Graduation of the middle groupmaterial (secondary group) on the topic

Graduation in kindergarten is the first truly serious event in a child’s life. At the same time, it is so touching and even a little sad. The children have reached their first milestone: today they are carefree and gentle kids, tomorrow they will become serious schoolchildren, they will take schoolbags, and with them a whole mountain of duties and responsibilities. A new time will come, very interesting and multifaceted, and now we should say a warm goodbye to the kindergarten, within whose walls they spent their last years, where they were loved and pitied when they were sad, sometimes spoon-fed, held by the hand and solemnly promised that today Mom will definitely come early.

Holding a kindergarten graduation is a real puzzle for parents and educators: how to organize such a large event so that everything goes according to plan, how to create both a solemn and cheerful atmosphere, how to appropriately touch on memories from the life of the group, how to leave a slight anticipation of future events with warm gratitude for what has already passed.

If you are now faced with such difficult tasks, we advise you to take a closer look at this article.

A responsible approach to business involves developing a detailed scenario for the event, including the creation of scenery and decorations, drawing up a children's menu, selection of games and competitions, a plan for performances and musical breaks, but, first of all, it is necessary to choose a graduation theme for children.

Scenario: ideas for the holiday

Scenario creation will go smoothly when there is a central decision.

Don’t forget to organize professional photography and video shooting, the results of which will become an important piece of the family archive and will remain with you for a long time.

We will share with you current trends that will allow you to implement an unusual graduation ceremony in kindergarten.

  1. Detective story.

This theme will turn the holiday into a fascinating investigation, during which children will be able to demonstrate the ingenuity and knowledge they acquired in preparation for school. The detective story is reminiscent of a quest game, which has become very popular in recent years among children and adults.

It can be implemented on different topics, but the essence remains the same - the main action takes place around the search for an important attribute of the holiday (a symbolic school bag or certificates of graduation). On the way to it, graduates and their parents are faced with the need to solve a variety of puzzles and tasks.

  1. Stolen holiday.

“The Stolen Party”, “The Stolen Graduation”, “The Mystery of the Missing Holiday” - a classic, but still relevant program for kindergarten graduation. Its essence lies in the fact that a certain negative character (Troll, Sorcerer, Baba Yaga) was jealous of the upcoming grand event and stole something very valuable (a cake, for example), taking with him the good mood of everyone present. The task of the young graduates will be to restore a good mood with the help of fiery dances and noisy fun, appease the villain and eat cake. Don’t overdo it with the hero’s level of anger - many children are still quite gentle at this age.

  1. Time travel.

An original version of the event, where the central object is a real time machine! With its help, graduation participants travel either into the past, recalling bright events from the life of the group, or into the future, simulating the situations of a future schoolchild. The Time Machine involves participants in solving various tasks that require the use of creativity, logic and a sense of humor. Such a holiday can turn out to be moderately nostalgic, but very touching and sweet.

  1. Superheroes rush to the rescue.

Superheroes always cause genuine delight in children of this age! They save a children's party from the threat of disruption as easily as they save the whole world from destruction. The superhero honor board is replete with the names of characters, both Russian and foreign - choose what is closest to you. But keep in mind, heroes are also in fashion now. You can implement such a concept either on your own or by inviting animators to a children’s graduation party. The second option will save you from many puzzles regarding costumes, props and the search for the actors themselves.

It is difficult to surprise modern preschool children with just a performance and a sweet table. But the original show program will make an indelible impression on them. It can be arranged at the end of the event, as a surprise or gift to graduates, or in the middle of the holiday so that everyone can get distracted and switch gears. The optimal duration is about half an hour, do not overload the children.

We will help you choose a children's show program for kindergarten and carry it out flawlessly. This is what our wizards can do:

  • Tesla Show.
  • Soap bubbles show.
  • Transformers show.
  • Paper show.
  • Illusionist.
  • Magician with a rabbit.
  • Magician with levitation.
  • Chemical show of a scientist.
  • The Alchemist Show.
  • Show "Girl in a Flower".
  • Show "Iron Man".
  • Show of animated dolls.
  • Light painting show.
  • Show of fairies and unicorns.

And this is not a complete list!

Kindergarten graduation

Good news for parents of the Class of 2022 - celebratory events in the gardens will take place at the traditional time, the last week of May. According to the updated rules and regulations of Rospotrebnadzor, holding mass events in educational institutions is possible, but subject to restrictive measures related to the pandemic.

