be called baby, silly.)

- Who gives you toys ? ( Toys are given to us by our parents )

— In which store can you see a lot of toys ? (You can see a lot of them in the toy )

— Do you have any favorite toys ? (Yes)

— What materials are toys ? (plastic, wood, fabric, metal)

— What kinds of toys ? ( Toys are mechanical , automatic, wind-up, plush)

- Choose words that will help you express your attitude towards the toy ( favorite , beautiful, amazing, wonderful, funny, wonderful, cute, interesting, etc.).

— Guys, who wants to talk about which toy ? And tell it that, without seeing the toy , we can imagine it well.

The teacher calls the child. If it's a boy, he will most likely talk about the car .

After listening to the story , the teacher asks:

— Guys, do you have any questions for the narrator , do you want to know anything else about the toy ?

The teacher himself asks the question so that the children gradually become accustomed to the form of joint conversation, for example: “Please tell me, how often do you have to change the battery in the car? Is it big or small? What material is your car made of?

-Now, I suggest that you tell someone else about your favorite car, provided that he has a completely different car than the previous storyteller . What is your car made of? What size is it?

Phys. minute “The deer has a big house.”

-Now, I want to ask the girls to tell about their favorite doll . What size is she, how many outfits does she have, does your doll have a home?

- Well done, you have some good stories . And now I want to ask you to tell me about a soft toy . Who has a favorite soft toy ? How long have you had this toy ? Where did you get it from?

The teacher listens to one or two more storytellers .

-Tell me, please, how should we treat toys ? (carefully, put back in place, do not break, repair)

Toys must be protected , because making one toy takes a lot of time and effort from different people, and the work of adults must be respected. Whose story did you like the most? Why? stories during a walk or in the evening.
- I’m very glad that you learned to describe your toys , completing the lesson , I’m going to find out if you can name words opposite in meaning to those that I will now name: “Dark, damp, sunny, cheerful, greedy, cowardly, tall, close, loud, thick..."

- Well done, I see that you understand what words are - opposite in meaning. And it will be very good if, while walking, you remember and name words that have opposite meanings.

- So, what did we talk about today? (children's answers)


— That’s right, we talked about our favorite toy ( the children of the speakers are listed )


- Do you think we coped with the stories ? (children's answers)

Mnemonic table “My favorite toy

Summary of a lesson on speech development in the senior group on the topic “Toys” Educational tasks: expand children’s knowledge on the topic “Toys”; develop speech hearing, shape the development of elementary.

Notes on the development of speech “My favorite toy” in the senior group Objectives: Learn to compose a descriptive story about your favorite toy, telling it consistently and expressively; Form a respectful attitude.

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Project in the preparatory group “My Toy”

Project passport

name of the project My favorite toy
Project type informational - creative
Project developers Permyakova Alevtina Viktorovna Redkina Lyubov Vladimirovna
Project managers Permyakova Alevtina Viktorovna Redkina Lyubov Vladimirovna
Project goals and objectivesGoal: - development in children of a sustainable interest in toys; - learn to interact with toys and with each other as partners; development and formation of social and moral qualities in children through the organization of various types of activities in kindergarten and at home Project objectives: - to acquaint children with the history of the appearance of toys, what the “first” toys looked like, what they were made of, how the toy changed over time, from what materials are toys now made from? - develop children’s speech activity, improve children’s skills in writing stories - description; — development of children’s productive activities, activation of creative thinking, development of fine motor skills; - develop cognitive interest and desire to play with toys, use the toy for its intended purpose, cultivate a caring attitude towards toys; - encourage the inclusion of various toys in role-playing games; — increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of enhancing play activities in families and kindergartens.
Project implementers Children, teachers, parents.
Basic Principles of Project Implementation accessibility, systematicity and consistency, integrity of active learning, collaboration.
Project duration 1 month
Project implementation timeframe From 01/16/2019 to 02/18/2019
Project implementation stages I - organizational - diagnostic II - activity III - analytical
Expected results of the project implementation - children’s understanding of the diversity of the world of toys; — development of individual characteristics in creative speech activity; - the use of speech forms of expressive speech in different types of activities and everyday life; - involving parents in joint activities with the child in family and kindergarten settings.

