Summary of the sports festival in the middle group “We are friends with sports”


1 Efremova Irina Nikolaevna, teacher, MBDOU “Child Development Center kindergarten 134 “Zhemchuzhinka”, Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic Summary of a sports festival in the middle group “We are friends with sports” Abstract: this summary is aimed at developing interest and value attitude towards physical education. Key words: integration of motor and cognitive activity of children of primary preschool age. Goal: to develop children’s interest and value-based attitude towards physical education. Objectives: Educational: - formation of motor skills; — the child’s acquisition of basic knowledge about the role of physical exercise in human life and ways to strengthen their own health. Educational: - developing interest and need for physical exercise; - versatile and harmonious development of the child; — instilling physical culture; — development of team qualities; - development of speed and agility; Wellness: — strengthening the child’s health (strengthening the musculoskeletal system);

2 - versatile physical improvement of body functions. - bringing a feeling of joy and a positive attitude to preschoolers. Equipment: red and yellow bracelets for each child, skittles, sports tunnels, massage balls according to the number of children, throwing baskets, sets of modular massage mats, hoops, audio recordings of music. Progress of entertainment. Leading. Hello guys, hello dear guests, we invite you to the “We are friends with sports” sports competitions. If you want to be skillful, dexterous, fast, strong, brave, Learn to love jump ropes, balls, hoops and sticks Never be discouraged Hit the target with balls That’s the secret of health Be healthy! Physical education (children in chorus - Hello) Luntik comes in to the music and looks around. Luntik: - I don’t understand what happened. Am I in a dream or in reality? There is laughter and fun everywhere, everyone is in a great mood! Maybe the people are celebrating the Glorious New Year holiday? Host: You, my friend, didn’t guess right. Sport brought us together here. Everyone who values ​​their health, Everyone who wants to live longer. Luntik:

3 Why do I need sports? For my health, I’ll eat a cake, At home in bed, in the warmth, I’ll lie down, I’ll watch cartoons on TV, watch a movie. Host: You’re wrong, Luntik. You won't become healthy that way. The guys will tell you why we need sports. Children: Sports and I are strong friends. The kids really need sports. Sports - Helper. Sports - Health. Sport is a game. Physical training! Host: Today, dear Luntik, we are having a sports festival “We are friends with sports.” At the festival we will compete and play. I know that you are brave, dexterous, skillful, play sports, grow up and will definitely become champions! Luntik: I also want to play sports! I also want to compete and play! (starts walking around the hall and scratches the back of his head). How is it to compete? What is it like to play sports? Presenter: And we will teach you now! Celebration of sports and health Starts now. We invite you, children, to the sports ground. Host: Before any competition you need to warm up well. Guys, stand in a circle. We will repeat our favorite warm-up exercise. Physical training to the song – exercise “Radiant Sun”.

4 Presenter: Well done, guys! We had fun exercising and warmed up well! And now I invite the teams to a fun start. Luntik, you too join us. We will split into two teams. Look at your hands, everyone has multi-colored bracelets on their hands. Some will have red bracelets behind me, and some will have yellow bracelets behind Luntik. The first competition is called "Teams by Place". One, two, three - start building. Children line up behind the leader and Luntik. Presenter: Well done, guys. Everyone lined up together. Host: The second competition is called “Snake”. Be careful, on command you need to run a “snake” between the pins, run around the last one, and come back as quickly as possible. Is everyone ready? Once. Two. Three. Run. Running like a snake between the pins Host: What attentive and fast guys. Host: The next competition is called “Tunnel”. The guys will crawl through the tunnel on all fours, run around the pins behind it, and run back back. Now we will command in unison: one, two, three - start crawling. Relay "Tunnel". Host: How deftly the guys crawled through the tunnels. Host: The fourth competition is called “Hit the Target.” Participants take one massage ball, jump on two legs from hoop to hoop, and throw the ball from the last hoop into a basket at a distance of 2 meters. After the throw, the children run back to their team. Relay race "Sharpshooters". Host: So we found out who our most accurate shooter is. Luntik, did you like our competition? Luntik: Now I understand how fun it is to compete. I liked your guys. They are fast, agile, athletic. On the Moon we love to walk on moon rocks, it is very useful. I brought stones to Earth and I want to give them to children and teach them to walk on them. I suggest walking on moon rocks.