Most Russian kindergartens will allow graduations with the participation of children from the same group. Only one relative of each child will be allowed to attend the holiday. Before visiting kindergarten, the parent or other family member of the graduate will have their body temperature measured. You will need to have a mask and gloves with you.

Each region may introduce other restrictive measures. When exactly and in what format the holiday will take place in your child’s group, check with the staff of your kindergarten.

Checklist for parents: how to prepare for graduation and not forget anything

To make farewell to kindergarten go smoothly, follow the step-by-step instructions for preparing for the holiday:

  1. Discuss all the details with other parents in the messenger or create a separate group for discussion if it does not already exist.
  2. Order a graduation album and, if necessary, photo and video shooting.
  3. Agree on a place where the children will go to celebrate graduation after the holiday in kindergarten.
  4. Buy gifts for children and kindergarten staff.
  5. Get busy decorating the group and the hall, and preparing memorable gifts: diplomas, medals, certificates;.
  6. Take things to the event that may be useful: water, disposable cups, napkins.

What about competitions?

Games and competitions at kindergarten graduation are an important and most anticipated part of the children's event. We advise you to actively involve parents in the process; this will unite those present and allow serious adults to briefly return to childhood. The choice of competitions certainly depends on the main idea of ​​the script. If the event is based on a detective story, then the competitions will be aimed at solving charades-riddles and searching for evidence of a crime. Please note that the total time allocated for competitions should not exceed a quarter of the total fun. It is better to break them up into several sessions so that the holiday does not turn into a continuous relay race.

The variations of competitions and games are almost endless and limited only by your imagination. Here are some examples for your inspiration:

  • “It’s time to go to school” or “pack your briefcase.” A fun competition for ingenuity and attentiveness. In front of the children (can be divided into teams) there are different objects with which they need to fill the backpack. Among them there are things that are not related to school (a ball, a doll, a book with fairy tales, etc.).
  • Various variations of guessing games - children should guess a melody, profession, riddle or object by touching it blindfolded.
  • “Put the puzzle together” or “put the word together.” 3-4 people participate in the competition. They need to quickly assemble a picture related to the theme of the event. A more difficult option is to then assemble a word from the letters provided.
  • "Find a match." Kids must remember who is the mate of this or that character from a cartoon or literary work (Mickey and Mini, Kai and Gerda, Alyonushka and Ivanushka).
  • "Traffic Laws". Using pictures with signs, children must demonstrate knowledge of traffic rules, be vigilant and not go astray.
  • "Who is better?". This game is suitable for any topic - who built the pyramid higher, who braided the hair from ribbons better, who knows the heroes of fairy tales better, etc.
  • "Silent relay race" The team must run a relay race, but instead of a stick there is a rattle. The main task is to not be heard.
  • "Do as I do". The children's task is to repeat the movements of the leader and learn a funny, fiery dance.
  • "Portrait of a teacher." The kids’ task is to draw a portrait of their teacher with the help of their parents. Creativity and sense of humor are welcome!

Kindergarten graduation suit

Prom is associated with boys in sharp suits and girls in beautiful dresses. Parents of boys have it a little easier: they don’t need to create complicated hairstyles for their son and dress him up in uncomfortable clothes. Girls have a more difficult time - tradition requires being a princess: wearing an outfit that makes it difficult to move and trying not to be too active so as not to ruin your hair.

Experienced mothers who have already gone through kindergarten graduations advise not to torment their children by forcing them to wear beautiful but uncomfortable clothes all day - suits and ball gowns are enough to wear for the formal part of the holiday and for a photo shoot. And then it is better to dress the child, regardless of gender, in light clothes in which it will be comfortable to run and play.

When choosing an image for your son or daughter, do not forget to check the opinion of the child himself. For children aged 6-7 years, it is important that their opinion is taken into account, and parents can always gently push the child to choose the most suitable option for a holiday outfit.

How to dress a girl?

Together with your daughter, you can choose any festive outfit: a fluffy princess dress or a short dress, a multi-colored or plain dress, an outfit with an abundance of accessories or with one accent decoration.

Options for girls' dresses for graduation in kindergarten:

  • a ball gown that is not too long so that the girl does not get tangled in the folds of the fabric: for example, a dress with a fitted top and a fluffy skirt just below the knees;
  • light knitted openwork dress;
  • dress with a knitted openwork top and a silk skirt;
  • a simple plain dress above the ankle length: the outfit will look more interesting if you add a belt with a satin bow to the look;
  • a straight or fluffy dress with sequins - in such an outfit the girl will feel like a completely grown-up.