Relevance: The most important components of the educational environment are games and toys. Toys for a child are an “environment” that allows them to explore the world around them, develop and realize creative abilities, and express feelings; toys teach you to communicate and get to know yourself. Selecting toys is a serious and responsible matter. The child’s mood and progress in his development depend on the successful solution of this problem. Sometimes adults get upset, even angry at the child for not using the toys, not suspecting that he simply does not know how to play with all this. Toys themselves will not mean anything to a child if he does not know how and what to play with them. Goal: - development in children of a sustainable interest in toys; learn to interact with toys and with each other as partners; - development and formation of social and moral qualities in children through the organization of various types of activities in kindergarten and at home. Project objectives: - to acquaint children with the history of the appearance of toys, what the “first” toys looked like, what they were made of, how the toy has changed over time, what materials toys are now made from; - develop children’s speech activity, improve children’s skills in writing stories - description; — development of children’s productive activities, activation of creative thinking, development of fine motor skills; - develop cognitive interest and desire to play with toys, use the toy for its intended purpose, cultivate a caring attitude towards toys; - encourage the inclusion of various toys in role-playing games; — increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of enhancing play activities in families and kindergartens

Event plan

Preparatory stage Deadlines Event participants

Stage I, organizational - diagnostic

1. Analysis of the subject-developing spatial environment

1. Selection of fiction telling about toys; illustrations and pictures depicting various toys;

2. Preparation for games and observations

3. Replenishment of the subject-developmental environment of the group: books, illustrations, albums, didactic games, attributes for the role-playing game “Toy Store”;

4.Parent survey: “What toys do your children need?”

5. Work with parents: creating advertising for the project, communicating the topic, goals; involving moms and dads in the project and in the selection of materials

16.01. – 18.01.2019 Educator


2. Carrying out diagnostics “Diagnostics of preschooler’s gaming skills” educational and methodological manual./ Comp. T.A. Krivolesova - Nikolaevsk-on-Amur: Publishing house of NnAPK KMNS branch of KGBOU SPO KhPK, 2013 18.01 — 21.01.2019 Teachers, children

II – active, From 01/16/2019 to 02/15/2019

Names of the event Forms of work Deadlines Event participants
1. Conversations on the topics “My favorite toy”,

“Why do we need toys?”

Joint activities between teachers and children 21.01.2019 Educator,


2. Examination of various toys: Pinocchio, panda bear, baby doll, etc. Specially organized activity with included questions on a given topic 21.01.2019 Educator,


3. Examination of illustrations “Children playing”, “Toys” Specially organized activity with included questions on a given topic 22.01.2019 Teacher, children, parents
4. Conducting parent surveys, consultations for parents Specially organized activities with parents 22.01.2019 Teacher children
5. Game-situation “Our dolls”,

"In the toy store"

"City of Toys"

Specially organized activities on a given topic 21.01.-25.01.2019 Teacher, children
6. Pedagogical situation “They brought a new toy to the group, everyone wants to play with it” Specially organized activities on a given topic 28.01.2019 Teacher, children
7. Memorizing poems “Toys” for children’s choice Specially organized activities on a given topic 31.01.- 04.02.2019 Teacher, children, parents
8. D. and.: “Find out by touch”, “One is many”, “Find by description”, “What has changed?”, “Find a toy of the same color - a pyramid”, “Which toy is missing”, “Dominoes”. Specially organized activities with included experiments on a given topic 28.01.-08.02.2019 Teacher, children
9. Learning the physical exercise “Wind-up toys.” Riddles about toys Collaborative activities between teachers and children 04.02.2019 Teacher, children
10. Reading fiction: V. Oseeva “Girl with a Doll”, “Watchman”

Ya. Tayts “Cube upon cube”,

V. Shipunova “Ball”;

Collaborative activities between teachers and children 05.02.-08.02.2019 Teacher, children,
11. “Competition for the best reader of poems about toys” Specially organized activities for children 04.02.2019 Teacher, children,


12. “Who can name more rules for handling toys?” Specially organized activities for children 11.02.2019 Teacher, children,
13. Drawing: “My favorite toy” Specially organized activities for children 15.02.2019 Teacher, children
14. Open Day “My Favorite Toy” Specially organized activities with children and parents 15.02.2019 Teacher, children,


15. Modeling from plasticine: “Toys” Independent activities of children 14.02.2019 Teacher, children
16. “My funny ringing ball”, “Visiting the dolls”, “Catch up with the ball”, “Mirror”, “Carousel”, “Traps”, “It’s boring, it’s boring to sit like that.” Independent activities of children 07.02.2019 Teacher, children
17. Application:

"Toys around us"

Coloring coloring pages "Toys"