5 Luntik shows orthopedic modules for walking and, together with the teacher, lays them out around the hall in the form of a path. Walking around the orthopedic modules around the hall. Luntik: Guys, did you like my gift? And you can relax on the “moon stones”. Sit down guys like me. Children sit on soft modules in Turkish style. Host: I suggest you guys have a lot of rest and guess sports-themed riddles Luntik: I’ll guess too, I’m too much the first! Host: Okay, Luntik, listen and guess. (Luntik first guesses the riddles incorrectly, then the children correct him). Who lifts dumbbells, Throws the cannonball the farthest, Runs fast, shoots accurately. What is the one word for all of them? (Athletes) This horse doesn’t eat oats. Instead of legs there are two wheels. Sit astride it and rush on it. Just steer better (Bicycle). Two snub-nosed girlfriends Race, race after each other. Both ribbons on the snow. Leaves on the run. (Skis). I want to become a strongman. I’m coming. I’m talking to a strongman - Tell me about this How did you become a strongman?

6 He smiled back. It’s very simple for many years, every day I get out of bed and lift (Dumbbells). Luntik: I understand, I understand what it means to play sports! It's so fun, interesting and useful. I even wanted to dance. We love to dance on the Moon. Guys, let's dance together, let's all get up and dance. Dance - flash mob “We are little stars.” Luntik: It’s so good that the guys taught me how to play sports. Now I’ll run to my friends, Kuza, Mila, Bee, and show what I learned from the guys. Goodbye children, goodbye guests. Children: Goodbye, Luntik. Presenter: It’s time to end our sports festival. We will shout to the sports festival: “Hurray!” REFERENCES 1. Federal state standard of preschool education Approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia The main educational program of preschool education “Kindergarten 2100”. M.: BALASS, Kolomychenko S. Enriching the motor experience of preschool children / S. Kolmychenko // Preschool education, Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education in kindergarten. M.: Mozaikasintez, 2012.

Physical education “Fun Starts” in the middle group.

Goal: To attract children to a healthy lifestyle through sports entertainment.


1. Preserve and strengthen the physical health of children.

2. Instill in children the ability to win and lose without losing heart.

3. Cultivate courage, determination, a sense of camaraderie and empathy for each other, self-confidence and perseverance in overcoming obstacles.

Presenter: Hello, dear guys and distinguished guests! We are very pleased to see you all today at our holiday! We are starting the most fun of all sports and the most athletic of all fun games - “Fun Starts”! Competitors will compete in strength, agility, ingenuity, and speed!

Music is playing.

Host: Guys, do you know that balls come in different sizes, big and small, rubber and inflatable, plastic and leather. They are fun to play with!

-And now we have a warm-up.

Games “Toss-catch”, “Hit-catch”

-Well done boys!

Host: Well, our warm-up is over, and now the real competition begins. You and I will divide into two teams: one team will be called “Smile”, and the other “Kapitoshka” (we are divided into teams; the calculation is for the first - the second)

Presenter: The relay has begun:

"Kick the ball into the goal"

Team members take turns trying to roll the ball into the goal with a broom.

- “Hit the target”

Each player must hit the ball in the basket.

Host: And now I propose to play with two balls. Big and small.

"Swap the balls"

Children are divided into two teams. One player must put a small ball in the hoop and take a large one. The next player switches places of the balls.

"Running - flying on a cannonball"

Ball held between knees. Jump to the turning post, then pick up the ball and run, and pass it to the next one.

- “Pass the ball”

Participants stand behind each other. The captains are given balls. At the leader’s signal, the captains pass the ball over their heads to the second player, the second to the third, and so on until the last. The latter, having received the ball, must run around his team, stand at the head of it and lift the ball up.


Well done to our teams,

Strong, skillful,

Friendly, cheerful,

Fast and brave!

We completed the task quickly! Now it's time to play.

Game “Naughty Balls” ( both teams stand in a common circle and pass three balls in a circle in one direction to the music)

-At the end of the music, whoever has the ball in their hands is out of the game. There is only one winner left.

Presenter: Our games are over.
There are no losers here. But there is a lot of good mood, joy, health. Our childhood friend, a cheerful and mischievous ball, helped us with this! Author: Gracheva Nadezhda Viktorovna

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