What else to pay attention to when choosing a festive outfit for a girl:

  • choose comfortable shoes: the right size, without heels and decorations that can damage delicate skin. Even sneakers will look organic with some outfits;
  • it is better to choose a dress made of breathable material: cotton, viscose;
  • a girl will not be hot in a dress with short sleeves;
  • complex designs, for example, corsets and hoops, will greatly complicate the child’s movements;
  • Very short dresses often don't look good in photographs.

Hairstyles for kindergarten graduation

During preschool age, most girls wear long or medium-length hair. For their daughter’s first special event, mothers have the opportunity to give their daughter a beautiful, unusual hairstyle, and to make a girl’s hair look even more beautiful, use ribbons, tiaras, flower wreaths and other accessories to create a hairstyle.

Options for holiday hairstyles for girls:

Princess hairstyle with curls for long hair, without backcombing

What you will need:

  • comb or hair brush;
  • thin hair elastic;
  • extension roller in hair color;
  • long bobby pins (about 6 centimeters long);
  • Polish for hair;
  • curling iron;
  • hairpins;
  • hair decorations: hairpins, bows or any other.

Watch the master class on creating a princess hairstyle in video format:

Quick evening hairstyle for long or medium length hair

What you will need:

  • comb;
  • 8-10 thin hair ties;
  • two hair rollers, similar in tone to the girl’s hair color;
  • invisible;
  • curling iron;
  • hair decorations - optional.

Video instructions for creating a hairstyle:

A beautiful hairstyle for short hair that makes your hair look longer

What you will need:

  • curling iron;
  • comb;
  • hairpins and bobby pins;
  • thin hair elastic;
  • hair ornaments.

How to do a prom hairstyle for a girl with short hair - watch the video:

For 15 more ideas for simple holiday hairstyles, watch the video tutorial:

How to dress a boy?

A festive suit for a boy can be special, chosen specifically for graduation, or absolutely classic - then the suit will also serve the child at school.

The nuances of choosing clothes for a boy for graduation in the garden:

  • a black three-piece suit (trousers, jacket, vest) is appropriate for any formal event;
  • it is better to give preference to clothes with a small addition of synthetics - such a suit will retain its original appearance for a long time;
  • A plain shirt will look good with a suit: you don’t have to choose a classic white shirt, you can choose a bright-colored shirt;
  • a tie or bow tie will add solemnity to the image, but you can do without them if the boy categorically refuses to wear accessories;
  • if you want to stand out and experiment, try combinations that are bolder than a classic suit: beige trousers and a vest, white trousers and a black silk shirt, a bright jacket with three-quarter sleeves;

You can put your son in closed-toed sandals or classic shoes that the boy can later wear to school.

Useful tips for parents

We advise young parents to think in advance about gifts for the teacher, head, other staff and children. As practice shows, disputes and doubts on this matter, collecting money and purchasing everything necessary last a very long time.

For the teacher and manager, choose durable items, small household appliances, good dishes or high-quality home textiles. Think carefully about what this person might like, remember his preferences, characteristics, tastes. Stick to neutral colors or pastel shades; the obsessive design of household items and decor may not impress everyone equally.

For children who are already dreaming of the beginning of the school year, something related to school and diligent study (a brand new pencil case, a stationery set, a set for creativity) will be a pleasant gift.

Does all this seem too complicated to you? But we don't! Holding an unforgettable graduation for your children is Sea Show’s favorite thing! Call us and we will discuss all the details!

Gift for teacher for kindergarten graduation

Wanting to thank teachers for their work, some parents are ready to spend money on expensive things - for example, household appliances, jewelry - or donate a significant amount of money from the group. But such gifts can put teachers in an awkward position, and it is better to make do with more discreet gift options. As a thank you to the teacher, the following are suitable:

  • a variety of dishes: engraved cups, vases, trays;
  • gift certificates: to shops, for massage, to a beauty salon;
  • textiles: bed linen, tablecloths, blankets;
  • good books - if you know exactly the teacher’s preferences in literature;
  • basket with fruits or sweets;
  • indoor plant;
  • furniture or interior items for the group - if you still want to give an expensive gift.

The opposite situation also happens: when parents were able to collect a purely symbolic amount for gifts for teachers. In this case, it would be appropriate to thank the teachers personally, if you have the desire and opportunity, by presenting a gift from your family.

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