Specially organized activities with children and parents 13.02.2019 Teacher, children,


18. Plot-role-playing games: “Bathing dolls”, “Toy store”, “Daughters - mothers”, “Fortress”, etc. Specially organized activities for children 08.02-14.02.2019 Teacher, children
19. Creative living room “My favorite toy” Specially organized activities with children and parents 14.02.2019 Teacher, children
20. Making the newspaper “My Favorite Toy” Specially organized activities for children 18.02.2019 Teacher, children

Stage III, analytical (02/15-02/18/2019)

Criteria Indicators
Children's understanding of play activities has been formed An increase in the proportion of pupils with developed cognitive abilities, who are able to compose stories - descriptions, and the productive activity of children has increased.

They are able to analyze, generalize, reason, draw conclusions, and express conclusions.

Expand children's understanding of toys, arouse interest and desire to play with toys, and use the toy for its intended purpose Increasing the proportion of students who have learned to rationally plan their activities in the game.

Increasing the proportion of pupils who can play out the plots of the game, introduce toys and substitute objects into the game. The proportion of children whose interest in the history of the toy has increased has increased.

Increased level of parental interest in children's toys and games An increase in the proportion of parents who have increased interest in their children’s games and toys and in playful methods of communicating with their child.

Target groups of the project: children, educators, parents.

References: 1. Gubanova N.F. Play activities in kindergarten. -M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2008. 2. Mikhailenko N. Ya., Korotkova N.A. Organizing a story-based game in kindergarten: A manual for teachers. 2nd ed., rev. - M.: Publishing house "GNOM and D", 2000. - 96 pp. 3. Shchetinina, A.M. Diagnosis of the social development of a child: Educational and methodological manual. — Veliky Novgorod: NovSU named after. Yaroslav the Wise, 2000. -88 p. 4. Elkonin D.B. Psychology of play. - M., 2000.

Appendix 1. Consultation for parents “Choosing children's toys”

This consultation for parents contains the five most common erroneous thoughts that parents have in front of the toy store counter. How often in a children's toy store do you catch yourself thinking that you need to buy something, but you don't know what exactly to buy? How many toys from the store are your children really interested in? You see: the problem of buying toys for children really exists. But what are you doing wrong? Let's look at the main mistakes parents make when choosing dolls, cars, castles and other fun things for little ones. 1. “I dreamed about this so much as a child!” or “When I was little, there was no such beauty in stores.” Buying a toy for yourself is one of the most common parental mistakes. Your child is different from you. When choosing a toy, you must take into account his interests. If your baby loves quiet games where he uses attention and perseverance, you should not overload him with sports equipment. Your love for active fun is not his choice. 2. “He’s a boy! Why does he need dolls?” Most dads frown sternly on the bridge of their nose if they notice that their one-and-a-half-year-old son is reaching for a stuffed bear or a doll stroller. But this is wrong! A child should play with everything that comes into his field of vision. And meeting a doll will not cause a change in sexual orientation in the future (and this is what some parents really think). The distinction between toys for “boys” and “girls” deprives your child of the right to choose. Let's say even more: boys should play with dolls no less than girls! After all, this is how the feeling of fatherhood is formed! 3. “My child doesn’t need ordinary toys, everything should develop” Who said that cars or playing ball don’t develop? But what about orientation in space, the development of fine and gross motor skills, stimulation of the imagination, the ability to coexist with a group (if the child does not play by himself) and much more? Everything a child touches teaches him and introduces him to the world around him. You shouldn’t throw only Doman cards or Nikitin cubes at your little one. Give him the opportunity to just play. 4. “I’d rather buy toys for children cheaper! All the same, they break them on the second day.” High-quality toys do not break on the second day. This is an axiom. If you bought a car or a doll in a store, they have all the certificates, but their cost is not that low, don’t be upset. This will all pay off, because the child will play with this toy for many years. It is better to buy rare, but high-quality children's products, than often, but brittle and dangerous to the health of toddlers.

Questionnaire survey of parents “What and how children play at home”

Goal: to get some idea of ​​the attitude of parents of pupils towards the use of games in communicating with their children at home.

Dear parents!

We ask you to take part in a questionnaire regarding your child’s play practice at home. Answer as detailed as possible, write, if necessary, on the back of the sheet. 1. Opposite points of view are expressed on children's play. One is an optional, sometimes empty pastime for pleasure; the other is play - a vital condition for the development and maturation of a child, which contributes to preparation for school life. Choose one of the points of view that you share, or formulate your own. 2. Does your child like to play: yes, no, it’s hard to say (underline what is appropriate). His favorite game or what does he play most often? 3. What types of toys does the child have at home: figurative (animals, dolls, including Barbie, Cindy); household (furniture, dishes, etc.); technical (cars, locomotives, etc.); construction kits, construction sets, Lego sets; musical toys; wind-up (spinning top, etc.); didactic (cubes, pyramids, inserts, etc.); desktop-printed (lotto, etc.); play sets for story games (to a store, hairdresser, hospital, etc.); electronic toys (Tamagoshka, etc.); computer toys; monster toys; military toys (machine guns, pistols, tanks, etc.) (underline what you need, add if necessary)?4. What do you think it means to be a child's play partner? 5. Does your child ever take part in group games with peers at the dacha, in the yard, in the apartment; with you on a day off (underline what you need, add if necessary)?6. Does your child ask you to play with him: yes, no, difficult to say (underline what is appropriate)? How do you respond to these requests? 7. What roles does your child offer you when he invites you to play? Thank you for your cooperation!

Data processing. Based on the analysis of the answers, assumptions are made and prospects for cooperation with parents on the development of children’s gaming skills are outlined.

Test “The Place of Play in Family Education”

Goal: to provide parents with the opportunity to analyze their own experience of using play methods of communication with their child in the family. For each of the four statements, choose one answer and circle it. 1. You intend to enter the entrance door of a residential building, but at the entrance your path is blocked by a kid holding a toy machine gun. You: a) enter the entrance without being distracted by the baby’s behavior; b) tell the child to choose a better place to play; c) answer him, accepting his playful attitude. 2. On a winter day, you and your child went out into the yard, where local children had already managed to fashion many buildings out of the snow. Your child can't wait to play with them. You: a) watch the child while he plays enough; b) play with your child in snow structures, coming up with a plot for the game; c) set a time for your child to play and flip through the latest issue of a magazine purchased at the kiosk. 3. Your child runs around the apartment making shrill sounds, pretending to be either an “airplane” (if this is a son) or “a storm, a hurricane” (if this is a daughter). You: a) stop the child with the words: “Take a break from running around, you’re already sweating”; b) you ask what he (she) is playing and say: “It’s time to refuel the airplane engine...” or: “The sun has come out from behind the clouds, the storm is subsiding...”; c) sit the child on the sofa, offering to read him a book. 4. While you are busy in the kitchen, the child whines, complaining that he is bored of being left alone in the room with toys. You: a) allow your child to take toys into the kitchen. While you are cooking, support his game with conversation; b) ask the child not to disturb you for now; c) tell your child: “I see how bored you are, but you are not little anymore and you can take care of yourself and entertain yourself with something.” Thank you for your responsiveness and sincerity. Data processing. In percentage terms, it is calculated which answers are greater. Key to the test. by judgment 1 desired answer in; according to judgment 2 - b; according to judgment 3 - b; according to judgment 4 - a.

Questionnaire survey of parents “Initiative of an adult in playful communication with a child”

Goal : to get an idea of ​​the degree of play initiative of an adult in communicating with a child at home, the desire of an adult to recognize the value of the child’s play interests. Dear parents! Please express your opinion on the following judgments. If the judgment coincides with your opinion, circle the corresponding number; if not, cross it out; if in doubt, put a question mark “?” next to the judgment number. 1. I am attentive to my child's need for play. 2. The child has a special place at home where he can freely play with toys. 3. I do not scold a child for disorder and chaos in his room if it is associated with unfinished play. 4. I generally do not tell the child to immediately stop playing and obey my orders. 5. I support the child in making up stories and imagining. 6. I find time almost every day to play at least a little with my child. 7. I help the child come up with new plots for games and develop the content of plots already familiar to the child. 8. I never punish a child by denying him play or communication. 9. I praise the child for his ability to play interestingly and enthusiastically. 10. I allow my child to play with different objects and unnecessary trash if he is interested (empty bottles, jars, food packaging, pieces of fabric, etc.). 11. I prefer that the child plays most of his free time at home. 12. I never say to a playing child the phrase: “Stop messing around, it’s time to get down to business.” Data processing: The percentage weight of all answers circled, crossed out and with a question mark is calculated. The numbers of judgments whose ratings received the highest percentage of positive choices are highlighted. For convenient data analysis, they can be entered into the final table.

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